As far as predictions go here are a few
*The next film will probably be more action/ adventure oriented than brooding and dramatic.
* They'll probably go with a 20 something , younger, unknown or rising thesp as Batman much like they cast Andrew Garfield as Spiderman.
* The film will definately be in 3D, assuming its still the rage by the time the development of the film gets going
* This Batman world will be a world in which superbeings exist , which sets the stage for JLA
* They'll want the film to appeal to a wider teen and family audience as opposed to the Nolan films which were geared more towards adults
* I actually think they bring out the big guns like Joker, Riddler, Penguin, Mr Freeze etc for the next film. I think the Nolan route of minor baddies as introduction probably won't happen for the first film.
* Cast will be made up of younger versions of characters such as Gordan, Alfred, and the love interest, in order to keep them around for potentially several sequels.
* Overall , I think the tone of the next film will be more along the lines of
The Batman and ASM in terms of a younger, fresh , brooding hero .
* WB will get a young fresh director whom they can keep the reigns on until they've proven themselves
* They're not gonna do the origin again, at least for the first film.
* If all else fails , they'll go to with a truck load of cash Bale and try to woo him back for a justice league film , Nolan continuity be dammed.