No memorable fight scenes? This is another one of those things I shake my head at when people mention them.
-Batman fights Joker's thugs and takes out abotu four of them in thirty seconds or so. Then, Batman fights the sword-wilelding thug with his gauntlets and bootplates. He then kicks the guy to end the fight.
-Batman battles The Joker's thug in the cathedral, in a fight where Batman ends up using the bell to his advantage, leaping around, being thrown, rolling around, and getting the crap kicked out of him but still coming out on top.
-Batman kicks The Joker's ass, with a memorable speech to boot.
-Batman battles no less than three or four thugs, taking them out in a display of martial arts prowess. Then he uses his batarang in what is certainly a memorable moment.
-Batman VS Catwoman, while short and sweet, was pretty interesting, and displayed some skill on both their parts.
-Batman bursts out of an elevator when he should be dead, takes on a bunch of thugs who obviously have some skill, using various gadgets and martial arts, and a large degree of resourcefulness.
-Have some of you already forgotten the scene where he crashes through a damn skylight, lands in a fountain, and proceeds to kick ass at the Ritz Gotham?
-Batman and Robin battle on the ice. On skates. While it's not particularly "good", don't tell me it's not memorable.
-Batman VS Freeze. A fight that involves Batman swinging around on his wire, swinging into Freeze, that kind of thing, and a good old-fashioned fistfight with a powersuit involved in the equation.
Batman is not The Matrix or Spider-Man, or even Blade. You won't see three minute fight scenes that have been set up to be such. Why? Because that's not realistic at all, and it's certainly not realistic in a being with no superpowers. And it's never been part of the comics, unless Batman is fighting someone with superb skill, like Shiva or Ra's Al Ghul.
In the Batman films, you see him fight how real people fight. That's how it works, people. You dodge, duck, and throw punches, kicks, and occassionally use the momentum of your opponent against them. This is how Batman has always fought in the comics when he's not facing down against someone with serious martial arts skills (And when he did so in previous films, he responded in kind) There are no exaggerated moves in the real world, there's no slow-motion chain kicks. Just people doing what they have to do to win a fight. You'll see much the same in BATMAN BEGINS.