Played the 2018 remake of this. The original game is one of my favorite ps2 games and one of the last games I've played on the ps2. I beat the game at least six times before. When I played the remake, it totally brought back memories from that time.
The game is a carbon copy of the original. The only things this remake have that I noticed (that the original didn't have) are auto save, trophies, photo mode, coins (which I didn't look). I don't remember the original having an extra section in which you can view artworks. The manual save here is a little different as well.
I wish they changed the camera of this as I find it wonky. The camera would suddenly move weird when I jump or move. The controls feel dated, when switching weapons, aiming, climbing. I wish Wander can hang on to ledges instantly without pressing R2. I feel like they should have really improved the camera/controls, as someone who played the original, this really felt like a ps2 game just with a fresh coating. The game doesn't feel like a late ps4 game imo.
Graphics wise, the hair/fur of the colossus look great. The water looks nice. Wander got a visual upgrade though his face could have been better. But I wasn't satisfied with the environment. I only noticed the major difference when viewing the comparison video of the original version to this. It feels like a fan made a mod to the original game and just replaced the textures of the rocks, the vegetation and the ground. I feel like the remake of Re2 and Mafia, really got a big graphical upgrade compare to this and thats whats so disappointing to me. Those games felt modern while this remake didn't. The cutscenes look the same. The cinematography is the same. I wish they used motion capture for the characters. I wish they changed a lot more. I am also not a fan of the lighting and most of the time, its foggy. You can't put a marker on the map. They should have also changed the hud and the font of the subtitles to something more modern. This didn't feel like a 2018 game to me. If I didn't know when it was released, I would have thought it was a remaster or port of a ps3 game.
I liked playing this game for nostalgia. I liked that they kept the story and how to beat the colossus the same. I played the game in normal mode and I am kinda surprised but not really, that I knew exactly where to go and what to do. I beat the game in siX hours and weird how I found this really short and easy, given that I already played this before more than ten years ago. The only colossus that was kinda hard was the last one. Hunting those lizards for additional stamina was annoying though.
Over all, I'm disappointed. I feel like Sony should have made the graphics/controls/camera as impressive as the other big ps4 games they've released. I also think they could have eXpanded the story a bit more, maybe spread readable texts in the open world. Shadow of the Colossus is one of the most critically acclaimed ps eXclusives, the game is not even long to begin with and imo it deserved better. This didn't feel like a remake to me but a cash grab remaster imo. But at least its now in my ps4 collection.