*Sword of Mya: Around 55 BC: [link] two swords were created, The sword of Daniel and sword of Mya two swords meant to be magical in form. The sword was made with holy water and is coated in sliver, it is the symbol/tool of the fight aganist The Brotherhood of Sin...
*Ballistic vest: Kevlar soft armor: In the late 80's Marcus Williams (the first "Midnight Vigilante" and later Quentin's mentor) would create the "Midnight Vigilante" personality and the costume Quentin Bayson would later wear himself.
*Eye of Mya crest: The Eye of Mya was a tattoo that Mya had, which later would become the symbol of people that fought aganist The Brotherhood of Sin. The actually "crest" that would become "Midnight Vigilante" symbol was created in the 19th century by Robert Donston Stephenson [link] the man that tried to stop the Jack the Ripper murders (Jack was actually a demon possessed human who was working for The Brotherhood of Sin).
*African wood carved stake: A gift to Marcus in the late 80's from an African tribal man (a fellow fighter of The Brotherhood of Sin and passes on the mantle/mission to Marcus).
*Energy "stun" blast: The demon began biting Quentin (the creature passes on its DNA in the bite to infect the human host. The human host shows flu like problems, but is getting changed from within to make the host more demon-like to help the baby demon inside to grow before bursting out of the host). Quentin would of became a host to this form of demon if it wasn't for the appearance of Marcus Williams (the prevous Midnight Vigilante) who stopped the demon in mid-transfering of DNA into Quentin. Days later Quentin would begin to show powers (that the demon processed: super strength, super reflexes, powerful stun blasts-ability that the demon used to stun prey, and limited healing factor).