Quesada recently said that Spider-Man was lacking some of the soap opera elemtns of the past. I agree. However, I think a lot of this is the fault of the Marvel writers.
A lot of Peter's personal life and problems have always revolved around his school life and employment. In Stan's day Peter had a group of people to interact with at Midtown High and Empire State University (Flash, Liz, MJ, Gwen, and Harry). He also had his Daily Bugle Staff (Betty, JJJ, Robbie, and Ned).
In the 80's more classmates/characters were introduced in Spectacular and AMZ (Deb Whitman, Professor Sloan, Lance Bannon, etc). Yet in recent years, the supporting cast really doesn't play a role in the book. I attribute a lot of this to the fact that Peter's life outside the costume has been all but been ignored for the last decade.
He re-entered graduate school but that part of his life was never focused on. TheTri-Corp angle was dropped before it had a chance to go anywhere. When was the last time Peter took a photo for the Bugle? Peter's in school but we don't know anything about his co-workers or his students.
If the writers paid more attention building up the role supporting cast, all kinds of stories could evolve out his interaction with them. The marriage could be put on the backburner for awhile b/c it wouldn't be the focus of the book. In order for this to happen though, I think Marvel needs to figure out where they want Peter to be professionally for the next several years. Once they do that, the supporting cast can then regain a prominent role in the book and the series could almost write itself.
A lot of Peter's personal life and problems have always revolved around his school life and employment. In Stan's day Peter had a group of people to interact with at Midtown High and Empire State University (Flash, Liz, MJ, Gwen, and Harry). He also had his Daily Bugle Staff (Betty, JJJ, Robbie, and Ned).
In the 80's more classmates/characters were introduced in Spectacular and AMZ (Deb Whitman, Professor Sloan, Lance Bannon, etc). Yet in recent years, the supporting cast really doesn't play a role in the book. I attribute a lot of this to the fact that Peter's life outside the costume has been all but been ignored for the last decade.
He re-entered graduate school but that part of his life was never focused on. TheTri-Corp angle was dropped before it had a chance to go anywhere. When was the last time Peter took a photo for the Bugle? Peter's in school but we don't know anything about his co-workers or his students.
If the writers paid more attention building up the role supporting cast, all kinds of stories could evolve out his interaction with them. The marriage could be put on the backburner for awhile b/c it wouldn't be the focus of the book. In order for this to happen though, I think Marvel needs to figure out where they want Peter to be professionally for the next several years. Once they do that, the supporting cast can then regain a prominent role in the book and the series could almost write itself.