I think it is easy to think we can pinpoint movie tastes with the type of person they are
like for example, Larry the Cable Guy Health Insepctor might be one of the worst things I Have ever witnessed in my life, but you get some tractor drvin' redneck that movie, and he'll laugh his ass to the bank, boom case close, Rednecks love that movie. Then you get another brutilly dreafull movie in Little Man, and you give that to some black people, and they love it cause it's the Wayane, boom case closed Black people love black humor no matter how bad it is. Then you give some white people a Luke Wilson movie, and boom case closed, White people like corny white guys, who have the most perfect non delivery ever
but then you step back for a second, and actually talk to people of different races who watch these movies. Imo, and I do mean, imo, I think what people perceive as taste in moives, is all a direct correlation to how many movies they watch, and what kinds of movies they watch, I am a what 20 year-old, and I have about 6 good friends of mine, who are black, 1 of them as imo excellent taste in movies, 3 of them have okay to good taste in movies, and 2 of them have a terrible dreadful taste in movies. Those 2 that have dreadful taste in movies, don't really give any movies a shot unless they have a comedian they like in them, or unless they have karate in them, the comedians they like happen to be black, which is cool cause they can relate to him more than like a Dane Cook, or David Cross, so they end up liking what can be classified as "Black Comedy." The friends I have that are black, that have better or great taste in movies simply just watch a lot more movies, and alot more different movies than the ones who don't.
I know plenty of people who have bad tastes in movies, and they tend to be the ones, regardless of race, the ones who refues to watch a Syriana cause it is long, or I heart huckabees cause they have to pay attention to get it, an d they prefer the laugh-a-minute Date Movies, and such