Tough to say, I try to play them all then at some point settle on a roster I enjoyed the most. In past games I always try to have the most diverse team so I wouldn't have to switch out. Like a character that can fly, one with good range attacks, one with good close combat, and any character that's needed for specific obstacles (kind of like Iceman could put out fires in X-men Legends).Two more days! Who are you folks most excited to play?
Two more days! Who are you folks most excited to play?
If I had to guess I'd say either Beast or Juggernaut will be in the X-Men pack. Jean Grey and Gambit seem like safe bets too. The X-Men have a whole lot of potential options, but I figured the 4 pack would include Colossus and Cyclops.Really thrilled to have Cyclops in the game, but I'm even more thrilled that he and Colossus are free DLC and not part of the DLC pack. That means we get four more X-men! I think Jean Grey, Iceman, and Gambit will be three out of the four since they have a precedent of being in MUA games. The fourth is a wildcard so I hope they pick someone surprising.
Wish Cyclops was playable on release though...