Resistance 2 Viral info and discussion thread


Vienna Is Calling
Apr 22, 2008
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If you are playing the Resistance 2 Viral being done by 42E, let's keep all relevant information, clues, websites and discussion in this thread.

And if you would like to let us know what war job you signed up for, feel free to do that also.

I signed up for Psy-Ops.

EDIT: I'll TRY and keep this first post updated (like that's really going to happen.). Here is the wiki link for this viral. I'm not the one updating it, so don't point blame fingers in my direction.

It appears as though this has already started and a couple things have already been found. At the moment, the viral appears to be in a wait mode at the page.

UPDATE: There is now a timer on the page. It appears to be counting down to Tuesday the 22nd at 2:00pm Central, 3:00pm Eastern. Also, if you click the star in the middle of the symbol above the timer, it links to the /blackout page.

UPDATE 07/16: A third video has been added to and a second letter has been added to the /blackout page.

UPDATE 07/22: The timer hits zero and changes into an "enter" and a fourth video is added. (You may need to refresh the page to get this.) Clicking enter takes you to which has a video monitor, the /blackout photo, the /blackout letters with a third letter added and a file folder with a "vote now" tag and some photos. Clicking on the video monitor takes you to a tv screen with 9 videos, 4 of which are watchable from the page. Clicking on the photos takes you to a dossier for the person who is in the photo and the "vote now" tag lets you vote for who the next test subject will be. Deadline for voting is every Friday at 1100 hours (Alaska time). Experiment results are due next Monday at 2:00pm CST. has also been updated with a new pamphlet asking you if you would recognize a subversive. (Bottom left pamphlet.)

UPDATE 07/22: A new website found: This site was found by looking at the subversive pamphlet on the getawarjob site. America First America Only is in quotes.

UPDATE 07/22: If you signed up for a war job through, then you should have gotten the following email from [email protected].

T - E - L - E - C - O - R - R - E - S - P - O - N - D - E - N - C - E

The war department is lying to you –STOP- We have infiltrated their recruitment center and found your enlistment form –STOP- They are not drafting people to protect our borders –STOP- That is what they SHOULD be doing but instead they are gearing up to invade Europe -STOP- We have little to no data on our enemy over there but they will be knocking on our door soon enough – STOP- If we do not protect our shores we might as well surrender now –STOP-

To learn how the so-called experts are trying to save us search out Project Abraham –STOP- We must warn you that it is not a pretty sight –STOP-

Sent from the Alliance for American Autonomy AMERICA FIRST AMERICA ONLY

This may also have been the actual lead-in to

EDIT 07/25: has been updated with the voting results and a tape recorder has been added with audio for your listening enjoyment. There has also been a new video added to the video section of the site. The newspaper hanging on the bulliten board at has been updated as well.

A new site has been found:
I found this through the new paper at and there is also a fourth letter added to the pile at projectabraham that mentions So far, the only things to do here are to type "help", "get ppg", get commanderholidays" "get tip" and "get diseasecontrol". After typing in "get diseasecontrol", you can type in "res" to get a better resolution picture.

The first drawer at americafirstamericaonly is now accessable with a link to the first newspaper.

EDIT 07/25 Part II: On, if you go into Brown's file, there is a tele-fax that has been cut off. At the top of this fax is an file locator number ( EU9376Debrief ). If you go to and type in "get EU9376Debrief", you can read the rest of the tele-fax. Type in "res" to get a better resolution of the fax.

EDIT 07/29:Experiment results day!!!! Two new files were added to the infolder. One, more or less, giving the outcome of Brown's injection. The other is a batch of blue cards that contain a psychological type of test. To take the test, click the logo in the bottom right corner. After completing the test, you should receive the following email from the Intake Evaluation Board [email protected]:

T - E - L - E - C - O - R - R - E - S - P - O - N - D - E - N - C - E




Voting has opened for the next test subject. Danby and Oster are back with a new guy, Gennaro. Voting ends Friday at 2pm central. A link has been added that allows you to register if you haven't already done so.

Brown's injection video is up in the video section. Not for the weak of stomach so you've been warned. Also up in the video section is Gennaro's induction video. now accepts the command "GET DK62462a" (found on the lab results file in Brown's folder) which brings up a list of other folders (dk62462a1-8) relating to Brown that may now be accessed.

DK62462A7 is a letter from Capt. Philip Howard that contains several words that are mispelled along with what look like match marks for the bible page (Dk62462A8). Removing just the misspelled letter from each word and laying Howards letter over the bible page reveals the phrase "My password is Belinda".

Using the secure login (sec howardp:belinda) now lets you login as Capt. Philip Howard. On the Diplomatic Pouch Receipt in Brown's belongings (dk62462a6) is the pouch id #764122ax (which is also Brown's service number). Typing in "get 764122ax" brings up the city/last contact document. This document has an associated document number on it (xx458198).

"get xx458198" will bring up a document containing an inventory of objects found with dead enemies.

Using document number progression, "get xx458199" will bring up an autopsy report of a dead enemy and "get xx458200" will bring up an intelligence report for the department of war. On this document are four image numbers (SP2321, SP2322, FR8534, FR8535). Using the "get" command will alow you to view the images.

XX458200 also contains a document control number (i2p8y0bynt2k) which is the number to submit to the tip box at

Submitting the control number will net you the following email from AFAO netmail.

T - E - L - E - C - O - R - R - E - S - P - O - N - D - E - N - C - E



(If won't let you submit the number because you've already registered your email address, add "+resistance" (or +anything) after your name and before the @ in your email address and you will get the email from AFAO.)

In both Oster's and Danby's files are new letters describing their reactions to the experiment on Brown.

EDIT 07/31: If you've registered your phone number with Project Abraham, you should have gotten a call from Cassie telling you that she can't choose anymore and asking you to go to and vote for the next subject.

EDIT 08/01: Over on, the voting results are in and Oster is the next up to bat. There's a new video in the monitor showing just how mentally messed up this guy is. If you want more proof, there's a new Psych report in his folder. Also in his folder is a new memo from Col. Grant Thompson. This memo contains a file number (938stockmeyer773) which can be accessed at by typing in "get 938stockmeyer773".

Also on ProjectAbraham is a new reel to reel recording which can be accessed by clicking on the reel to reel. There are also new files in the other guys' folders.

Over on, the third newsletter is up on the bulletin board. It's two sided. Side one is: and side two is: If you look in the bottom right corner of the back, there is an article called Network Of Heroes which includes names of some of those who submitted the controlled document number. I have now been outed as a vigilante citizen.

EDIT 08/05: Alot happened, and it's probably better to see how this all unfolded with pictures to go with the words, so I'm just going to link to the wiki because nobody says it better than TheBruce.

Needless to say, Oster's injection didn't go according to plan, neither the military's nor his. Next up in the voting process.....1st Lt. Glenn Khaner.

EDIT 08/07: New phone call from the doc asking us once again for our help in choosing the next vict.....uh, test subject.

EDIT 08/08: Voting results show that Khaner is next in line for the injection. There's a new video and a new reel to reel. There is a new file in Khaner's dossier. On this file are the words "placement exam" circle in red with the numbers 826478 written beside them.

Going to and typing in "get pe826478" will bring up Khaner's placement exam.

There are new files in both Danby's and Gennaro's dossiers.

A new newsletter is up at Once again, it is two sided. Side one is: and side two is: Last weeks newsletter is available in the filing cabinet.

EDIT 08/12: Khaner's injection video is up. The results are still nasty, so don't eat and watch.

Going through Khaner's file gives us his PEL number (nv92374a). Using the get command at gives us nv92374a1, nv92374a2 and nv92374a3.

nv92374a1 is a letter to Khaner from Cassie. nv92374a2 is Khaner's security access card. The card has Khaner's security clearance number on it (KhGSRPA44397). Using the get command will bring up the full picture used on his security card. nv92374a3 brings up a telecorrespondence with a reference number (ll272198lsa).

Using the get command on ll272198lsa, brings up the first part of the puzzle with three cities, an angular direction from those cities and a distance. There is also a reference to LATLONDB. The goal is to triangulate from the starting cities, in the direction and distance noted and enter the coordinates into LATLONDB (get latlondb). (I'm going to link to the wiki on how this was solved

Entering the correct coordinates into LATLONDB, leads us to VOL787833. Using get vol787833 brings up a memo from the British National Defense Minister with an associated document number (an952795log).

Using get an952795log, brings up a list of documents (an952795log0, an952795log1, an952795log2, an952795log3, an952795log4).

an952795log0 brings up a description of the other documents. an952795log1 is a newspaper clipping, an952795log2 is an excerpt from a book, an952795log3 brings up a series of 4 telecorrespondance with an associated document number (dna548781pa), and952795log4 is a Trans-Siberian Railways timetable.

Usung get dna548781pa (from document an952795log3), brings up a document talking about the presence of non-human amino acids in European tissue samples. This document has an associated document number (an94253577).

Using get an94253577 brings up a letter to Walter from Stanislaw Ivanovich Ozerov. This letter has the controlled document number (gt2wqy56sjzh) which is to be submitted to the tip box at

There is a new letter in the inbox, as well as a new letter in Gennaro's, Danby's and Hale's dossier.

New voting has opened with Hale being added as a candidate with both Danby and Gennaro returning.

EDIT 08/14: New phone call from Cassie asking us, once again, to go to vote.

Something was missed on Tuesday, are two other photos that can be accessed on SRPAnet. You'll need to be logged in as Howardp and use the get command to get them. The numbers are khgsrpa44398 and khgsrpa44399.

EDIT 08/15: Voting results are in and Hale is the next up to bat. There's a new video and also a new audio reel.

In the inbox are two new letters, one with a number (sc48772132). Using the get command on SRPAnet brings up the exact same document.

Hale's dossier contains a new psych report and a letter with an associated document number (yrsd519597). This document can be retreived by using the get command on SRPAnet.

Both Danby's and Gennaro's dossiers contain new letters from Cassie detailing their responses from not being chosen.

Over on America First America Only, the new newsletter is up.

ADDENDUM 08/15: More SRPAnet files have been found. Using numerical degression this time, yrsd519597 leads to yrsd519596 and yrsd519595. Using it on sc48772132 brings up sc48772131.

Sc48772131 has an associated document number on it that leads through a progression of documents each with an associated number on it. The trail of ducuments is as follows: lb73356572 - lb18228450 - lb78739546 - lb65521288 - lb65847924.

A new login for SRPAnet has been tracked down by going through letters and files from and pertaining to Col. Grant Thompson. His password is dauphin (figured from one of Thompson's letters). This login may be important to remember for the next puzzle: sec thompsong:dauphin

ADDED ADDENDUMFOR 08/15: Document yrsd519594 has been discovered on SRPAnet using the numerical degression process. This file can only be accessed through the thompsong login (sec howardp:dauphin).

EDIT 08/19: Hale got injected today........the document control number hunt puzzle was quite a doozy so I'm going to link to the wiki for the solution.


This doesn't end the game as both Danby and Gennaro are up for the vote. Who gets injected next? Tune in Friday, same batchannel, same battime.

EDIT 08/21: New phone call from Cassie asking us to vote again.

EDIT 08 22: Gennaro has been voted to take the serum next and his video is up. There are new files in both Gennaro's (On the photocopied check in Gennaro's dossier are circled sbst and 67100928. Using the get command on SRPAnet will bring up a bank statement.) and Danby's dossier's as well as a new reel to reel? Listening to the reel to reel, one has to wonder if Cassie is going to be getting injected.

Over at America First America Only, the new newsletter is up.
I've loved the TDK viral so far, so I might sign up for this.
I just don't know which branch to pick...
42E all the way!

I signed up as No Preference
I signed up a couple of days ago for law enforcement.

I'm all giddy because I will be a part of a viral from the beginning for once ;).
i'm gonna join cause I love TDK viral and also I love ARG so it's ALL good baby!
I signed up for intelligence.

Make your own joke. :yay:

Now, applying what we learned from whysoserious/overture, who else thinks we'll get a free copy of this game?
I'm calling it right now, 2:19am July 11th, 2008!
Original post updated.

I think it would be cool if we got a patch for whatever unit we signed up for.
Comes out in November of this year.

The beta will be in a couple of weeks, maybe even days.
it's been a few days, but i believe i signed up to be in Communications.

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