SHH! Memories!

kypade said:
When Zilleraut #66 was named something else and I keep forgeting what it was, despite pming him and him telling me. :(
The amazing revelation that someone said something to so-and-so and did something and then someone else referred back to something that someone said about this other guy...w00t!
Zilleraut #66 said:
*"Mr. Nolan PMed me..."
*Snipe fighting with the guy that said Batman should use a gun.

Hahahahaha!!! Nolan PMing Spiderfreddie was the best thing ever.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
The amazing revelation that someone said something to so-and-so and did something and then someone else referred back to something that someone said about this other guy...w00t!
I wish just once you would reply to something I say with even the remotest of sense making. :(
When Carter, Lord Siva and I talked for 3 hours on one of Holly Goodhead's threads about Asian Tranny Midget porn before the mods closed it.
DL's thread about going undercover amongst Dew and the penguins, classic.
Mee said:
DL's thread about going undercover amongst Dew and the penguins, classic.
Ha ha ha. I forgot all about that.
Dew k. Mosi said:
you were a different person back then, Clay
Dew, that was so badass. Like I imagined you saing that right before you shot him and killed him!

*bows down

and then CLee shows up and he's like "Pop Idols burn out fast."

That was so cool.
JLBats said:
I like how in that picture my avatar looks all slack jawed and aroused.

If I remember correctly, in those pictures the girl's jerseys were only painted on, right?
Heh, yep... they were painted on. They were very nice.
ShadowBoxing said:
When Carter, Lord Siva and I talked for 3 hours on one of Holly Goodhead's threads about Asian Tranny Midget porn before the mods closed it.
:o When people thought i was a girl on the hype people were nice to me back then:o Now they probably think i just have gender issues:O
Lucy in the sky said:
:o When people thought i was a girl on the hype people were nice to me back then:o Now they probably think i just have gender issues:O

You say that like you don't have gender issues.

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