Paramount acquires Friday the 13th film rights, Friday the 13th 2 on the way!

It really depends on what they intend to do in the sequel but maybe "yay" or maybe "aww ****."
IS JASON GOING TO HAVE HIS BLONDE HAIR AGAIN? Because it was beautiful and flowing.
I can did it. It's about time. The 2009 "remake" was awesome.
I actually liked the remake. The ending was kinda meh but I'm curious to see how they'll do this.
I enjoy the reboot and was hoping for a sequel. I'm honestly excited to see if they'll do something we haven't seen before or bring back the Tommy Jarvis character.
I can did it. It's about time. The 2009 "remake" was awesome.

Ummm, no it wasn't.

I just hope Michael Bay hires writers and a director who understand horror this time.

Step 1: Make LIKEABLE characters, that are NOT boring.

Step 2: Spend some time building SUSPENSE! Without the suspense, the death scenes (no matter how awesome the VFX are) are completely meaningless!

If they can do that, I MIGHT be able to forgive them for the snoozefest that was Friday The 13th 2009.
I still think it was as good or better than the majority of the sequels.
I still think it was as good or better than the majority of the sequels.

Everything after Part 4 maybe.

The director of Part 7 equates making a Friday The 13th movie with telling a joke, the death scenes being the punchlines. That's pretty much true, except the suspense leading up to the kill is supposed to be the joke's set up.

Parts 5 through FvJ, as well as the remake, were all punchlines, no set up. I'll continue the analogy with jokes borrowed from a friend of mine, "Horror Comic" Gerald Gerald Geraldson.

"It ain't easy bein' creepy. It ain't easy bein' creepy. It ain't easy bein' creepy." Hilarious right? No? You no why? Because it's just the punchlines.

"Kermit The Frog once said 'It's not easy being green. Well you know what? It ain't easy bein' creepy.

In high school, when the other boys were having a hard time picking up girls, I was having a hard time picking up hitch hikers! It ain't easy bein' creepy!

I went to a used car dealer. I said 'I wanna buy one of those Toyota Echoes'. The salesman said 'How about a black Chevy panel van with tinted windows?' I said it ain't easy bein' creepy!

I went to the SPCA! I said 'I'd like to get me one of them Saint Bernards'. The girl behind the counter said 'How about a shaved cat with a *****?' I said it ain't easy bein' creepy.

I was on a plane recently. The man next to me pulled a picture of his family out of his wallet and showed it to me. So I pulled a picture out of my wallet. He said 'Is that your family? They look real nice.' I said 'No'. He said 'Then why do you have their picture?' I said 'It ain't easy bein' creepy.'

I got on a bus one time. There was only one other passenger on board, so I sat right next to her. She said 'The bus is practically empty, why do you have to sit right next to me?' I looked at her and said 'It ain't easy bein' creepy'.

I got on an elevator the other day. Then a clown got on. Then a mime got on. Then a robot street performer got on. Then an evangelist got on. We all looked at each other and we're like 'It ain't easy bein' creepy'.

I WENT TO JUST LADIES FITNESS! . . . It ain't easy bein' creepy."

See the difference?
Ummm, no it wasn't.

I just hope Michael Bay hires writers and a director who understand horror this time.

Step 1: Make LIKEABLE characters, that are NOT boring.

Step 2: Spend some time building SUSPENSE! Without the suspense, the death scenes (no matter how awesome the VFX are) are completely meaningless!

If they can do that, I MIGHT be able to forgive them for the snoozefest that was Friday The 13th 2009.

The remake is one of the worst movies I have ever's like the "My Bloody Valentine" remake. Softcore pornography with some horror in it.
I could probably count on one hand how many characters from the entire franchise I actually liked as something other than machete fodder.
The remake had my favorite Jason to date, and I fairly liked the primary human characters (Clay, Whitney and Jenna).

I think it's quite a bit better than it's given credit for.
But it's kinda generic though. Polished and generic.
I found both Reboots meh, but i'm open for more Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street movies, would actually like to see another Freddy vs Jason crossover
The thing that was baffling about the Nightmare remake was that..they could've done so many great and different things to help differentiate this new series. Only if they had more ambitious.
The thing that was baffling about the Nightmare remake was that..they could've done so many great and different things to help differentiate this new series. Only if they had more ambitious.

I absolutely loved what they did with the visuals in the Nightmare remake, the nightmare sequences were all really well-shot and eerily lit, but that's about it. Other than that, it was beyond dull and the acting was as wooden as... well, lumber. Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy was an exception though, I thought he was great, especially during Freddy's origin scenes, but there wasn't enough of him and he was far better in the under appreciated Little Children film where he plays a haunting child molester who has just been released from prison (he should have won an Oscar for that role, as much as I love Alan Arkin in Little Miss Sunshine, Haley was too brilliant in that role). Rooney Mara continues to make me believe that she is the most overrated actress in Hollywood working right now. I hated The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo remake, which surprised me a lot because I normally enjoy David Fincher's films, and Side Effects was too trashy to have any merit (one of the worst films I've seen as of late).

This news about a new Friday film has me excited though. I've always loved the Friday/Nightmare films, so I really do hope that they can get Freddy and Jason back on-screen together again sometime soon because Freddy vs. Jason is such an entertaining film that how a sequel never got made, I'll never understand. The film almost quadrupled it's budget of $30,000,000 and made a killing on the home-video market. I'd much rather see another Freddy vs. Jason film than another Jason/Freddy remake, and I think that the fans would agree as well.
The thing that was baffling about the Nightmare remake was that..they could've done so many great and different things to help differentiate this new series. Only if they had more ambitious.

:up: the Nightmare remake was a massive missed opportunity. They could have made Freddy truly terrifying again but instead they made a greatest hits of the original series.
They were stuck in a comfort zone with the 'Nightmare' remake.
I would prefer they not do another crossover film or a reboot, and instead focus of doing a solo film. They need to do something akin to Halloween: Nightdance. Plus, the films are cheap to make, so they don't have to worry about trying to make a billion dollars on a two hundred million dollar budget. For $10 million, they could make a tight horror film on a remote location that oozes ambience. They don't have to worry about star power; the best of the Friday films were the ones with unknowns. So, really, all they need is:

(a) Tight script.
1. No explosion or over the top, expensive spectacle.
2. Unknown performers.
3. Don't worry about continuity.
(b) Use Manfredini's score.
(c) Hire a decent lighting technician.
(d) Return the Crazy Ralph archetype.

These tasks are cheap, not hard to fulfill, and will result in a film that will make some decent money. Marketing would not be that hard as a lot of it could be done via the horror communities (Fangoria, Bloody Disgusting, Rue Morgue, and so on,) and they would have to put out one theatrical trailer and a tv exclusive during American Horror Story or the equivalent.
In another reality. They would just do a big budget Supernatural movie. Where the brothers have to face & kill every horror movie legend. Or at the very least make it Freddy, Jason, Michael, Chucky etc. Make it a one off & have it nothing to do with the show besides the two guys
The remake is one of the worst movies I have ever's like the "My Bloody Valentine" remake. Softcore pornography with some horror in it.

Exactly! Once the girls had their clothes on, I couldn't give 2 s**ts about their characters or what happens to them. And the guys were all either boring or deuchebags. I didn't even like Clay (and I'm a Jared fan)!

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