Batman said:
I've been reading the series since issue #1 came out and read the entire arc of
Extremis, issue #7 of the new arc
Executive Program is off to a good start so far. I'm really enjoying his portrayal after injecting himself with the Extremis, he shows off his skill of multi tasking along with being a bit careful of the people surrounding him and I'm loving it. Although, there's someone in London who appears to be using one of his Iron Man armored suits and is going on a killing spree targeting people. It shows him operating the suit from a computer program to make the hits. I'm hoping the series picks up during the
Civil War storyline, and the issues maintain their course.
Issue #10 has a really great cover of Iron Man fighting The Sentry.
OOOOOOhhhhhhhhh YYYYYyeeeaaa!!!!!!!!!
That is one hell of a cover!
Yea, since Ellis took over, I'm loving this. Although it took like, a year and a half to get the 1st story out of the way, it still was brilliant. I think Granovs art IS worth the wait.
One real funny thing, Mark Millar and Warren Ellis are good friends, (in fact, Ellis has stated that Millar was the one who got him working for Marvel.) And in Millar's The Ultimates, he sets up Iron Man's armour to have something like 10 people to get it on Tony. In doing this, he said not only did he want to make it realistic, and suited to our times, but he also wanted the armour to seem super futuristic etc. etc.
So naturally, I assumed Ellis would take some sort of a route, even VAGUELY similar to Millar. Well, he went the extreme opposite, and went back to the suitcase! Of all things! And not only that, he makes Iron Man able to mentally connect to ANY comp in the world, to the point where Iron Man is almost biomechanical! He's even telekinetic with his suit! He's so powerful now, he could take out Thor, or even Superman theoretically. The concepte is so ludicrous, and SO out there.
What's even crazier is, I'm loving it! What is even crazier than that is, I seem to love both Millar and Ellis' incarnations equally! I like how everyones now writing Stark as becoming cynical, paranoid, moody, self righteous, arrogant, and somewhat loopy, in the 616MU. In both The inevitable, and his own title, we see how he's changed since The Extremis, I'm glad they're sticking to this. Parts of this has shown up subtley in other books, (The New Avengers Annual, NA:Illuminati etc.) but we know now, the 'new' Iron Man is going to become a very interesting part of Civil War, which I'm very much looking forward to.
I mean, think about it, after what happened to with the villain in the 'Extremis,' and his lovers murder prior to that, his next near death, and to so quickly become so INCREDIBLY super powerful, he is going to be acting very out of sorts. But like what GNR4LIFE said, he always has the best intentions at the start
Also, considering how powerful Tony is now, I don't think that The Sentry will have it this easy.