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People are split, but generally-
- The investigation missions are easy but repetitive
- The assassination missions are fun
- Free Running is perfect
- The environment design is amazing
- Combat is split, a lot think it's great a lot don't
I love Assassin's Creed, it's my favorite game (That I've played) so far this Gen. I enjoyed all the missions and exploring the cities. I love the combat and the assassinations. Free running across Damascus rooftops while being chased by 8 sword wielding guards is so much fun.
There are plenty of people who didn't like it, though. So like I said, people are split.
.I hope Assassins Creed 2 is set in the future, in a futuristic city, and you play as the guy held under captive
I would not mind a slightly more modern day one (not 2 but maybe for 3 or 4) Mainly because the rooftop running scene in Bourne Ultimatum is fantastic and really feels like Assassin's Creed with guns. But I want some more olden times locations. Like you said Medieval times would be great I wouldn't know which cities though.
A real modern day one seems really hard.. How could you have AC in like NYC? you couldn't jump from roof to roof. There are a lot of heigh differences.
Know it has been out for a while,but just got it.
The game is VERY repetitive and you dont have to waste time saving citizens bc u never really need them anyway all you have to do is leap rooftops. I didnt like the game but hey thas jus my opinion and I did play it right after I beat mass effect so that might have scued my opinion coming from an epic story to a bland one