Opinions on BLADE 3 -Trinity


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
An associate of mine claims that the reason Blade wears that awful red thermal underneath his black costume might be because Snipes didn't get into the best shape he could've been in for the flick. This is all speculation ofcourse but we both agree that it was the worst film in the trilogy. Place your opinions please! :ninja:
I also liked the red get-up.
It looked nice with the red under the coat.

As for Trinity, it was 1,000 different types of suck.
I thought Trinity was the weakest of the Blade films.

-If Whistler went out, at least he went out like a man and fitting for his character.
-Blade v. FBI. I wish there had been more of it.
-Hannibal King. I didn't think he was all that bad, though he could've been toned down a bit. However, Ryan Reynolds had nice comic timing.
-Drake. Dominic Purcell wasn't a bad choice though I probably would've picked someone else-Djimon Hounsou or the Arab actor from Lost-I can't recall his name at the moment. Goyer's take on the Dracula legend wasn't bad, I liked the Dagon tie. I also liked the demon-reaper form.
-Blade. Though he phoned in a lot of his performance, Wesley still brought it, and it was good to see him one last time.

-Abby and King horning in on Blade's screentime. King was all right, but there was nothing particularly cool or interesting about him and Abby as a team.
-Abigail Whistler. At least King had comic relief, and if used right they could've played his opposing style against Blade's, something like 48 Hours. Abby was a cipher, and the attempts to make her cool were unrealistic even for a vampire movie. And why wasn't there a scene between Whistler and his daughter? I really think Biel was in the picture solely to take that unnecessary shower scene.
-Danica Talos. Will someone stop putting Parker Posey in comic book movies! She's the kiss of death. Her Danica was totally lame and her crew was weak. Grimwood had potential, but the rest...
-Nightstalkers. Come on, Patton Oswalt and Natasha Lyons, and a black guy who procures (i.e. steals) cars? That's it. I would've liked a more harder edged group.
-The bad guys didn't really have a master plan. Outside of framing Blade and resurrecting Drake, then what? What was Drake supposed to do exactly when he woke up? Daystar seemed like something of an add on when it could've been a storyline driving the whole movie.
-Drake. You give a guy shapeshifting powers and then you have him fight a guy called Blade with a sword? Of course I'm sure Drake wanted to test himself against a worthy opponent, but it would've been nice to change up the big finale fight a little. Drake's character was also woefully underdeveloped and not given enough badass moments like Frost and Nomak were before the big fight. Plus, they shouldn't have had Drake hiding behind babies or running from Blade.
-Drake shapeshifting into Whistler to invade the Nightstalker camp. For one, where did he learn who Whistler was or what he looked like? And two, why didn't whoever gave him the information tell him that Whistler was dead? I think it would've made more since for him to imitate Blade, King, or Abby since the audience saw him engage them before he snuck into their base.
-The fights. Largely more of the same. Though the movie cost more than the other two I believed, it looked like it cost less.
Also, the fight choreography was terrible in Trinity. No where near the caliber of the fights in Blade's 1 and 2. I think they dumbed down Snipes fights to make Abby's and Kings fight seem a little better than they actually were.
Okay here we go. I'll do something similar to what Darkush did.

The Good:
1. The opening where Drake was brought back to life.
2. Blade's opening scene with the car chase, taking down vamps
3. The Daystar idea (they could have expanded on it though)
4. Blade's last conversations with Whistler
5. Blade and Abigail discovering the "blood-farms"
6. the dog mutations. It showed that the vampires were experimenting, trying new things.

The Bad:
1. Too much focus on Nightstalkers.
2. Whister died too quickly. He should've stayed still the end or died helping Blade take out Drake. Whister deserved better.
3. Too much comedy from Hannibal King. I liked his character though, but this is not the movie to put a lot of jokes in.
4. Drake:
-(the actor did a good job but....)
-his powers were lame (shape shifting?)
-I felt he could have been more intimidating
-He died too easily
-When he finally met Blade face to face, he says "come on Blade, show me what you're made of" and he jumps out of a window and runs away from him!
5. We needed no narrator at the beginning of the film. There wasnt one in the previous two. We didnt need one now.
6. I didn't like how the FBI got involved with tracking Blade.
7. How did Hannibal and Abigail find out where Blade was being held by the FBI?
8. Why did Drake kill all the Nightstalkers except Hannibal?
9. Where are all the new cool weapons at?
10. Fight scenes could've been better.
11. Too much happened in the day light. It needed to be more darker, like the previous two.
12. Parker Posey was terrible. So was Triple H.
13. Blade:
-Wesley Snipes didnt look like he was really into the Blade character this time around.
14. The Plot. Sure it had the Daystar idea, (which I liked) but that was about it. Bringing back Dracula didn't mean very much.
15. The vampires seemed weak
16. There needed to be a better climax for the ending of this series.
I'm glad we all more or less agree on the topic then. I saw a couple of excerpts from the new cable series. Seems to be more promising. Maybe. :hellboy:
I loved it but it's definately the weakest of the series. I'd watch any movie for Snipes' fights alone and Hannibal King was pretty badass. Abigail was just...there...and...awkward. Stunt double was desperately needed. Too many actors and actresses want to do their own stunts at the cost of quality.
It didn't measure up to the first two especially the second one. Blade 2 was an epic where as Blade Trinity imho felt like an below average made-for-tv action movie when it should have been just as epic(if not more than)as Blade 2.
I liked the movie actually. I would've changed a few things here and there but I still enjoyed it.
Trinity was great but a notch below the lofty standards set by 1&2. My biggest complaint was a dropped storyline. There was talk of this movie being set in the future where Blade & the Nightstalkers were the leaders of an underground resistance group after the vampires had overrun the world. I thnk that would have been outstanding.

Other criticisms:

1) No explanation on how HK & Abby can go toe to toe w/ Vamps. In the first two films, humans were easily overpowered by bloodsuckers.

2) Abby's "cure" for HK. Was it like the stasis detox for Whistler in pt.2? If there wasn't a special set of circumstances, why wouldn't the Nighstalkers just go around shooting vamps with vials of the "cure"? That seems alot easier.

3) No continuity with the Vampire upper eschalon. Who exactly were the vamps that found Drake? We know ther names but what governing body/vamp house were they from?

4) Drake's look. His vampiric form was awesome but his human look was all wrong. If he was a warrior from ancient Sumeria, why didn't he have long hair, tattoos or scarification, necklaces of his enemies teeth etc...?

The Good:

1) The idea of expanding the group fighting the vamps. In pt 1, Whistler says, "Blade, myself and a few others try to keep (the war ) from spilling over into the street". We didn't see any of their allies in part 2. It was logical for them to appear in pt. 3.

2) Blade's serum inhaler. It wasn't as cool as watching Blade shake from the injections but it was more pragmatic for controlling the thirst during days of battles. It's been curiously absent from the TV series.

3) The vamps working with/ controlling the FBI. Whistler also said, "They own the police" in pt .1. Again, a nice logical progression.

4) Blade vs. Dracula. It had to happen if pt .3 was indeed the last in the movie franchise's run.

5) The human storehouse. I'm glad Goyer found a way to inject that back into the storyline after it was cut from the original.

6) Jarko Grimwood. HHH was much better than I expected. I would have liked to have seen an extended fight scene with Blade & JK but I really liked how King punched his ticket.

7) Daystar virus. Biological warfare-perfect idea for fighting the vampire virus.

..And to answer your question about the red shirt, I think Snipes was a little heavier in the begining of the movie and trimmed up as it went on.
Savage said:
I loved it but it's definately the weakest of the series. I'd watch any movie for Snipes' fights alone

A lot of it, apparently, was his double Clay Fontanot. It's no secret Snipes hated the direction the third film was going in, and a lot of days, he just didn't want to do anything. There's even a scene from the alternate ending where Blade is supposed to open his eyes after being presumed dead, and they had to CGI the opening of his eyes 'cause Snipes wouldn't do it on set. Yeah, Snipes should have soldiered on for the sake of the film, but Goyer and New Line were clearly sidelining Blade in favor of the Nightstalkers.

and Hannibal King was pretty badass. Abigail was just...there...and...awkward. Stunt double was desperately needed. Too many actors and actresses want to do their own stunts at the cost of quality.

I applaud the effort. Reynolds (ESPECIALLY Reynolds) and Biel got in ridiculous shape to come off believable as vampire hunters, and them wanting to do as much as they could is far more encouraging than seeing simple actions done by stunt people.

As for The film, I pretty much agree with everything most of you have already said. The big things for me of course are the lack of a vampire hierarchy, which has always been a strong fixture in the franchise (and one of the things I love about the television series), the specifics of the Nightstalkers, as the idea of them makes sense based not only on the comics but dialogue from Whistler in the first film. Somerfield, she should have been Karen Jensen. I would have hated to see her die, but one, the re-introduction of her character would have meant more focus on Blade, and two, it fits in with Hannibal being cured. Mind you, I think it would have been interesting to see how Blade handled a full-fledged vampire on his team. It wouldn't be the same as Blade 2 since everyone else would still be human, and they'd be calling the shots. And I definitely agree with the idea that Dracula should have looked a lot different. I would have cast an actor maybe of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean descent. Long hair, a beard, that would have been nice. A full back tattoo of his glyph as opposed to the tiny brand in the center of his chest.

The sad thing is, Trinity was the most expensive of the Blade films, and looked cheaper than Blade 2!!! What's abundantly clear is that Goyer had no business directing the film. The other two films benefitted more from their directors, with Norrington have a visual effects background, and Del Toro being a master of horror and a full-fledged comic book geek. Blade 2 is probably my favorite comic book movie, as opposed to something like X-Men or Batman Begins that are films based on comics, the difference being how they present the story and characters. Blade 2 had a stronger translation of elements in comic book storytelling. The dialogue, the pacing, the action, all more reminiscent of what you'd see in a comic book. The scene wher Nomak uppercuts Blade during their fight at the end, It's like looking at a comic panel, and you can almost see the sound effect lettering. X-men and Batman Begins had standard movie action, but nothing to really remind you of the action you might find in any particular comic. Burton's Batman falls more into that category.
BigCityBoy said:
It didn't measure up to the first two especially the second one. Blade 2 was an epic where as Blade Trinity imho felt like an below average made-for-tv action movie when it should have been just as epic(if not more than)as Blade 2.

C/S I feel the same way. The first opening sequence with Blade was good but once Blade gets captured the movie pretty much goes down hill from there. Except for a few fights towards the end movie just doesn't live up to the other flicks.
49erVenom said:
No continuity with the Vampire upper eschalon. Who exactly were the vamps that found Drake? We know ther names but what governing body/vamp house were they from?

It's not mentioned in the film, but it is mentioned in the Blade:Trinity novelization. Danica overthrew the state council of the Vampire Nation:

"When the state council of the Vampire Nation had been detroyed by the bastard Daywalker three years ago, Danica had been waiting in the shadows, ready to seize power from the few remaining Purebloods left alive. the half-breed daughter of one of the vampire guards...[she] rallied the guards in the aftermath of the attack and [threw] the few surviving council members out onto the street."
-pg. 59

Trinity's biggest problem was Goyer's direction. The story, as is, could have made an excellent and fitting end to the franchise. Goyer benefits from having a good director as a creative filter. Trinity was his vision unchecked, and it sucked. If only they could have gotten Del Toro back...
tamron said:
It's not mentioned in the film, but it is mentioned in the Blade:Trinity novelization. Danica overthrew the state council of the Vampire Nation:

"When the state council of the Vampire Nation had been detroyed by the bastard Daywalker three years ago, Danica had been waiting in the shadows, ready to seize power from the few remaining Purebloods left alive. the half-breed daughter of one of the vampire guards...[she] rallied the guards in the aftermath of the attack and [threw] the few surviving council members out onto the street."
-pg. 59

Trinity's biggest problem was Goyer's direction. The story, as is, could have made an excellent and fitting end to the franchise. Goyer benefits from having a good director as a creative filter. Trinity was his vision unchecked, and it sucked. If only they could have gotten Del Toro back...

Thanks for the Danica backstory. That backstory though seems at odds with the wierd portrayal of Danica we got from Parker Posey. I don't buy that she and her crew could overthrow anyone. They seemed like bored socialites, vampiric Paris Hiltons.

I also agree with you that Trinity's story, as is, wasn't all that bad. Goyer really had too much on his plate, writing and directing Trinity while also writing Batman Begins. It's obvious to me what he focused on most.
tamron said:
It's not mentioned in the film, but it is mentioned in the Blade:Trinity novelization. Danica overthrew the state council of the Vampire Nation:

"When the state council of the Vampire Nation had been detroyed by the bastard Daywalker three years ago, Danica had been waiting in the shadows, ready to seize power from the few remaining Purebloods left alive. the half-breed daughter of one of the vampire guards...[she] rallied the guards in the aftermath of the attack and [threw] the few surviving council members out onto the street."
-pg. 59

Trinity's biggest problem was Goyer's direction. The story, as is, could have made an excellent and fitting end to the franchise. Goyer benefits from having a good director as a creative filter. Trinity was his vision unchecked, and it sucked. If only they could have gotten Del Toro back...

Thanks! I really appreciate that. I'll have to pick that up sometime.
I liked Blade Trinity the second time I saw it. The first time I had to get used to Ryan Reynolds not shutting up. By the second time he was cracking me up.
I thought Ryan Reynolds was ridiculous in this movie.

He doesn't fit into the Blade movies at all. That he actually narrated the opening was even more ridiculous. There was no payoff to the King/Blade relationship either.

Basically the comedy of Reynolds and Blade didn't mix. People didn't enjoy or go to the Blade movies for dumb Reynolds comedy. I think that's one reason this movie failed and made even less than the original.
Blade 3 was an awful movie and Snipes knew it, which is why he phoned in his performance. I don't see how any fan of the first two films can like a Blade movie that wasn't about Blade and had poorly filmed action scenes, hell it was overall a poorly filmed movie.

That's what gets me. When people say 'It was o.k', it's like they're in denial or something. The movie sucked in so many ways that my brain is oveloading just thinking about it.I feel bad for Snipes and i'm Blade he's suing those studio *******s! It kinda sucks that the show got cancelled but maybe it will help the studio bigwigs see that Goyer should NEVER been left to his own devices. He's the main reason why Trinity failed, thus his beef with Wesley.
I'd have appreciated Reynold's humor more if Blade's reaction to it was in character. Blade would have only put up with his wisecracking for so long. In fact, the novel even has King call Blade "Blackula" when him and Abigail rescue him, to which Blade punches him out. Now THAT should have been in the movie.
Blade 3 was an awful movie and Snipes knew it, which is why he phoned in his performance. I don't see how any fan of the first two films can like a Blade movie that wasn't about Blade and had poorly filmed action scenes, hell it was overall a poorly filmed movie.


It needed tweaking but it didn't suck. It was still good. The premise could have used some better execution, that's all.
Golgo13:The Hitman said:
That's what gets me. When people say 'It was o.k', it's like they're in denial or something.

There's no accounting for taste. I had a guy tell me in all seriousness that he liked Trinity better than Blade and Blade II. I stood there dumbfounded, but he really liked Trinity. Go figure.
To each his own I guess. I'd like to catch the 1st season of the cable series. I've only seen parts & certainly not every single episode. From what I saw, it looked alot better than the 3rd film.

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