Parents are worried about a new "Tween" Dora becoming a boy-crazy little tart.
Oh, those overreacting parents.
Swiper is going to become her pimp and she will refer to him as Papi Chulo.
Swiper is going to become her pimp and she will refer to him as Papi Chulo.
Parents are worried about a new "Tween" Dora becoming a boy-crazy little tart.
Oh, those overreacting parents.
Ages 10-12....the one thing i'm confused about is what the hell a tween is
Ages 10-12.
Double digit ages that aren't teenagers but aren't kids.
the hell
they're kids...they don't need to invent new words to describe something like that
the hell
they're kids...they don't need to invent new words to describe something like that
what's sad is that ADULTS coined this term.
this is the ultimate proof that adults sucks
To be fair the adults were Disney execs who wanted to give a unique name to a certain demographic.
...the one thing i'm confused about is what the hell a tween is
LOL I LOL OLOLOLOLOLOL MOAR LOL lol"Today we're going to talk about measuring! MEASURING IS FUN! Es muy divertido! This is Carlos! llamas Carlos Carlos es seis inches! Carlos is six inches! ES MUY PEQUENO! NO WAY! SAY IT LOUDER! This is Miguel! Miguel es neuve inches! MUY GRANDE! He is very BIG! ME GUSTO!"
Swiper is going to become her pimp and she will refer to him as Papi Chulo.
Swiper no swiping Dora's virginity.