In summary of
Dengeki PlayStations 600th issue edition Q&A session, here are some more quotes from various key developers of Level-5, Marvelous, Bandai Namco, Nippon Ichi, and more. [Thanks,
Nippon Ichi president Sohei Niikawa:
Q: Is it possible to have the revival of the Marl Kingdom series?
A: We still have fans asking about a revival till this day. Im always thinking about how itd be cool to revive the series in a way thatd fit the current times, or maybe even develop it as a new musical title.
Q: When is Makai Wars coming out? Poor Asagi!
A: Sure enough, we do need to release it.
Q: Why do you challenge new IPs on a regular basis?
A: I believe that its our duty to challenge new titles and build and heap up our history, even if its bits at a time. Id like to gather with everyone and make the console market more exciting.
God Eater series producer Yusuke Tomizawa:
Q: Since Toukiden 2 is going to be an open world game, what are the chances of God Eater having the same?
A: I dont really know at this point, but since the game design will be changing, Id like to play and discuss it with the players.
Tekken series director and chief producer Katsuhiro Harada:
Q: Is Summer Lesson also enjoyable for girls?
A: The development team has girls that are enjoying it. Although, there are a lot of them that say they want to see a hot guy in it.
Q: Have you ever thought of doing other virtual reality titles aside from Summer Lesson?
A: I already have several plans for various genres hidden away. Id really like to play one where we can get four people together under a
kotatsu and play some mahjong.
Senran Kagura series producer Kenichiro Takaki:
Q: What are the chances of us ever getting a Kagura game that lets you play the way as seen in Senran Kagura: Estival Versus opening?
A: Id like to make that happen sometime once the PlayStation 4 grows nicely.
Q: If you could make a virtual reality game, what kind of game would you make?
A: Something with super perverted surroundings. [Editors note: did you even need to ask Takaki?]
5pb. Mages. representative director Chiyomaru Shikura:
Q: When will we get more information on Anonymous;Code?
A: I believe well have plenty of information by the end of the year.
Q: What happened with the collaboration title with Hideo Kojima?
A: Now that
Metal Gear Solid V has released, I think its about time we formally start working on it.
Level-5 president and CEO Akihiro Hino:
Q: Are there any chances for Yo-kai Watch to ever appear on PlayStation Vita or PS4?
A: Yes there are. On top of having it evolve for various forms of entertainment, there will always be the possibility for the need of a new field for it.
Q: What ever happened to the major title that will surpass White Knight Chornicles?
A: Were properly working on it. I believe that well make an announcement when the time comes.
Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo:
Q: Will you guys release a Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 for PlayStation 4?
A: While I do have the desire to make those, were currently moving towards making new titles. Id like to one day develop the
Trails series for PlayStation 4, and have been thinking about a way to make it possible.
Q: Id like to see the completion of the Trails series in my lifetime, but Im not too certain I will. About how many more years until its complete?
A: I cant say as far as how many years go, but after
Trails of Cold Steel 2, I believe were at about 60 percent of the whole thing.
As an extra bonus, heres a bit for director and scenario writer Taro Yoko, known for his work in the
Drakengard and
Nier series:
Q: Were cheering you on!
A: Thank you. I will let him know.
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Bandai Namco &
Falcom &
Level-5 &
Mages &
Marvelous &
Nippon Ichi on Siliconera.