I usually browse around a few costume sites now and then, and saw that the official Dark KNight Joker goon masks are now for sale on some sites for $19.99. There are 7 masks total including the one worn by the joker, each has its own name like....grumpy, chuckles, dopey, happy, etc.
you can get some of them off of amazon here http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_?url=me=A1LDE1S76N6C2Z&field-keywords=Adult+Batman+Mask
and this site has them all for just $14.99-----> http://www.buycostumes.com/Category/128/4294966224/Product/33014/ProductDetail.aspx
I wanna get some of these, especially grumpy, and the Joker's mask, but I wanna know what the masks are made of before I get them, I hope they are hard plastic.
you can get some of them off of amazon here http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_?url=me=A1LDE1S76N6C2Z&field-keywords=Adult+Batman+Mask
and this site has them all for just $14.99-----> http://www.buycostumes.com/Category/128/4294966224/Product/33014/ProductDetail.aspx
I wanna get some of these, especially grumpy, and the Joker's mask, but I wanna know what the masks are made of before I get them, I hope they are hard plastic.