The Dark Knight New TDK Article - Translator Needed


Rattling the cage
Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score

Desde el set de filmación actores y crew sueltan información clasificada sobre The Dark Knight. La mala noticia: ¡faltan nueve meses para comprobarlo!
Un retén policiaco es la frontera entre Chicago y Ciudad Gótica. Aun cuando estamos en pleno distrito financiero, han prohibido el paso de coches y transeúntes para que en su lugar entren cámaras, crew y actores. La escena se desarrolla en las afueras del Banco Continental de Illinois. Cientos de policías homenajean a un compañero caído mientras el nuevo fiscal de distrito, Harvey Dent, reina sobre el podium dirigiéndoles algunas palabras. De repente unos disparos vuelven loca a la muchedumbre.

Ya se anunciaba una confrontación bestial desde los últimos fotogramas de Batman inicia: el murciélago vigilante sosteniendo una carta con efigie de arlequín. Charles Roven, uno de los productores de la cinta, describe la escena y algo de la trama: “The Dark Knight comienza en un periodo de tiempo muy cercano a donde terminó la otra. Los capos de la mafia han sido extirpados y ahora Ciudad Gótica es más segura. El crimen callejero es casi nulo gracias a Batman. Pero esa tranquilidad ha hecho que el crimen organizado se reagrupe de manera más eficiente y habrá daños colaterales al tratar de desarticularlo”.

Para este segundo episodio regresan todos los actores originales. Todos excepto Katie Holmes, cuya declinación, según nos cuentan, fue producto de una atiborrada agenda que no se adecuaba a la de la producción que se extendería de abril a noviembre (los tiempos de filmación se alargan puesto que el director Christopher Nolan no usa segunda unidad) y que tendría sus locaciones en esta ciudad, Londres y Hong Kong. Acá entre nos, parecía que nadie la extrañaba en su papel de Rachel Dawes, menos cuando Maggie Gyllenhaal sería quien la sustituiría.

Los otros nuevos ya son por todos conocidos: Aaron Eckhart será Harvey Dent (aquí no dejan de llamarle el Caballero Blanco, en clara contraposición al Caballero Obscuro) y Heath Ledger, quien con prótesis y serio desequilibrio mental tratará de librarse de las comparaciones con el icónico Joker de Jack Nicholson en el Batman de Tim Burton. Se basará, más bien, en la imaginería de las novelas gráficas The Killing Joke de Alan Moore –que tiene un gran énfasis en la institución mental de donde escapa el Guasón, Arkham Asylum–. Harvey Dent, a su vez, encuentra su génesis moral en dos novelas gráficas de Frank Miller, Batman: Year One y la canónica The Dark Knight Returns.

Cuando Christian Bale acabó de filmar, nos enteramos que los disparos de la escena anterior habían sido dirigidos hacia él: Bruce Wayne observaba desde una ventana y un equipo SWAT trataba de cazarlo. Al preguntarle qué es lo que lo hacía regresar a esta cruenta rutina de filmación, contesta: “Porque ya firmé para tres partes –ríe–. No, ya en serio, porque realmente estoy orgulloso de la primera; porque no era fan de la otras cintas de Batman y porque realmente me gusta trabajar con Chris y queremos superar la anterior”… Y por lo que vimos, vaya que lo pueden lograr. Más información en los siguientes números.

Se filmará de abril a noviembre y tendrá a Chicago, Londres y Hong-Kong como locaciones.

Heath Ledger, con prótesis y serio desequilibrio mental, tratará de librarse de las comparaciones con el icónico Joker de Jack Nicholson.

Trapitos estilo gótico

Somos de los afortunados que pudieron acercarse al batitraje y al estridente vestuario de Joker mientras Lindy Hemming, jefa del departamento de vestuario, y Graham Churchyard, creador del traje murciélago, amablemente revelaban algunos intrigantes detalles. Ahí les van:

Batman: Al principio usará el mismo traje de Batman inicia. Después la trama hará que cambie de atuendo. Entre las mejorías está que ¡al fin podrá girar el cuello! Adiós a esas miradas estoicas producto del movimiento de todo el torso. Del nuevo se hicieron 25 réplicas para diferentes usos: contra el fuego líquido, para uso de arneses, para el stunt de la batpod, con navajas reales en los antebrazos… Están hechos de fibra de carbón y otros materiales usados en artefactos de diferentes deportes. Se compone de 110 piezas, pesa unos 13kg (a comparación de unos 18 que pesaban los de la franquicia anterior) y mide unos dos metros. En palabras de Christian Bale, éste es “mucho más cómodo”… aunque tarda 25 minutos en ponérselo.

Joker: Está inspirado en los modelos de la influyente diseñadora del punk Vivienne Westwood. Su icónico color morado está en la gabardina de terciopelo que llega hasta los tobillos. El cuello está manchado de sudor y maquillaje que usa el payaso. Los pantalones tienen el mismo color con líneas azules y les cuelga una cadena de la bolsa al cinturón. Tiene cierto estilo pachuco. Adentro usa un saco azul, un chaleco verde, corbata azul con vivos amarillos y zapatos negros desgastados. Su arma primordial es un cuchillo pequeño.

Jett translated part of it on BOF - but left out a Two-Face description. Any spanish speaking Hypers can give us a direct translation?

- Jow

Desde el set de filmación actores y crew sueltan información clasificada sobre The Dark Knight. La mala noticia: ¡faltan nueve meses para comprobarlo!
Un retén policiaco es la frontera entre Chicago y Ciudad Gótica. Aun cuando estamos en pleno distrito financiero, han prohibido el paso de coches y transeúntes para que en su lugar entren cámaras, crew y actores. La escena se desarrolla en las afueras del Banco Continental de Illinois. Cientos de policías homenajean a un compañero caído mientras el nuevo fiscal de distrito, Harvey Dent, reina sobre el podium dirigiéndoles algunas palabras. De repente unos disparos vuelven loca a la muchedumbre.

Ya se anunciaba una confrontación bestial desde los últimos fotogramas de Batman inicia: el murciélago vigilante sosteniendo una carta con efigie de arlequín. Charles Roven, uno de los productores de la cinta, describe la escena y algo de la trama: “The Dark Knight comienza en un periodo de tiempo muy cercano a donde terminó la otra. Los capos de la mafia han sido extirpados y ahora Ciudad Gótica es más segura. El crimen callejero es casi nulo gracias a Batman. Pero esa tranquilidad ha hecho que el crimen organizado se reagrupe de manera más eficiente y habrá daños colaterales al tratar de desarticularlo”.

Para este segundo episodio regresan todos los actores originales. Todos excepto Katie Holmes, cuya declinación, según nos cuentan, fue producto de una atiborrada agenda que no se adecuaba a la de la producción que se extendería de abril a noviembre (los tiempos de filmación se alargan puesto que el director Christopher Nolan no usa segunda unidad) y que tendría sus locaciones en esta ciudad, Londres y Hong Kong. Acá entre nos, parecía que nadie la extrañaba en su papel de Rachel Dawes, menos cuando Maggie Gyllenhaal sería quien la sustituiría.

Los otros nuevos ya son por todos conocidos: Aaron Eckhart será Harvey Dent (aquí no dejan de llamarle el Caballero Blanco, en clara contraposición al Caballero Obscuro) y Heath Ledger, quien con prótesis y serio desequilibrio mental tratará de librarse de las comparaciones con el icónico Joker de Jack Nicholson en el Batman de Tim Burton. Se basará, más bien, en la imaginería de las novelas gráficas The Killing Joke de Alan Moore –que tiene un gran énfasis en la institución mental de donde escapa el Guasón, Arkham Asylum–. Harvey Dent, a su vez, encuentra su génesis moral en dos novelas gráficas de Frank Miller, Batman: Year One y la canónica The Dark Knight Returns.

Cuando Christian Bale acabó de filmar, nos enteramos que los disparos de la escena anterior habían sido dirigidos hacia él: Bruce Wayne observaba desde una ventana y un equipo SWAT trataba de cazarlo. Al preguntarle qué es lo que lo hacía regresar a esta cruenta rutina de filmación, contesta: “Porque ya firmé para tres partes –ríe–. No, ya en serio, porque realmente estoy orgulloso de la primera; porque no era fan de la otras cintas de Batman y porque realmente me gusta trabajar con Chris y queremos superar la anterior”… Y por lo que vimos, vaya que lo pueden lograr. Más información en los siguientes números.

Se filmará de abril a noviembre y tendrá a Chicago, Londres y Hong-Kong como locaciones.

Heath Ledger, con prótesis y serio desequilibrio mental, tratará de librarse de las comparaciones con el icónico Joker de Jack Nicholson.

Trapitos estilo gótico

Somos de los afortunados que pudieron acercarse al batitraje y al estridente vestuario de Joker mientras Lindy Hemming, jefa del departamento de vestuario, y Graham Churchyard, creador del traje murciélago, amablemente revelaban algunos intrigantes detalles. Ahí les van:

Batman: Al principio usará el mismo traje de Batman inicia. Después la trama hará que cambie de atuendo. Entre las mejorías está que ¡al fin podrá girar el cuello! Adiós a esas miradas estoicas producto del movimiento de todo el torso. Del nuevo se hicieron 25 réplicas para diferentes usos: contra el fuego líquido, para uso de arneses, para el stunt de la batpod, con navajas reales en los antebrazos… Están hechos de fibra de carbón y otros materiales usados en artefactos de diferentes deportes. Se compone de 110 piezas, pesa unos 13kg (a comparación de unos 18 que pesaban los de la franquicia anterior) y mide unos dos metros. En palabras de Christian Bale, éste es “mucho más cómodo”… aunque tarda 25 minutos en ponérselo.

Joker: Está inspirado en los modelos de la influyente diseñadora del punk Vivienne Westwood. Su icónico color morado está en la gabardina de terciopelo que llega hasta los tobillos. El cuello está manchado de sudor y maquillaje que usa el payaso. Los pantalones tienen el mismo color con líneas azules y les cuelga una cadena de la bolsa al cinturón. Tiene cierto estilo pachuco. Adentro usa un saco azul, un chaleco verde, corbata azul con vivos amarillos y zapatos negros desgastados. Su arma primordial es un cuchillo pequeño.

Jett translated part of it on BOF - but left out a Two-Face description. Any spanish speaking Hypers can give us a direct translation?

- Jow

I speak spanish and I'm on the job now, I will translate within 6 minutes.
im half mexican ,pretty fluent in spanish so... ill try.
From the shooting Seth actors and crew they loosen information classified on The Dark Knight. The bad news: they lack nine months to verify it! A police detent is the border between Chicago and Gothic City. Even though we are in the heat of financial district, have no entry of cars and passers-by so that their place cameras enter, crew and actors. The scene is developed in the outskirts of the Continental Bank of Illinois. Hundreds of police homenajean to a fallen companion while the new public prosecutor of district, Harvey Dent, reigns on the podium directing to them some words. Firings suddenly return crazy to the crowd. A beastly confrontation already announced from the last photograms of Batman initiates: the vigilant bat maintaining a letter with efigie of arlequín. Charles Roven, one of the producers of the tape, describes to the scene and something of the plot: "The Dark Knight begins in a period of time very near where the other finished. The capos of the Mafia have been extirpated and now Gothic City is safer. The street crime is almost null thanks to Batman. But that tranquillity has caused that the organized crime regroups of more efficient way and will be collateral damages when trying to disarticulate it ". For this second episode all the original actors return. All except Katie Holmes, whose declination, according to tells us, was product of one stuffed agenda that was not adapted to the one of the production that would extend of April to November (the times of shooting are extended since director Christopher Nolan does not use second unit) and that he would have his leases in this city, London and Hong Kong. Here between, it seemed to us less that nobody surprised it in its paper of Rachel Dawes, when Maggie Gyllenhaal would be the one who would replace it. The other new ones already are by all well-known ones: Aaron Eckhart will be Harvey Dent (they do not let here call the White Horseman to him, in clear contrast to the Dark Horseman) and Heath Ledger, that with prótesis and serious mental imbalance will try to get rid of the comparisons with the iconic Joker de Jack Nicholson in the Batman de Tim Burton. One will be based, rather, in imaginería of the graphical novels The Killing Joke de Alan Moore - who has a great emphasis in the mental institution of where the Guasón escapes, Arkham Asylum -. Harvey Dent, as well, finds its génesis moral in two graphical novels of Frank Miller, Batman: Year One and the canonical The Dark Knight Returns. When Christian Bale finished filming, we found out that the firings of the previous scene had been directed towards him: Brush Wayne observed from a window and an equipment SWAT tried to hunt it. When asking to him what is what it made return to this bloody routine of shooting, it answers: "Because or I signed for three parts - it laughs -. No, or in serious, because I am really proud of first; because it was not they fan of other tapes of Batman and because I really like to work with Chris and we want to surpass the previous one "... And reason why we saw, goes that they can obtain it. More information in the following numbers. It will be filmed of April to November and it will have to Chicago, London and Hong-Kong like leases. Heath Ledger, with prótesis and serious mental imbalance, will deal to get rid of the comparisons with the iconic Joker de Jack Nicholson. Trapitos gothic style We are of the lucky people who could approach the batitraje and estridente clothes of Joker while Lindy Hemming, female leader of the clothes department, and Graham Churchyard, creator of the suit bat, amiably revealed some intriguing details. There they go to them: Batman: It will use the same suit of Batman in the beginning initiates. Later the plot will cause that it changes of atuendo. Between the improvements it is that to the aim it will be able to turn the neck! Good bye to those stoic glances product of the movement of all the torso. Of the new one 25 retorts for different uses became: against the liquid fire, for use of harnesses, stunt of batpod, with real knives in the forearms... Other materials used in devices of different sports are done of coal fiber and. It composes of 110 pieces, weighs 13kg (to comparison of about 18 which those of the previous tax exemption weighed) and it measures about two meters. In words of Christian Bale, this one is "much more comfortable"... although it takes 25 minutes in putting it to it. Joker: It is inspired by the models of the influential designer of the punk Vivienne Westwood. Its iconic mulberry color is in the velvet raincoat that arrives until the ankles. The neck is stained of sweat and maquillaje that the clown uses. The trousers have the same color with blue lines and it hangs a chain to them of stock-market to the belt. Pachuco has certain style. Inside it uses a blue coat, a green vest, blue necktie with alive yellows and worn away black shoes. Its fundamental weapon is a small knife.
Sweet, was just looking for this one.
No one ever heard of Babel? :p
Nothing really new in that article, I read the article a couple of weeks ago.

Desde el set de filmación actores y crew sueltan información clasificada sobre The Dark Knight. La mala noticia: ¡faltan nueve meses para comprobarlo!
Un retén policiaco es la frontera entre Chicago y Ciudad Gótica. Aun cuando estamos en pleno distrito financiero, han prohibido el paso de coches y transeúntes para que en su lugar entren cámaras, crew y actores. La escena se desarrolla en las afueras del Banco Continental de Illinois. Cientos de policías homenajean a un compañero caído mientras el nuevo fiscal de distrito, Harvey Dent, reina sobre el podium dirigiéndoles algunas palabras. De repente unos disparos vuelven loca a la muchedumbre.

Ya se anunciaba una confrontación bestial desde los últimos fotogramas de Batman inicia: el murciélago vigilante sosteniendo una carta con efigie de arlequín. Charles Roven, uno de los productores de la cinta, describe la escena y algo de la trama: “The Dark Knight comienza en un periodo de tiempo muy cercano a donde terminó la otra. Los capos de la mafia han sido extirpados y ahora Ciudad Gótica es más segura. El crimen callejero es casi nulo gracias a Batman. Pero esa tranquilidad ha hecho que el crimen organizado se reagrupe de manera más eficiente y habrá daños colaterales al tratar de desarticularlo”.

Para este segundo episodio regresan todos los actores originales. Todos excepto Katie Holmes, cuya declinación, según nos cuentan, fue producto de una atiborrada agenda que no se adecuaba a la de la producción que se extendería de abril a noviembre (los tiempos de filmación se alargan puesto que el director Christopher Nolan no usa segunda unidad) y que tendría sus locaciones en esta ciudad, Londres y Hong Kong. Acá entre nos, parecía que nadie la extrañaba en su papel de Rachel Dawes, menos cuando Maggie Gyllenhaal sería quien la sustituiría.

Los otros nuevos ya son por todos conocidos: Aaron Eckhart será Harvey Dent (aquí no dejan de llamarle el Caballero Blanco, en clara contraposición al Caballero Obscuro) y Heath Ledger, quien con prótesis y serio desequilibrio mental tratará de librarse de las comparaciones con el icónico Joker de Jack Nicholson en el Batman de Tim Burton. Se basará, más bien, en la imaginería de las novelas gráficas The Killing Joke de Alan Moore –que tiene un gran énfasis en la institución mental de donde escapa el Guasón, Arkham Asylum–. Harvey Dent, a su vez, encuentra su génesis moral en dos novelas gráficas de Frank Miller, Batman: Year One y la canónica The Dark Knight Returns.

Cuando Christian Bale acabó de filmar, nos enteramos que los disparos de la escena anterior habían sido dirigidos hacia él: Bruce Wayne observaba desde una ventana y un equipo SWAT trataba de cazarlo. Al preguntarle qué es lo que lo hacía regresar a esta cruenta rutina de filmación, contesta: “Porque ya firmé para tres partes –ríe–. No, ya en serio, porque realmente estoy orgulloso de la primera; porque no era fan de la otras cintas de Batman y porque realmente me gusta trabajar con Chris y queremos superar la anterior”… Y por lo que vimos, vaya que lo pueden lograr. Más información en los siguientes números.

Se filmará de abril a noviembre y tendrá a Chicago, Londres y Hong-Kong como locaciones.

Heath Ledger, con prótesis y serio desequilibrio mental, tratará de librarse de las comparaciones con el icónico Joker de Jack Nicholson.

Trapitos estilo gótico

Somos de los afortunados que pudieron acercarse al batitraje y al estridente vestuario de Joker mientras Lindy Hemming, jefa del departamento de vestuario, y Graham Churchyard, creador del traje murciélago, amablemente revelaban algunos intrigantes detalles. Ahí les van:

Batman: Al principio usará el mismo traje de Batman inicia. Después la trama hará que cambie de atuendo. Entre las mejorías está que ¡al fin podrá girar el cuello! Adiós a esas miradas estoicas producto del movimiento de todo el torso. Del nuevo se hicieron 25 réplicas para diferentes usos: contra el fuego líquido, para uso de arneses, para el stunt de la batpod, con navajas reales en los antebrazos… Están hechos de fibra de carbón y otros materiales usados en artefactos de diferentes deportes. Se compone de 110 piezas, pesa unos 13kg (a comparación de unos 18 que pesaban los de la franquicia anterior) y mide unos dos metros. En palabras de Christian Bale, éste es “mucho más cómodo”… aunque tarda 25 minutos en ponérselo.

Joker: Está inspirado en los modelos de la influyente diseñadora del punk Vivienne Westwood. Su icónico color morado está en la gabardina de terciopelo que llega hasta los tobillos. El cuello está manchado de sudor y maquillaje que usa el payaso. Los pantalones tienen el mismo color con líneas azules y les cuelga una cadena de la bolsa al cinturón. Tiene cierto estilo pachuco. Adentro usa un saco azul, un chaleco verde, corbata azul con vivos amarillos y zapatos negros desgastados. Su arma primordial es un cuchillo pequeño.

Jett translated part of it on BOF - but left out a Two-Face description. Any spanish speaking Hypers can give us a direct translation?

- Jow

From the shooting Seth actors and crew they loosen information classified on The Dark Knight. The bad news: they lack nine months to verify it! A police detent is the border between Chicago and Gothic City. Even though we are in the heat of financial district, have no entry of cars and passers-by so that their place cameras enter, crew and actors. The scene is developed in the outskirts of the Continental Bank of Illinois. Hundreds of police homenajean to a fallen companion while the new public prosecutor of district, Harvey Dent, reigns on the podium directing to them some words. Firings suddenly return crazy to the crowd. A beastly confrontation already announced from the last photograms of Batman initiates: the vigilant bat maintaining a letter with efigie of arlequín. Charles Roven, one of the producers of the tape, describes to the scene and something of the plot: "The Dark Knight begins in a period of time very near where the other finished. The capos of the Mafia have been extirpated and now Gothic City is safer. The street crime is almost null thanks to Batman. But that tranquillity has caused that the organized crime regroups of more efficient way and will be collateral damages when trying to disarticulate it ". For this second episode all the original actors return. All except Katie Holmes, whose declination, according to tells us, was product of one stuffed agenda that was not adapted to the one of the production that would extend of April to November (the times of shooting are extended since director Christopher Nolan does not use second unit) and that he would have his leases in this city, London and Hong Kong. Here between, it seemed to us less that nobody surprised it in its paper of Rachel Dawes, when Maggie Gyllenhaal would be the one who would replace it. The other new ones already are by all well-known ones: Aaron Eckhart will be Harvey Dent (they do not let here call the White Horseman to him, in clear contrast to the Dark Horseman) and Heath Ledger, that with prótesis and serious mental imbalance will try to get rid of the comparisons with the iconic Joker de Jack Nicholson in the Batman de Tim Burton. One will be based, rather, in imaginería of the graphical novels The Killing Joke de Alan Moore - who has a great emphasis in the mental institution of where the Guasón escapes, Arkham Asylum -. Harvey Dent, as well, finds its génesis moral in two graphical novels of Frank Miller, Batman: Year One and the canonical The Dark Knight Returns. When Christian Bale finished filming, we found out that the firings of the previous scene had been directed towards him: Brush Wayne observed from a window and an equipment SWAT tried to hunt it. When asking to him what is what it made return to this bloody routine of shooting, it answers: "Because or I signed for three parts - it laughs -. No, or in serious, because I am really proud of first; because it was not they fan of other tapes of Batman and because I really like to work with Chris and we want to surpass the previous one "... And reason why we saw, goes that they can obtain it. More information in the following numbers. It will be filmed of April to November and it will have to Chicago, London and Hong-Kong like leases. Heath Ledger, with prótesis and serious mental imbalance, will deal to get rid of the comparisons with the iconic Joker de Jack Nicholson. Trapitos gothic style We are of the lucky people who could approach the batitraje and estridente clothes of Joker while Lindy Hemming, female leader of the clothes department, and Graham Churchyard, creator of the suit bat, amiably revealed some intriguing details. There they go to them: Batman: It will use the same suit of Batman in the beginning initiates. Later the plot will cause that it changes of atuendo. Between the improvements it is that to the aim it will be able to turn the neck! Good bye to those stoic glances product of the movement of all the torso. Of the new one 25 retorts for different uses became: against the liquid fire, for use of harnesses, stunt of batpod, with real knives in the forearms... Other materials used in devices of different sports are done of coal fiber and. It composes of 110 pieces, weighs 13kg (to comparison of about 18 which those of the previous tax exemption weighed) and it measures about two meters. In words of Christian Bale, this one is "much more comfortable"... although it takes 25 minutes in putting it to it. Joker: It is inspired by the models of the influential designer of the punk Vivienne Westwood. Its iconic mulberry color is in the velvet raincoat that arrives until the ankles. The neck is stained of sweat and maquillaje that the clown uses. The trousers have the same color with blue lines and it hangs a chain to them of stock-market to the belt. Pachuco has certain style. Inside it uses a blue coat, a green vest, blue necktie with alive yellows and worn away black shoes. Its fundamental weapon is a small knife.
Google's translations are better

From the set of actors and film crew released classified information about The Dark Knight. The bad news: missing nine months to check!

A police roadblock is the border between Chicago and Gothic City. Even when we are in full financial district, have banned the passage of cars and passersby to enter into place cameras, crew and actors. The scene takes place in the outskirts of the Continental Bank of Illinois. Hundreds of policemen homenajean a fallen colleague as the new district attorney, Harvey Dent, queen on the podium directed a few words. Suddenly some crazy shots back at the crowd.

Since announcing a confrontation bestial since the last frames of Batman begins: the bat vigilant holding a letter effigy of harlequin. Charles Roven, one of the producers of the tape, described the scene and some of the plot: "The Dark Knight begins in a period of time very close to finishing the other. The bosses of the Mafia have been removed and now Gothic City is safer. The street crime is almost nil thanks to Batman. But that tranquility has made organized crime grouping more efficiently and there will be collateral damage in trying to desarticularlo. "

For this second episode returning all the original actors. All except Katie Holmes, whose decline, as we have, was the product of a atiborrada agenda that did not fit with that of the production that would extend from April to November (the time of filming become longer because director Christopher Nolan does not use the second unity), and their locations have in this city, London and Hong Kong. Here among us, it seemed that nobody was surprised in her role as Rachel Dawes, less when Maggie Gyllenhaal who would replace.

The new ones are already known by everyone: Aaron Eckhart will be Harvey Dent (here never fail to call the White Knight, in clear contrast to Knight Obscuro) and Heath Ledger, who with prostheses and serious mental imbalance try to escape from comparisons with the iconic Joker Jack Nicholson in Tim Burton's Batman. It will be based, rather, in the imagery of the graphic novels The Killing Joke Alan Moore, which has a strong emphasis on mental institution where he escapes the Guasón, Arkham Asylum-. Harvey Dent, in turn, finds its genesis morale in two graphic novels by Frank Miller, Batman: Year One and the canonical The Dark Knight Returns.

When Christian Bale finished filming, we learned that the shooting of the scene earlier had been directed toward him: Bruce Wayne watched from a window and a SWAT team tried to cazarlo. When asked what made him return to this bloody routine of filming, replied: "Because I signed for three parts -ríe-. No, seriously, because I am really proud of the first; He was not a fan of the other tapes Batman and because I really like working with Chris and we want to overcome previous "... And what we saw, what can be achieved . More information on the following numbers.

It filmará April to November and will have to Chicago, London and Hong Kong as locations.

Heath Ledger, with prostheses and serious mental imbalance, try to escape from comparisons with the iconic Joker Jack Nicholson.

Trapitos Gothic

We are the lucky ones who were able to approach the batitraje and strident dress Joker while Lindy Hemming, head of the department of apparel, and Graham Churchyard, creator of the bat suit, kindly revealed some intriguing details. Here they are:

Batman: Originally used the same costume Batman began. After the plot will change its garb. Among the improvements is that you can finally turn the neck! Goodbye to those glances estoicas product movement around the torso. The new were 25 aftershocks for different uses: liquid fire for the use of harnesses for the stunt of batpod with knives real forearms ... They are made of carbon fiber and other materials used in devices from different sports. It consists of 110 pieces, weighs about 13kg (compared to about 18 who weighed those of the previous franchise) and measured about two meters. In the words of Christian Bale, it is "much more comfortable" ... even if it takes 25 minutes ponérselo.

Joker: It's inspired by the model of the influential punk designer Vivienne Westwood. His iconic purple is the gabardina velvet that reaches the ankles. The neck is stained with sweat and makeup used by the clown. The pants have the same color blue lines and they hung a string from the bag to the belt. Have some style pachuco. Inside wears a blue jacket, a green vest, tie in bright blue and yellow worn black shoes. His primary weapon is a small knife.

The full article can see it in our edition of October no.157
Yeah, doesn't really say anything new as far as I know.

Except "with prosthesis and serious mental imbalance." Which is my new favorite phrase.
Yeah. Lets get a real translation please. Me no doing the read for many time lacking understand.
Dam, so I assume the Two-Face description will be in the "full" article. Any one have that? It says October.
Dam, so I assume the Two-Face description will be in the "full" article. Any one have that? It says October.

It didn´t really have anything we don´t know already, I read it when it was released here.
BOF already has a partial excerpt translated:

* Producer Charles Roven on TDK: “THE DARK KNIGHT begins in a period of time very close where the other film [BATMAN BEGINS] finished. The Mob crime lords have been extirpated and now Gotham City is a safer place. The street crime is almost null, thanks to Batman. But that tranquility has caused organized crime to regroup in a more efficient way and that’s going cause collateral damages when trying to disarticulate it.”

* Heath Ledger on prepping for The Joker: “I locked myself in my room at a London hotel. I made a diary and then I experimented with new voices. I tried to get inside a psychopath’s mind, to empathize with someone that has so little conscious of his own acts. It has been fun, because there are no limits or boundaries for what you say or do.

[How I came up with my version of The Joker] a very personal process. It was a combination of reading all the comic books I could, then the script, and then closing my eyes to meditate how to do it. Since the first day Chris and I talked about the project, it was clear that we had the same idea of how this character should be portrayed. We had identical images of it in our minds.”

There's a whole lot more, but you'll have to find the magazine to read it. FYI: It includes some spoilerish info on the look of Two Face!
Yeah, we can all copy and paste into online translators. Greater skill is required to read what comes out of that. Makes me think of Charlie's "Political Speech" from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

As in:

Charlie Kelly: You got that script I wrote? Grab that script.
Dennis: I've been meaning to speak to you about this. I can't read these words. They're not in the right order.
Charlie Kelly: It's good.
Dennis: I think you might be dyslexic bro. I'm not reading this.
Charlie Kelly: No, no, no, no!
Dennis: I think you might be dyslexic.
Charlie Kelly: Just read it once!
Dennis: Ok... you want me to read the script?
Charlie Kelly: Yes... and action!
Dennis: I'll read the words you wrote. "Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot. What? Taxes, they'll be lower... son. The Democratic vote is the right thing to do Philadelphia, so do." This doesn't make any sense!
Charlie Kelly: Alright... then just say whatever you want.
There seems to be some pretty cool stuff in there about asthetics, especially when it comes to the Joker and Batman, if we can get a decent translation.
oh man, one of the translations includes the name "Brush Wayne". HAHAHA
My Spanish to French to Portuguese to English to Chinese to English translation
Because wraps actores the production and the crew they the separated information secretly in the dark knight. Bad notice: It lacks for nine months to verify it! They defy the police are the border in Chicago and between Cidade Gothique. Still, we were full in the financial sector, has forbidden to its place input chamber, the crew and a actores step of automobile and transe3untes uses the way. The scene is developed in the mainland bank Illinois's suburb. 100 policies homenajean to the friend whereabouts however sector new accountant, the Harvey tooth, queen/queen directs some words in the control tower to them. The fire beginning they come back folle to many. The confrontation was bestiale which already announced because bat variant finally fotogramas is initiated: The stick watches supports a letter by arlequ3in efigie. They cause Roven, ribbon producer's middle, the description scene and something cable car: The "dark knight starts in it to complete an other extremely under time. "layer maffia is extirpadas and the Gothique city now even more affirmed. The transportable crime is the nearly spatial thanks to the bat variant. But this tranquilidade will do, the organization crime is grouped with the higher efficiency way, will have the mortgage damage to attempt d3esarticuler ". "comes back toward this as plot primitive actores possesses. Excepto Katie Holmes, tendency, because they count they, is produced the fulled agenda is not can be (time is vast in April widened adaptava to that production to production in November supposition Director Christopher Nolan not to use second unit) and it to be able to have its locaciones to this city, London and Hong Kong. There between us, looks like nobody not to cause it surprisedly at its paper Rachel Dawes, when Maggie Gyllenhaal can be any it can substitute it. Other news already were are all knowledge: Aaron Eckhart will be the Harvey tooth (they does not stop here calling it white knight, in clear opposition to dark knight) and the open land general ledger, unbalanced will be serious by pr3otese and the spirit is treated the liberation and ic4onique comparison Joker de Jake Nicholson in bat variant de Tim Burton. It will act according to, front, the graphic solution novel appearance will kill joke arran Moore - that it to have great emphase escape Guas3on, the Arkham collection post - mental hospital. Harvey tooth, in turn, discovery morals it g3enese in frank Mill, bat variant two graphics solution novels: Year la r2egle which returns with the dark knight. When Christian B4elera it produces, inquired that, in the first scene fire is stopping which directs by it: Bruce Wayne observed because the window and the equipment whip tries to seek it. Asks for trouble, it must come back its it to produce this cruenta convention, it replied: "because or I signed am three - you smile -. Already in importance, because he is estreia is truly arrogant;" Because he is not the partisan bat variant other ribbons and because the taste truly work and Chris and we want to surpass any it are in first "..." E because we saw, is, they can obtain it. More information in below numeral. In April will have to November and Chicago, takes locaciones in London and Hong Kong. The open land general ledger, unbalanced is serious by pr3otese and the spirit, will finalize a deal the liberation and ic4onique comparison Joker de Jake Nicholson. Trapitos style gothique we are any its happy this can be approach close however batitraje and say the joke Lindy grating dressing room hem, dressing room department's manager, and the Graham tomb, combines the stick the inventor, gentily has disclosed to some detail intrigants. Their there goes: Bat variant: It will use the similar combination for the principle which the bat variant initiates. The cable car does Seguidamente it revises the behavior. It is that can rotate col between the improvement in finally it! Goodbye to any torso movement these careful est3oicos product. Any he was new has become 25 reproductions as for the different use: Opposes the liquid fire, as for to harness use, batpod stunt, by rasoirs truly because he is the antebrazos... other materials is used in to be made at the different sports manufacturados product by the coal textile fiber with. It is composed by 110, called 13kg (to comparison about 18 them called defeats and it in before) to survey the about two meters. In Christian B4elez word, this is "comfortable"... although it ******s 25 minutes to luil ' is luxuriant. Said the joke: Punk Westwood is sent by _ to the Vivienne influential person's tracer's model. Its color lavender ic4onique is in gabardine any he which arrives until veludos in is tobillos. Col causes dirtily to sweat with maquillaje, it uses the comedian clown. The pants have the similar color and hang its stock market's chain by the blue line to the leather belt. The spathe Mexico youths have some style. Inside it the use afforestation blue color layer, gilet, a blue color tie and jaunes the livings biology and the black shoe which uses. Its primitive weapon is 小刀子.
I hope this helps
BOF already has a partial excerpt translated:

* Producer Charles Roven on TDK: “THE DARK KNIGHT begins in a period of time very close where the other film [BATMAN BEGINS] finished. The Mob crime lords have been extirpated and now Gotham City is a safer place. The street crime is almost null, thanks to Batman. But that tranquility has caused organized crime to regroup in a more efficient way and that’s going cause collateral damages when trying to disarticulate it.”

* Heath Ledger on prepping for The Joker: “I locked myself in my room at a London hotel. I made a diary and then I experimented with new voices. I tried to get inside a psychopath’s mind, to empathize with someone that has so little conscious of his own acts. It has been fun, because there are no limits or boundaries for what you say or do.

[How I came up with my version of The Joker] a very personal process. It was a combination of reading all the comic books I could, then the script, and then closing my eyes to meditate how to do it. Since the first day Chris and I talked about the project, it was clear that we had the same idea of how this character should be portrayed. We had identical images of it in our minds.”

There's a whole lot more, but you'll have to find the magazine to read it. FYI: It includes some spoilerish info on the look of Two Face!

I can't see anything in the tranlated version about Two-Face's look, or Ledger talking about playing the Joker.

Is there more to this article?
Joker: It is inspired by the models of the influential designer of the punk Vivienne Westwood. Its iconic mulberry color is in the velvet raincoat that arrives until the ankles. The neck is stained of sweat and maquillaje that the clown uses. The trousers have the same color with blue lines and it hangs a chain to them of stock-market to the belt. Pachuco has certain style. Inside it uses a blue coat, a green vest, blue necktie with alive yellows and worn away black shoes. Its fundamental weapon is a small knife.

wel i speak spanish and i understood everything there, i didnt read everything though cuz there were some spoiler information that i dont want to know. the only thing im cheking is the Vivienne Westwood`s thing about the joker`s look

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