Nice one!
- the scene with the fireplace closely resembles the scene with the fire on the frozen lake in BB. Miranda talks about her father, Ras talks about his wife and child
- Bruce keeps saying it's important that Batman "could be anyone" Bane says that the trigger man to destroy Gotham could be any citizen of Gotham
- Batman's mask covers all except the mouth. Bane's mask only covers his mouth
- Selina asks Bruce who are you pretending to be. Bruce says "Bruce Wayne eccentric billionaire
- Blake throws away his gun in disgust after he shoots the thug at the cement factory
- Bane finds Gordon's speech after he orders the thugs who captured him to search Gordon's body the night of the party
- Blake knows where to look for Gordon at the runoff the of sewers because that's where the body of the orphan was earlier in the movie
- the scene where Selina comes in blasting at Bane to save Bruce is reminiscent of female Robin coming in blasting to save Bruce from the Mutant Leader in TDKR
- the fight scene where Bane breaks Batman in front of his minions is reminiscent of both the Mutant Leader breaking Batman in front of his minions in TDKR and the image of Bane from Knightfall
- Bane snapping the handcuffs in that scene is reminiscent of the Mutant Leader snapping his handcuffs while in custody
- Bane snapping Daggets neck is reminiscent of the Mutant Leader in TDKR snapping the neck of the mayor
- Bruce wants to be a symbol for the citizens of Gotham to RISE in BB. in DKR Bane mocks that by calling for the citizens of Gotham to RISE against the system's injustice (effectively instituted by Batman and Gordon)
- it's hinted that Miranda is Talia:
- she sabotages the mission to mark the radioactive trailer by telling Gordon to mark the wrong truck
- the prison doctor tells of patching up Bane after the attack on the child and her mother. but the child who escapes has no wounds
- both the doctor and his assistant in the prison never confirms when Bruce asks them repeatedly if Bane is the child (they stop telling the story or change the subject
- the imagery of Bruce rising from the pit is same as the image of Thomas Wayne rescuing Bruce from where he has fallen at the beginning of BB
- Batman begins when Ras tries to make Bruce his successor. Batman ends when Bruce is able to find his own successor
- Blake refuses to wear "masks" hinting that he will be a new type of hero for Gotham... the one that Gotham needs right now after the death of Batman
- Blake operating in full daylight, unlike Batman hinting that he will be a new type of hero for Gotham... the one that Gotham needs right now after the death of Batman
- Blake's detective work and deductive skills evoke Batman's detective activities in the comics
- the eulogy Gordon reads is from the Tale of 2 Cities
- when showing him the Bat for the first time Fox tells Bruce "you will fix the autopilot"
- Selina Kyle probably came back because like with Blake, the National Guard didnt know about the bomb and probably blew the tunnel she was going to use to escape
- Bruce goes to the exact same cafe that Alfred told him about on the day of Alfred's vacation to see him
- when the special forces guys come to meet Gordon he tells them he has "dozens" of men but after Bane hangs them, there's less than 10 who show up on D Day
- the old guy among "Gordon's men" at the end of the movie is the old timer cop who is a fan of Batman and tells the rookie "boy you are in for a show tonight" and "put that gun away before you hurt yourself"
- like the autopilot modes on the Batmobile in TDK (loiter, intimidate) which can operate independently, the Bat's autopilot evidently had different modes which allowed batman to bail out over the ocean and sent it on fly mode into the ocean. it may in fact have been pre programed for all such contingencies by Batman beforehand
- because it's "clean energy" the residual fallout will have no ill effects on Gotham
- in BB Fox tells Bruce that his father "nearly bankrupted" Wayne Enterprises trying to save the poor, in DKR Bruce nearly bankrupts Wayne Enterprises trying to find clean energy "to save the world"
- the immediate shot of Bruce after he escapes the prison is approaching a large town with many building and telephone poles from which he could contact anywhere in the world
- even in Middle East prison, the tortured doctor knows who Bruce is "he asks how much you will pay us to let you die"
- it's hinted that Bruce has secret accounts independent of Wayne Enterprises (much like Fox keeps the Applied Sciences off the books) as contingencies to use as Batman
- in BB Nolan makes it clear the Bruce has funds other than Wayne stock... he mentions to Earle about "various charitable organizations, trusts and so on" that Bruce used to buy majority share in Wayne Enterprises
- the pearl necklace that Selina steals is the same necklace that Thomas Wayne showed Bruce the day of their murder as a present to Martha. it is the most precious thing in the world to Bruce because his father died when Chill spotted the necklace and pointed the gun to Martha and he put his body in front of him to shield her.
- the necklace is missing after the death of Batman. since it was kept in an "uncrackable" safe that only Batman or Catwoman could break into. it either means Batman is alive or that Selina took the pearls. and given her own sense of honor established in the movie, Nolan's Selina would have never taken the pearls
- it's 23 days between the death of the special ops forces and Bruce's return to Gotham (Bruce makes 2 attempts at climbing out of the pit, so we don't know exactly how many days it was)
- Bane quotes Bruce's training under Ras during their battle "theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated"
- Bane first engages Bruce on a landing with little maneuverability to test him before fighting him on the ground
- Batman defeats Bane armed with the knowledge of why he wears that mask from the prison doctor, by focusing on his breathing apparatus in the final fight
- Talia probably never was intimate with Bane. because she calls him her "friend" when they part and there's no physical intimacy
- the face you see when Talia's "protector" in jail is shown is Bane actor Tom Hardy's real face
- Batman and Bane both see themselves as "protectors" (Batman for Gotham, Bane for Talia) and as Ras' "heirs"
- the events in Batman Begins probably occur shortly after Bane's expulsion from the league. it's even possible that after he found Bane lacking, Ras specifically went out to test Bruce as his heir
- Bruce never "beat" Ras or Bane technically speaking. Ras has Bruce beat until he realized that the train was going to crash in BB and he only died because he didn't have the same gear that Bruce had to escape. Although he got the better of Bane, Catwoman is the one who actually kills Bane.
- the blood transfusion during the plane crash from Pavel was to put his DNA into the other victim, so the CIA would confirm him as on the crash
the awesome thing is how unlike other movies, these easter eggs TIE ACROSS ALL 3 MOVIES like Nolan planted them years in advance