Honestly, it was good but I can't say it lived up to the hype.
- Shang is a great leading character.
- His relationship with his sister was very well done, looking forward to where it is taken from here.
- The fight scenes were as good as I have ever seen, well done.
- It is beautifully shot and directed.
- Didn't care much for Awkwafina's character, felt kind of forced.
- The "Mandarin" wasn't as fleshed out as I would have liked, great job by the actor but his plotline wasn't all that great, powers were meh.
- Boring reason for the big final fight, predictable and run of the mill ending.
- Not a lot of humour.
I think this is the first time where I like an MCU movie less than the general fandom.
Don't get me wrong the movie is good, better than Black Widow, but it's not a top caliber MCU film.