This is a Thread for a Nominition of who you think was the stupiist Superhero ever created or even Villian.
Here's one Squirrel Girl
And ummm....This is what she did to Doom!!!!
Doom got Played.
I disagree vehemently.He's not. Squirrel Girl owns.
Stupid superhero idea? Sentry. Close thread.
So now we have a 1st post fail and an 8th post fail...this thread is reaching epic proportions!!Blue Devil....
I say this... and yet I own all 24 issues of this series...
Well, if it's open to DC as well, let me humbly nominate one Jason Todd, a character who was far better in a grave than he ever was out of one.
His story arc is better than the other Robins' combined.
Did you fail at counting in school?WOW...three posts of fail in one thread..THREE? Unfreakinbeliavable!! (Its silly posts like this that keep me comin' back here for a good laugh gosh darnit!!)
Jason contributed virtually nothing to that story anyway. Could've been any Robin in those pixie boots.Alan Moore's The Man Who Has Everything didn't suck... other than that I'm drawing a blank, mainly because the bulk of the earlier stories drown in the deluge of bilge which was his character's resurrection...
He was far better as a symbol when dead than his character has ever been...
I'll do you one better: Roy G. Bivolo, the Rainbow Raider.How about Color Kid?
That's funny I agree but lets keep it open just a little longer.I'm sure we can think of some others.However I feel he was beyond a doubt the worst he ruined the entire Marvel Universe.He's not. Squirrel Girl owns.
Stupid superhero idea? Sentry. Close thread.
..while math/counting wasn't my strongest subject in school, I do appreciate the concern..really.Did you fail at counting in school?
LOL..good choice!! I remember doing a double-take in the ol' comic shop when I saw this disasterpiece in the stands...hahahaha