I don't think you can lump it in to two categories.
The virals were fantastic. But when I saw the film, I couldn't help but feel that in the long run, they were completely unrelated to the film. And I feel a little bad saying this, but after the film, I had this feeling like the virals were completely unnecessary.
Edit: To give an example: The Joker in the film didn't at all feel like the Joker we dealt with. To me, the Joker in the film probably couldn't care less about the sort of things that took place in the virals. I dunno. It's like they got Ledger's character all wrong. But I suppose that'll happen when things such as these take place.
Anyone know what I mean there?
I don't think you can lump it in to two categories.
The virals were fantastic. But when I saw the film, I couldn't help but feel that in the long run, they were completely unrelated to the film. And I feel a little bad saying this, but after the film, I had this feeling like the virals were completely unnecessary.
Edit: To give an example: The Joker in the film didn't at all feel like the Joker we dealt with. To me, the Joker in the film probably couldn't care less about the sort of things that took place in the virals. I dunno. It's like they got Ledger's character all wrong. But I suppose that'll happen when things such as these take place.
Anyone know what I mean there?
They had to be two stand alone entities. It would have been ridiculous to make having participated in the virals a necessity to understanding the movie, given that about 98% of the attendees had probably never seen a viral site. The first wave of people would have walked out of the theater wondering "what was that all about?" and told everyone else that while there were some good fights, they could not understand the plot or who these dead people were they kept referring to.
The movie also could not digress into explaining stuff that happened to the viral, they had their hands full just giving us the story they did.
The virals were unnecessary in a manner of speaking. They could have used the budget for them for traditional advertising and done alright that way to. But they tried a different approach here (not their only apporach as evidenced by all the product tie-ins and traditional advertisements) and what they were after I think was "buzz". They wanted the general public to know that there was something up, that there was more going on than just another movie - and it did not matter if the general public knew exactly what it was. Sometimes it is enough to know that there is something different going on, even if you don't know exactly what. Like the Matrix - even before people went to the movie they knew there was something different about the special effects (they were "cool"), but it was not something they knew every specific about. Even after watching the movie it was difficult to explain the effects to someone that had not seen it.
Also, the viral campaign gave such a good glimpse of how the citizens of Gotham perceive Batman.
I think 42 actually gave us an out here...Actually.... If anything, the virals painted them as a semi-noble group that existed to show public support for Batman. Then as soon as they showed up on screen Nolan showed them as the complete morons that they were originally intended to be.
According to one GPD official, the Gotham Defense League is "a bunch of radical mavericks who think they know better than the police. They are would-be thugs who are going to get themselves and innocent people killed. These people are terrorists in my opinion.""
The internet virals gave me entertainment for a year, and created my intense longing to see the Dark Knight. I would have wanted to see it as soon as I saw the first preveiw, but the virals made me soo excited.
What MAY have spoiled the movie a bit is hanging around SHH and looking at all the clips and such (I'm weak-willed). Everything would have been a bit fresher if I hadn't watched those clips over and over (like the party scene).
There is CFB, the non-vigilante group of batman supporters who lobbied for Prop D, and then there is the fringe idiot movement, "GDL."
...at least that is what I tell myself when I wear my CFB shirt.
Edit: To give an example: The Joker in the film didn't at all feel like the Joker we dealt with. To me, the Joker in the film probably couldn't care less about the sort of things that took place in the virals. I dunno. It's like they got Ledger's character all wrong. But I suppose that'll happen when things such as these take place.
Anyone know what I mean there?
So...What was better...All the virals that lead up to the movie or the movie itself...The Dark Knight?
The virals were phenomenal, the movie was phenomenal, 'nough said.