Howard the Duck- I have no clue what this movie is about outside of showing a talking duck. I'm sure even George Lucas and LucasFilms wants to disown invovlement in it. It has no redeeming value, which is disappointing considering I sort of liked him in the comics.
The Punisher '89- Even as a kid watching the unedited version it was completely and utterly boring. There's a vapid attempt at a storyline with an equally nonexistent amount of intriguing moments. I still say 'pass' on it to this day. Dolph Lundgren's acting and the complete lack of source material present makes this movie a train-wreck.
Daredevil Theatrical Cut- The first disappointing Marvel movie of the new age for me. The action did not make up at all for the seethrough plot, so-so acting of Affleck/ Garner, and a film that just didn't have enough material for me to invest my enjoyment in. Affleck and Garner's supposed romantic moments all came off as trite and nonessential. It lacks any sort of pulse-pounding moments and sports a story that didn't delve nearly enough into Matt Murdock as a lawyer. I haven't seen the DC version, so I'll reserve judgement on that. But it had better have a great Kingpin climax, because that's the only moment of the film where it actually felt like Matt was doing something worth watching.
The Punisher '04- I've seen this only recently, but it left a real bad taste afterwards. I enjoyed reading the script more than the actual film. John Travolta's acting made his role as Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction seem like it was played by an entirely different and superior actor, and in the end the hilariously stupid deaths and explosions for the sake of explosions take away from the immersion one should feel watching Frank Castle cut loose. An imposing Punisher and a film with a much more gritty approach should be what the sequel shoots for.
Blade: Trinity- I really want to say it's better than Ghost Rider, but the sex toys, Jessica Biel's acting and Ryan Reynold's lack of purpose tore this one apart. The action pales in comparison to Blade II, and Drake's only "wow" moment was his transformation at the end. David S. Goyer should stick to making the scripts and wait for del Toro to make time to direct in the future; the lack of good filmography and direction is really felt pungently.
Elektra- This film should never have been made, and on some level Fox believing that this was a sequel to Daredevil (on top of that, a logical continuation) makes me want to find the people who greenlighted this and use them for keeping my pimp hand strong.
Fantastic Four- It gave a good try, but one can really tell that the studio had 100% say in this film. Doom lacked all notions of presence and I cringe at the fact that they originally wanted him maskless throughout the film. He feels like Norman Osborn with an iron mask. Julian McMahon's portrayl was not half bad, but by the end of the movie he needed that true blue Doom voice that never came. Story didn't help by reminding me that he made Barbershop. The choice of working material for this film is inane- the Thing looks like he was made by a toddler, Alba has no flair in her role as Susan Storm, the plot is way too slow and mischaracterizes many, the comedy is far from funny, and the SFX left me wanting more. This sequel has to be infinitely better to survive.
X-Men: The Last Stand- If I had the finances to buy every single illegal copy, reel and DVD from everyone who lived on Earth owning one of the aforementioned I would create the world's largest microwave oven so I could watch sparks fly as Super Purity Aluminum and thermoplastic slowly burn away. This was, is and forever shall be a disaster in my eyes. It left me wishing they would never make a sequel off of the events of the film...a pipe dream, at best, as I'm just waiting for the official X4 confirmation.
All of these films, in my eyes, were worse than Ghost Rider.