I was the victim of a similar thing in junior high.
I was a good Christian, had never done drugs and had zero desire to do them. I even looked down at those who drink beer.
However, I was a super-insomniac, hated school and wore strange clothing.
So, some
REtard read some re
TARDed pamphlet or something, "Watch for the tell-tale signs to see if your teenager is on drugs!
and it must've been, "red eyes, always looks tired, schoolwork suffering, rebellious attitude, wears odd clothing, etc.", 'cause they had this big "intervention" with the Principal and 5 teachers where they asked me if I was doing drugs.
I laughed and made a real-life
- Face and said NO!"
But they said, "Wilhelm, listen....you're NOT going to be in trouble. We're not doing this to be mean. It's because we CARE about you....we're WORRIED for you, and we're here to help if you're having problems...:concernedface:"
And I said, "Great. and...NO! I hate people that do drugs."
And of course....."Wilhelm, We came to you first. You might be afraid of what your parents will do....but we all are just really concerned and want to help. There won't be any police or anything, no expulsion....but we just need you to be honest with us....
This went on for a couple of hours.