I wrote up a pretty extensive timeline summary as it pertains to an Apocalypse movie that is supposedly going to take place in the mid-1980's.
This got me thinking about Nightcrawler, who allegedly will be in this movie.
First, here are the approximate ages of possible Apocalypse movie characters, in say a 1985 timeline:
Jean Grey = 15-ish (1985 was when Profesor X and Magneto first visited her)
Scott Summers = 15-ish
Storm = 15-ish
Havok = 40-ish
Mystique = early 50's (though her power keeps her young looking)
Beast = 30-ish
Prof. X = 53
Magneto = mid-late 50's/maybe early 60's
Toad = 30-ish
Ink = 30-ish
Gambit = 30-ish
Wolverine = Doesn't really matter - doesn't age
So, what we know from the comics is that Nightcrawler is the son of Mystique and Azazel. Also, Azazel was killed by Trask.
Azazel died in 1963, giving less than 1 year for Mystique and him to, well you know...
That would mean that baby Nightcrawler was born in 1963 or early 1964, making him around 22 years old in 1985, which would be perfect. (That made him around 40 in X-Men 2).
So a possible cast for a 1985 movie would be:
Professor Xavier = 53 years old
Beast = 30-ish
Gambit = 30-ish
Nightcrawler = 22
Jean Grey = 15-ish
Scott Summers = 15-ish
Storm = 15-ish
Mystique = early 50's (though her power keeps her young looking)
Magneto = mid-late 50's/maybe early 60's
Toad = 30-ish
Ink = 30-ish
Wolverine = Doesn't really matter - doesn't age
Now one thing that would be so great about Nightcrawler is being able to get into his backstory.
Maybe seeing him in the circus. Maybe finding out about him being raised by Margali Szardos, a sorceress and Gypsy Queen. How cool would it be to see Professor X go to meet Kurt and see something happen that leads to an angry mob trying to attack Kurt. Prof. X freezes them and away we go. Maybe even get a little into the young love he had with Jardone (Amanda Sefton).
Also, with Mystique and JLaw being so popular, what a great storyline for her. The whole concept of Mystique being with Azazel, Kurt being born the way he looks, the people finding out, her discarding her baby and Azazel giving Kurt to Margali. Also, Azazel being killed or captured could play into this.
What an amazing story, especially if Nightcrawler figures it out, or the reveal becomes part of the story. Just imagine Mystique and Kurt fighting and Mystique dropping that bomb? Wow!
Hope they get this right and can't wait to see!
This got me thinking about Nightcrawler, who allegedly will be in this movie.
First, here are the approximate ages of possible Apocalypse movie characters, in say a 1985 timeline:
Jean Grey = 15-ish (1985 was when Profesor X and Magneto first visited her)
Scott Summers = 15-ish
Storm = 15-ish
Havok = 40-ish
Mystique = early 50's (though her power keeps her young looking)
Beast = 30-ish
Prof. X = 53
Magneto = mid-late 50's/maybe early 60's
Toad = 30-ish
Ink = 30-ish
Gambit = 30-ish
Wolverine = Doesn't really matter - doesn't age
So, what we know from the comics is that Nightcrawler is the son of Mystique and Azazel. Also, Azazel was killed by Trask.
Azazel died in 1963, giving less than 1 year for Mystique and him to, well you know...
That would mean that baby Nightcrawler was born in 1963 or early 1964, making him around 22 years old in 1985, which would be perfect. (That made him around 40 in X-Men 2).
So a possible cast for a 1985 movie would be:
Professor Xavier = 53 years old
Beast = 30-ish
Gambit = 30-ish
Nightcrawler = 22
Jean Grey = 15-ish
Scott Summers = 15-ish
Storm = 15-ish
Mystique = early 50's (though her power keeps her young looking)
Magneto = mid-late 50's/maybe early 60's
Toad = 30-ish
Ink = 30-ish
Wolverine = Doesn't really matter - doesn't age
Now one thing that would be so great about Nightcrawler is being able to get into his backstory.
Maybe seeing him in the circus. Maybe finding out about him being raised by Margali Szardos, a sorceress and Gypsy Queen. How cool would it be to see Professor X go to meet Kurt and see something happen that leads to an angry mob trying to attack Kurt. Prof. X freezes them and away we go. Maybe even get a little into the young love he had with Jardone (Amanda Sefton).
Also, with Mystique and JLaw being so popular, what a great storyline for her. The whole concept of Mystique being with Azazel, Kurt being born the way he looks, the people finding out, her discarding her baby and Azazel giving Kurt to Margali. Also, Azazel being killed or captured could play into this.
What an amazing story, especially if Nightcrawler figures it out, or the reveal becomes part of the story. Just imagine Mystique and Kurt fighting and Mystique dropping that bomb? Wow!
Hope they get this right and can't wait to see!
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