Marvel Solicitations for November 2011

-Casanova to $2.99 and possibly back to an ongoing as opposed to structured minis. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH YEEAAAAHHHHH. Best news I've heard all week, and the week just started *****es.

-Cool to see Scarlet finally re-solicited, whether we actually get it or not. But heh, I like that it specifies that's not the final cover when there isn't even a cover. I really do hope the cover isn't nothing, either :p But anyway, hopefully it does actually make a comeback

-Did Brilliant's first issue come out? I'm still not totally sold on that.

-Seeing all the blue and gold X-Men stuff just reminds me that I just don't really care anymore about that franchise or basically anyone from it. I see all those silhouetted covers, and all the stink the news sites are making and...I just don't give even the smallest of ****s anymore.

-I get that it goes along with the whole .1 promotion Marvel has now...but I just can't use to seeing a first numbered 0.1. It just looks weird.

-I really hate the price for Fantastic Four 600. I know, technically, it's a pretty good deal since the book seems to be adless, but I still have fond memories of when they released ASM 600 with that amount for $4.99, or even when DC released AC 900 for $5.99. I guess it's just too much to ask, in the end, for Marvel to give readers a bit of break with these things. Also, kudos for Hickman for apparently writing this amount of content himself. I mean, he basically just wrote a GN in the middle of a run while writing 2-3 other books. That's some dedication.

-Speaking of which, not sure where that leaves me with FF. The Future Foundation is a neat idea and all, but I'm not sure if I really care to read about just them on a regular basis. I'll see come November how I feel about it.

-I was pretty excited when I saw Spencer would be writing a Dr. Doom mini. I really liked his DC work, but he's yet to be put on something that interests me. But Doom's college I don't know, I may still check it out, and I've always like Cloonan's art, even if she's an odd choice for this particular project.
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Frank Miller Elektra Assassin Hardcover, yes please. <3 Bah Age of Apocalypse Omnibus can't be found on internet stores yet, grrr!
Frank Miller Elektra Assassin Hardcover, yes please. <3 Bah Age of Apocalypse Omnibus can't be found on internet stores yet, grrr!
- Runaways in Daken's book, nice!

- I knew it was a matter of time before The Annihilators teamed-up with the Avengers. Can't keep the cosmic stuff separate eh?

- Taskmaster onthe cover of Battle Scars :awesome:

- I...might actually read The Avenging Spider-Man
Yeah... of all that the Runaways in Daken has me the most excited.

And I have been been tredging through Fear Itself, praying for the day when it's over. There is absolutely no chance of me messing with 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 (absurd as those are) or any of the aftermath titles. Fear Itslef ends at 7 for me and even that's 7 issues too long.
My thoughts on November's offerings:

Out of the Fear Itself 7.1,2 and 3 issues I'm only going to get the Cap one for the Bucky funeral. I may cave and get the Thor one even though it sounds like he is going to be powerless again and that's something I've already seen, which was right after Heroes Return if I recall correctly.

The Battle Scars mini I'll decide on as it gets closer to see if it's impact is highly relevant. Fear has left a bad taste in my mouth.

Probably not going back to the Avengers main book even if that's the original Vision on the cover.

Speaking of post Onslaught Marvel in Heroes Return - I'm not too sure about the Hulk now either. Thor powerless and a separate Hulk/Banner are 2 things that I've seen done and recently. Marvel is re-hashing plots from the late 90's it seems. What's next? They going to have an X-Men plot with Twelve mutants vs Apocalypse? Maybe Hawkeye will quit the Avengers and lead the Thunderbolts as outlaws? Will Spider-Man be forced to take on 4 new identities because Osborn puts another bounty on his head?:dry:

A classic Avenger gets killed in Avengers Academy......hmmmmmm. Front running candidates are Hellcat, Photon, Firebird or Stingray. I don't think any have been used recently. Swordsman is out there along with the female Yellowjacket but they just both came back in Chaos War.

I'm giving Mighty Thor and Taranus 1 issue to impress me or I'm gone. Why create this guy when you could bring back Eric Masterson???

Avenging Spider-Man looks like another attempt at Marvel Team-Up. I'm on board, I like Wells. Hopefully it's the first volume of MTU to succeed since the original.

Hopefully the Vulture coming back in ASM is Toomes and not the one that pukes everywhere. The bald head in the shadow looks promising.
The cover for Generation Hope #13 shows Colossus with the Juggernaut helmet on. I knew he made a deal with Cyttorak, but this just looks ridiculous. Such a stupid idea.
My only thoughts..Its really past due (almost beyond forgiveness)to see Vision on the Avengers main team, looks like hawkeye is getting an appearence to match the movies, marvel c'mon.

That team on the cover of 19 is underpowered for an Avengers team, maybe not the worse team ever, but underpowered.

Everything else...meh, Annhilators, i was thinking was gonna deal with Annhilus hitting earth, not Magus. Although I'm not against the character, I've never been a huge Magus fan...and he had a pretty good run, whilst some older cosmic villians have not.
That team on the cover of 19 is underpowered for an Avengers team, maybe not the worse team ever, but underpowered.

If that's the original Vision, plus Tony, Carol and Spidey - all together they can compensate for Thor or Rulk being absent.
If that's the original Vision, plus Tony, Carol and Spidey - all together they can compensate for Thor or Rulk being absent.
Meh, power's not my problem. They've been harping on the big three for a while now. You'd think they'd want Thor to stick around for the movie instead of ditching him from the team again so soon.

Granted, it's looking like he'll be dead or gone after Fear Itself...
Oh, I agree. The concept of a potential replacement God of Thunder is pretty lame. Even if he isn't technically a God doesn't mean he can't be on the team.

It's always been a problem if you think about it. Cap, Tony and Thor haven't always been on the same lineups. Even when Busiek rebooted the franchise Tony disappeared a couple of arcs in because his armor went sentient. When he came back, 5 minutes later Thor was throwing a tantrum and storming off because the press was picking on him.
Out of the Fear Itself 7.1,2 and 3 issues I'm only going to get the Cap one for the Bucky funeral.

That's about the only one I'll consider. My problem with it is that it's supposed to springboard the next year of Bru's Captain America and lead into a major secretive project coming up. If it doesn't read as a stand alone issue I'm not getting it. If it does then I may. I do often like funeral issues.
Goddamnit, Thor is totally getting killed or depowered. I hope it's the latter and we at least get little glimpses of him in his own f***ing comic. Motherf***ers just did this a few years ago. In a way better story! :cmad:

The Fearless sounds all right. Valkyrie and Crossbones are fun.

What the f*** is Taskmaster doing hanging out with Cap and Fury?

Oh, separate Hulk and Banner too. Another story that's been done a few times. :o

F*** the non-Thor-having, still-being-written-by-Bendis Avengers. And f*** Hawkeye's s***ty Ultimate-wannabe costume. :o

Haha, Tony's actions = drinking again to summon Odin. Iron Man + alcoholism = yet another story that's been done to death. Excellent.

Oh, hey, Journey into Mystery. At least you still look gooOH S***, WHILCE PORTACIO IS DRAWING? AAAAAAAAARGH! :argh:

Ah, Avengers Academy actually does sound good all-around. Finally. I'm feeling a bit better.

All this "Asgard is forever changed" stuff makes me wonder if it's going to be destroyed and rebuilt in a new Ragnarok cycle post-Fear Itself. Which is a cool idea... except the current cycle was supposed to be the final one, free of all the things that made those previous Ragnarok cycles possible. :o

Now here's something cool. I'm liking the Avengers Origins one-shots. Not just because it's always cool to get more non-Bendis Avengers comics, as far as I'm concerned. I like them because they're focusing on some of the not-quite-A-list Avengers. A one-shot retelling Captain America or Iron Man's origin for the fifty billionth time would be stupid (yes, I see the Thor issue, but I'm ignoring that), but the Wasp and Ant-Man? Luke Cage? The Vision? Hell yeah, people could definitely use a refresher on them. Good idea, Marvel. It's nice to know you still have them sometimes. :up:

Sweet, little done-in-ones with random Avengers. Avengers: Solo sounds awesome. I'm sure it'll sell like s***, just like every other anthology series anyone's attempted in the past decade or two, but it's nice to see Marvel still trying.

lulz, the new Dark Avengers. I imagine the meeting that spawned this idea went something like this:
Random Editor: Osborn dressing up villains as heroes and calling them the Avengers? How many times can the same concept be rehashed before people get sick of it?
Bendis: Let's find out!

Bets on how many issues of Avenging Spider-Man Joe Mad can pump out before he absconds on an indefinite leave to play video games again? I say 3. 5 tops.

F***, Loki's in All-Winners Squad? Has that been any good? Maybe I should pick up the back-issues and start reading it...

Wow, at first I looked at the DD cover and thought, "Haha, Daredevil vs. some random luchadore? That's kind of silly." But the allusion to Battlin' Jack Murdock should make it interesting.

lulz, baby Magus! Earthfall still sounds a bit iffy. I hope DnA remember that Earth is extremely special to about half of the Annihilators and at least have them arguing about its destruction amongst themselves.

Thor: The Deviants Saga? I feel like Thor's fought the Deviants before, but it's from a period in his series I haven't gotten around to reading yet. Is this supposed to be a new story or just one of those retellings of old stories by new creators, like Avengers & the Infinity Gauntlet from a little while ago?

Dang, Machine Man cameo and Patrick Zircher on Hulk? I may have to start reading that series again.

Haha, Shame Itself sounds like an actual What The--?! style comedy one-shot from Marvel. That's awesome. I never thought I'd see one of those again. Definitely picking that up.

Dang, that Herc cover makes me really, really wish Oeming were drawing that series. I'm not sure who David Hahn is, but I hope he's not as boring an artist as Neil Edwards.

Six Guns sounds kind of fun. I have no interest in any of the established characters from anything prior to that (didn't even know there was a female Tarantula, in fact), but I may give it a try just for the novelty of a western comic from a mainstream publisher. Andy Diggle doesn't hurt either.

Thunderbolts just sounds weird. I'm a bit wary of using time travel for crossovers. But Parker's done a great job so far, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Victor Von Doom sounds a little bit terrible. I mean, does anyone really want to see the "youthful, angsty" side of Doom? Dude's plenty angsty in his later years; I shudder to think of how emo he would be when he's still chasing down his mom's soul.

Villains for Hire sounds intriguing.

If not for my knowledge of what an incorrigible bastard Cyclops now is, Uncanny X-Men might actually sound interesting to me. But I have that knowledge, so... pass.

Does Wolverine take place in the past? If so, I kind of think I'll be picking these issues up.
I'm interested in seeing how T-Bolts rebounds post Fear Itself. It was knocked horribly off it's course due to the event.
-I hate to support the whole .1 thing, but I'll most likely buy the Cap issue since I get both the ongoings.
-Larry Stroman is doing an anniversary variant cover. It boggles the mind.
-Is Michael Lark the regular artist on Ellis' Secret Avengers? Because that would be great.
-Why are there ASM issues continuing with the long-running numbering and one starting at #1?
-Are there going to be two Fantastic Four ongoings?
-Six Guns sounds really fun, but if it's an ongoing, I'm not buying it in issues.
-I love Jason Aaron's Wolverine, and I support anything involving the Immortal Weapons.
-I've never read Avengers Forever. Glad to see a new trade.
-Why are there ASM issues continuing with the long-running numbering and one starting at #1?

Because it's a different, new series.

-Are there going to be two Fantastic Four ongoings?

Kinda. Fantastic Four will return at 600, and FF continues by itself.
Because it's a different, new series.

Kinda. Fantastic Four will return at 600, and FF continues by itself.
-Marvel should have at least given it a different name.
-Ugh. I enjoyed only collecting one series to read about them. I figure I'll keep getting whichever one Marvel sends out in the mail subscriptions (I guess Fantastic Four will be the "main one") and drop the other.
-Marvel should have at least given it a different name.

Um, they did didn't they? Aren't you talking about Avenging Spider-Man?

-Ugh. I enjoyed only collecting one series to read about them. I figure I'll keep getting whichever one Marvel sends out in the mail subscriptions (I guess Fantastic Four will be the "main one") and drop the other.
If you just want the Four themselves, it'll almost definitely be that one you want to follow. FF looks to focus on the young members of the original Future Foundation.
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Frank Miller Elektra Assassin Hardcover, yes please

Must. Have. Now!

-On the run from ten thousand parallel worlds? I want to grind Casanova into powder and inject it into my eyes.

-Somebody try to convince me otherwise but, good lord, I want Wolverine and the X-Men.

-And an Ultimates book? I'm scared :csad:

-For six issues Warren Ellis will do something interesting with the Avengers books

-Juan Bobillo on the FF? Michael Kupperman on Shame Itself? **** yes.

-No book in the history of Marvel has improve the character of Cable than Deadpool Max. Giving him a monocle is the best thing that has ever happen tom him.
Watchman said:
For six issues Warren Ellis will do something interesting with the Avengers books

Um? Is he only on SA for six issues? Or is there some six-part thing coming up?
FF 600 is ****ing $7.99??? ARE YOU KIDDING US WITH THIS MARVEL? Is the economy that bad?

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