Now that we have a much better idea of the power levels of the various X-Men / Brotherhood members I thought I would take the opportunity to bump one of my threads to it's previous glory. I have assessed whether the respective teams are stronger or weaker than initially anticipated and unfortunately it still doesn't look too good for our favourite pieces of mutie scum.
Magneto - far more adept at bridge manipulation than foreseen
Phoenix - powers on par with expectation (not comic level) - nuff said
Juggernaut - skilled at crashing through walls, thick
Mystique - sleek action sequences but unlikley to be involved late on
Pyro - looking a lot more powerful than previously expected - should be very influential
Multiple Man - effect looks good but unseen in action
Arclight - nice effect - don't know how much she will be used
Callisto - new superspeed and mutant tracking ability - takes it to Storm at one point
Quill - haven't seen his power in action yet


Storm - true wind-riding weather goddess level power
Wolverine - berserker rages fully realised
Rogue - not much happening here
Iceman - can ice up, looking more confident in his powers
Beast - looking more agile than feared
Xavier - no evidence of how fully his telepathic power will be realised
Cyclops - not expected to have a great deal of impact
Angel - can fly as expected
Kitty - uses her powers more often and effectively than expected - takes it to Juggs
Colossus - Metals up often, haven't yet seen him fight