Originally Posted by Mitthrawnuruodo
1. The title, BB sucked. Its silly and lame. Batman Begins. STUPID. It sounds childish. I hate saying it. Should have been The Batman, or Batman: The Beginnning. Now we have TDK, which i lake, but nobody outside this forum knows that its about Batman! lol Bad marketing. Set things off on the wrong foot.
2. Bales voice. Its all wrong. From the tailer it sounds just as bad as it did in BB. I'm just waiting for the pinched face look and lisp to rear its ugly head again. Its Bale constipated in that suit or something? Has he been smoking 40 a day since the age of 10?
3. The Batsuit. Now the BB suit was bad enough, but the new one really is bad. Not since B&R have we been treated to such utter crap. Its Robocop meats the power Rangers. Silly and goofy. Orver worked clutter. The symbol just disappears in all that gunk. Thats not batman, that iron man. Tip to Mr Nolan. GET A NEW COSTUME DESIGNER!
4. The music. I'm hoping for great things this time, we we are still with the guys that brought us the totally unforgetable BB theme. COULD be boring again. Dull.
5. The Joker. Like Scarecrow, Nolan's realism has destroyed the Joker's real look. Nicholson looked more faithful to the comics that Ledger. Now I LIKE ledger's look, i'm down with it, but its not exactly faithful is it? I wanted the Joker from the Animated series. The Joker from HUSH, TLH, TKJ etc...
6. Alfred. Caine sounds and looks mothing like alfred. He doesn't even try to sound or look like the character. F- for effort there Sir can't be bothered to research my roles Caine.
7. The batbike. Is it needed? REALY? or is it in this film so WB can sell more toys? Is it there just to fill an action scene that Nolan could have worked around the Tumbler? It looks ok, but i prefer the batman without so many gadgets. bat-to-basics was the approach Nolan took in BB, and TDK follows staight after. I guess one week is enough time to start introducing the toys again. Bat ski and hover bike in the third film then.
8. Rachel. Now looks completely different! Maybe the Joker hacked her face up, and plastic surgery has made holmes look like Maggie. Or maybe Continuity is blown.
Apart from the title and the rachel part i agree with whats said here and on the joker yes i hate the look but if heath really amazes me i will forgive it you can make fun of these opnions but instead why not try counter-arguing with the guy instead of cheap jabs. It may surprise some here but there are some people out there who really think parts of BB where really dissapointing.