As usual, thanks for looking and commenting
This page was physically and mentally rough to do, trying to focus through the heat and not drip sweat on the page. Air conditioning makes me sneeze, so no night drawing either, so compositioning issues were just another uphill battle. Basically, I misjudged my spacing, even after doing thumbnails, I blame it mental fatigue.
I hope page 4 doesn't take as long.
Wade, I get my board from my local comic shop, but I think blueline pro has a site.
nightcrawler29, I'm glad you like the look of the hulk, I'm experimenting on him with a style conglomeration of some McFarlane/Lee linework on most panels, and some Byrne/Perez type lines on others. I wasn't sure if I wanted a modern look, or a more classic look, so I'm trying both.