I know, but I didn't know if he was using the term "Blu Ray" as a general term or not. Plus he didn't say "watch my Blu-Rays" he said "play", so that's why I brought it up.That would effect everything (games+XMB etc.). He is only having issues with BR's.
One would think. Hopefully he found his answer, but I am curious as to what would have caused it in the first place.I think he would have been more specific if his entire PS3 displayed in BW though. I guess he found his answer since he hasn't replied anyways.
Thanks for the explanation. I just learned something new. I have never understood what affect running a US machine in a different country can have on it.I really think it has to do with the age of his TV. His location states that he is in Greece so I am guessing he is using a SCART adapter. They have produced the BW effect in some cases concerning PS3 and Blu Ray. Older TV's can't decipher all of the info it gets from the PS3 and all you get is BW. Everything else runs normal. DVD's Games, the XMB, etc. run in color. He also states that he is from the US., so it could be an issue of having a US PS3 running on a EU TV. The BW effect occurs in this scenario as well.