Sava said:
thats bulls**t IMO, he can anything he wants but what it comes down to is that he f**ked it up. cycs should have been one of the top characters, he can say "well, i was setting him up for a big role" and s**t like that but why use him at the end?...You know as well as i do that if he had made the 3rd Wolverine would have been the top character, with Magneto and Phoenix second and Storm and Charles 3rd. He just wouldnt have the room to fit in cycs, He sure as hell wasnt going to make Wolverine a secondary character, he wasnt going to do that with Magneto or Charles. Fox would have made him make Storm a big character in the 3rd even if he didnt like it. He left himself too much to do with too little time.
Marvel is currently producing an animated show called Wolverine and the X-men, Fox didnt want Cyclops in X3 to begin with, both the writers have confirmed this (the scheduling conflict stuff is BS) ánd producer Lauren Shuler Donner has said many times that she couldn't imagine making an X-Men movie without Wolverine. Its pretty obvious that Singer likes Logan/Wolverine but there were and are other people who pushed him as leader too.Its more than just Singer's infatuation with the character.
Why do i think he'd have a bigger role in X3?
He left hints that Cyke would get a much more substantial role in 3.The scene in X1 is the prime example since he tells Proffesor (in coma) that he would 'take care of them' if anything should happen plus Jean confesses in X2 that she loves Scott not Logan.Also, reportedly, Singer's story treatment only had a small role for Storm.
In Ratner's X3 they switched that around and gave the reigns to Storm and made Logan appear to be one thats Jean's true love.
I'm not sure i'd want Ratner there from the start. After reading that he wanted Harry Knowles as consultant on Superman i'm wary plus he was going to spend 300 million on that movie as well. God knows what he would have done with X3. He axed the Phoenix firebird and the Phoenix rise sequence for crying out loud even though it was scripted.Even Singer, accused of having know knowledge of the comics, had firebird in his movie.
Sava said:
i actually think Ratner f**ked up really bad but then again, it wasnt his script, so who knows what he could have done. SR was a great film. Fox f**ked up with X3 really badly, if they had waited and given the 200mill to Singer, tehy would have ended with film that grossed 600mill easy. Insted they rushed the hell out of it and cramed alot of things that didnt need to be there. They didnt need the cure s**t in there, they didnt need the love triangle between Iceman, Rouge (sp) and that other girl. They didnt need Juggernaut in there (that story is perfect for its own film)... and so on.
I agree
except i think they could have incooperated Juggernaut's story in to X3 but for that they should have sacrificed some of the new characters, some of which were unnecessary to the movie in my opnion. I also feel they could have acknowledged the relationship between Charles and Cain. I know that Matthew Vaughn was going to do that. Shame they dropped it.
Having said all that i do think there are many things they
did get right in X3. I loved Kitty, Famke was fantastic as Phoenix (though her screen time was too small), Magneto was fantastic as always, Mystique(same) Grammer as Beast was great as were the Pyro/Iceman confrontations (loved those) and some of the action was pretty exciting, Dark Phoenix vs Xavier was shocking - just to name a few good things.