Watched the extended edition last night, and I just have to say...BETTER!
It was a definite improvement. I thought the Jimmy Weeks story line added a darker element to the film. It, along with the Kuwait scene, significantly improved the pacing of the first half of the film. I was always bothered by how the original filmed opened immediately with the undercover job where Saint's son is killed. It always felt like a beat was missing before that. I really like the end where Frank confronts Jimmy. Honsetly, that was some of Jane's best acting in the film. That scene felt like Frank Castle more than anything else in the film. The placing of the scene did feel a tad intrusive however. It maybe should have come before he launches into his final take down of Saint instead of in the middle of it. But now with the Weeks storyline, even the Torro brother stuff fits much better. Much like the Daredevil director's cut, all of what I didn't like about the original was still there (flaming skull, anyone?), but overall it was a better film and better paced. One addition they made, that I love, is having Mark Collie's song at the beginning of the closing credits..That was class! I always hated how the credits launched into that head banging tune, but now it just feels more epic.
Yeah, this is my preferred version of the film. I will still be keeping my orignal disk for the features, but when I feel like watching the movie, this is the one I will pull out.