Sequels SM4 Writing competition


May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Okay now that we got a lot of ideas of where we want SM4 to go, I figured we come up with some detailed plots of what we want to see personally in SM4. It doesn’t have to be nearly as detailed as the one I posted below, but the more detail the better. Make yours a good 3/4 paragraphs. Don‘t just list things off or write a couple of sentences. BE CREATIVE!!!

Fat’s Spiderman 4

Premise (For those who don’t want to read the whole thing): Doctor Conners formulates a lizard derived serum with amazing tissue regeneration capabilities. Wilson Fisk, and ambitious business man, is funding Conners research. His plan is to distribute the serum to New Yorkers with damaged limbs/tissues and make millions in the process, but first they need a viable human test. But when Conners test (on himself) goes awry, things look bad for Fisk. Not only is Conners missing, but there are startling reports of a giant Lizard roaming the sewers of NYC. Peter Parker/Spiderman knows Conners is connected, and races to find his former professor and mentor before the massive police tasks force harms the Lizard. Fisk, disturbed by growing rumors that the experiment was funded directly by Fisk Inc. takes matters into his own hand by hiring Kraven the Hunter to privately spearhead the hunt for the Lizard. This could get ugly.

Act 1 scene 1

Federal Bureau Investigator MacDonald Gargan steps out of his car and heads toward the building titled Hammers Industry Headquarters. He is accompanied by Maxwell Dillon, a man covered in thick scars visible even through his golden complection. The men approach the two guards at the gates. Gargan shows them his badge.

Guard 1: What is your business here detective?

Gargan: We have an appointment with Justin Hammer. He knows were coming.

Guard 2: (looks at Dillon) He doesn’t look like a cop to me

Gargan: He’s with me... and I think you may want to keep your distance

Guard 2: (at Dillon) Where’s your badge chief?

Dillon looks stares down the guard with his bloodshot eyes. The guard thinks otherwise and lets the men through. They make their way into Hammer’s office. Justin Hammer is the new owner of Oscorp Industries after buying out what was left of the company after the deaths of Harry/Norman Osborne. Several of Hammers guards are stationed around the room.

Hammer: Gentlemen, please have a seat. Anything to drink?

Gargan: No thanks (pause)... you have the documents?

Hammer reaches into the safe and pulls out a thick vanilla envelope and hands it to Gargan. He opens the files and studies them carefully.

Hammer: That’s pretty much every last bit of information we could compile of Spiderman’s involvement in the death of Norman Osborne. There is also detailed information involving the botched fusion project carried out by Otto Octavius... which SPiderman was also involved in. Rosalie Octavius was killed and her husband went missing several weeks later. His body was never recovered.

Gargan: Impressive work.

Hammer: Thank you. (Pause) Please... tell Mr. Fisk I would be happy to assist him if he has any further questions.

Gargan: Well there is on more thing. I was curious... what do you know about Dr. Curt Conners regeneration serum.

Hammers: Not much. I made a few enquires about it. That’s pretty much it

Gargan: I heard different. Fisk believes you attempted to negotiate with his client. Did one of your affiliates offer Conners up front money for exclusive rights to patent his serum?

Hammer: As far as I am concerned, Wilson Fisk does not own Hammer Industries and never will. We are free to negotiate with whomever we desire. There was nothing illegal about it so if you are making any accusations you had better think otherwise. Now if you will excuse me, I have business to attend to. (Motions to a bodyguard). Mike, show these gentlemen the door please

The guards approach Gargan. Gargan quickly gets up and punches the guard in the throat, and quickly lays a forearm to another. Two other guards pull out a pistols and aims them at Gargan. Max Dillon removes his gloves and fires a lightning bolt at the two remaining guards. They are quickly put to to rest. A terrified Justin Hammer reaches for the alarm under his desk but Gargan grabs his arms and pulls out his semi-automatic.

Gargan: Next time you try to blackmail Mr. Fisk you might not be so lucky. Now we will give you one more chance. But don’t make us come down here again. Otherwise, (he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a bag carrying a human tongue) we might have to do to you what we did to you affiliate.

He puts his gun back in his holster and both he and Dillon head out the door. Hammer is speechless and slowly gathers himself

Okay let me know what you guys think... POST YOUR OWN scripts if you have time later on... I’ll continue the story later on. Gotto get back to work now though
I really enjoyed reading your premise. It was very entertaining. One question though, I know that Dillion in your draft has the ability to control electricity, but there is no mention of Gargan's superpowers? I don't want to sound pushy because this is just pure fun and that SM 3 is not even out yet, but I was thinking that OsCorp could in fact fund the "Scorpion Project" with JJJ or somebody using the original Goblin equipment. All in all, I though it was pretty cool.
Thanks man... Gargan’s role will be better explained later on

Act 1 scene 2

Gargan exits Hammer’s Headquarters and makes a call to his employer Wilson Fisk. A deep voice on the other side answers.

Gargan: We have the Osborne files. It doesn’t appear to be much. No word or information on the identity of SPiderman

Fisk: And my other request

Gargan: Hammers won’t be interfering in your operations any longer I can assure you

Fisk: Well done detective. Well done...

(We shift to the New York University)
Its Graduation Day for Peter Parker and the graduates of NYU. The dean is finishing off the speech and the graduates are being honored one by one. Gwen Stacy’s name is announced and she walks across the podium. Parker leads the cheers for the popular student. Gwen nods to Parker in appreciation. Parker, shortly thereafter, receives his diploma and the ceremonies conclude. Gwen meets up with Parker afterward.

Gwen: Parker!!! (attempts to kiss Peter who politely backs away. She settles for a peck on his cheek). We finally made it.

Parker: Sure did. Its been a long four years. So what are your plans?

Gwen: Oh I am just going to take some time off with my family... maybe spend a little time with my father. Nothing big. I am beat.

Parker: Tell me about it. (Dr. Curt Conners interrupts)

Conners: Well... I never thought I’d see you kids standing where you are right now. (Exchanging handshakes)

Parker: I wouldn’t be here without you sir. So tell me... how as the regeneration formula been coming along?

Conners: I am very optimistic. We are actually testing... tonight

Parker: No kidding... really?

Conners: Look I know you two may have plans later on, but you guys have really helped me with my research all these years. I would be happy if you both joined us tonight for the demonstration. It will truly be a historic moment.

Gwen: Sounds super. What do you think Parker?

Parker: We’ll make it a date.

Conners: Meet us outside the research lab in the north campus around 7:00 pm. Its going to be quite an affair. Many prominent people will be there. Dress appropriately.

Parker: We won’t let you down. (The three depart)

Parker heads off to catch a train and head back to his place. He is interrupted by a familiar voice.

MJ: Congratulations Tiger...

Parker: (surprised) MJ??? What are you doing here? I thought you were doing a shoot in Orlando.

MJ: I got the weekend off. Aren’t you even going to say high?
(The couple shares a passionate kiss and exchange their feelings)

MJ: So... how does dinner tonight sound? It will be on me.

Parker: Absolutely... oh gosh... I’m sorry. I promised Dr. Conners I would be at his demonstration tonight. Its really important.

MJ: Peter... I am only here for one night. I have to fly back tomorrow afternoon. I won’t be able to see you again for over a month.

Parker: Look MJ... I am so sorry. This is Conners life’s work. He requested I was there. This is really ground breaking stuff they got going on. I just... can’t miss this.

MJ: Your right, your right... its important... just go.

Parker: Are you are you sure you are okay with it?

MJ: Yeah fine... I ‘ll find something to do. Its not a problem really

Parker: I appreciate this. (Kisses her again) I’ll meet you for an early lunch tomorrow. I’ll even drop you off at the airport.

MJ: (Forces a smiles) Great... see ya then tiger
Act 1 Scene 3

Prominent scientists and researchers file in. Fisk is accompanied by Gargan and an inconspicuous Max Dillon. The audience gathers in and takes their seats. Parker and Gwen sit near the front row.

Fisk: I want to thank you all for coming tonight. An impressive showing to say the least, and one that will be well worth it. Ladies and gentlemen, for years, Fisk Inc. has been working with Dr. Curt Conners and his team on a new regeneration serum with extraordinary capabilities. Curt, who lost a limb during Vietnam, has synthesized a reptilian derived serum to regenerate his lost arm. Tonight, for the first time in 35 years, Conners will once again be able to give his loved ones hug with two open arms instead of one. (Cheers) Ladies and gentleman, Dr. Curt Conners.

Conners: Thank you Mr. Fisk. I want to thank you all for coming here tonight. This is obviously one of the most momentous occasions I will probably ever be a part of. I first of want to thank Mr. Fisk and Fisk Inc. for funding such a massive project. This would not be possible without you (cheers for Mr. Fisk). Now without further ado, we shall begin the test.(Several scientists walk in with and injection of the serum). The serum you see here in front of you was derived from a series of reptilian DNA. If you are unaware, many reptiles such as snakes and lizards are able to regenerate lost limbs in a very brief amount of time. If all goes correct, my arm should be back and as good as new in a matter of minutes (murmurs highlight the crowd).

The scientists prep Conners up and slowly administer the serum. Conners shows no signs of pain or discomfort as the needle enters his left arm and shoulders. He slowly passes out for several minutes. Fisk assures the crowd that this was how it was intended. Slowly, we notice a new arm growing out of Conners. The crowd is astonished. The arm grows to completion and Conners regains conscience. He looks at his new arm and tears role down his eyes. Suddenly he feels faint.

Scientist 1: Are you okay sir?

Conners: Ya... just a little dazed and... (he passes out)

The scientists notice his chest has stopped moving. They check for a pulse. Nothing.

Scientist 2: Get the paramedics in here. NOW!!!

Some of the people in the crowd including Gwen and Peter stand up to get a better look at the action. Fisk tries to keep the crowd calm. A stretcher comes in and carries Conners away. Peter and Gwen follows them until Conners is placed in the ambulance. Parker has a dejected look on his face and receives a hug from Gwen
Act 1 scene 4

Parker heads over to the bugle with some photos he reluctantly took of Conners’ evacuation to the hospital. Even Jonah Jameson feels some sympathy, even remorse.

Jameson: Truly sorry Parker. I do wish you professor the best. IF there is anything I can do for you...

Parker: I appreciate it Jonah. (It was the first time he addressed Jameson by his first name) I won’t hesitate to ask.

Jameson: I got to admit these are some decent pictures. The crowd was pretty stoked. Not to mention the expression on Conner’s face was he was passing out. So dramatic. Beautiful work.

Parker: (Nodding his head) A sir, I got to get going. I have a date... sort of
Jameson: Haha... still hitting that girl my son used to date eh. What’s her name? Mary Jane?

Parker: I’m afraid that’s her.

Jameson: You amaze me Parker. How did I guy like you ever end up with a looker like that? I wish you could give my son some tips. Well actually I do believe he’s dating someone else anyway... Felicia is the name... here’s a picture of the two of them

Parker: Well she sure is attractive. Tell him I said hi.

Jameson: Will do... and don’t let up on those SPiderman photos Parker. I haven’t gotten anything from you for a week. No excuses. Have em on my desk as soon as possible. (Parker heads out)

(Back to Fisk Headquarters)
Wilson Fisk is sitting at his desk absolutely furious. His executives are also in the room.

Fisk: Can you imagine how bad this is going to look? If Conners dies with all this money we have invested. This could cripple the company. I should’ve let Hammers patent the damn serum. Tell me what does this do to us

Executive 1: It’s a blow. All our buyers and sponsors have backed out. We may not even make a dime.

Fisk: Damn that Conners... (To his secretary) Laura get my car ready. I need to see my masseuse and get this debacle off my mind.

Meanwhile back at the hospital, Conners is resting. While the nurses are examining, (you guessed it)... he transforms into a The Lizard and wreaks havoc. A couple of civilians are able to get some snap shots of the monsters as it flees the hospital and heads into the sewers.
Act 1 Scene 5

Parker meets MJ for lunch later that day at the local café. Parker walks in and kisses her on the cheek. He takes a seat opposite to her. They make their orders and share a pause.

MJ: I read the paper this morning. Is he okay?

Parker: I don’t know. I was going to visit him later this evening. Just hope for the best. (Another pause... longer)

MJ: So Peter, about us.

Parker: What about us?

MJ: Well we have been seeing each other for four years now. I know its been tough and all. I am traveling a lot... you are being you know who... its just... this isn’t really going where I want it to go.

Parker: What would you have me do? I can’t stop being who I am MJ... and I don’t want you throwing away a career just to be with me. God knows what is in store in the future... heck you were almost killed three times. Maybe its... better this way

MJ: How can you say that? After all we have been through... you think its better that we hardly ever see each other. I... don’t know what to say

Parker: MJ, we knew it would be like this... now I don’t even have a steady job yet... I am still taking photos for Jameson... I just don’t have the money to settle down with you permanently. There would be no security or stability if we rush this.

MJ: Money isn’t everything Peter.

Peter: Well I can’t depend on you for everything. I can’t even afford paying for this lunch we are having. Or afford the apartment and the car insurance. I just need more time to figure out what I want to do with my career. Something has got to come up. Being Spiderman doesn’t give me a pass at all the other things in life.

MJ: I just hope you realize what’s important. (Parker holds her hands)

Parker: You are important... He drops her off at the airport later in the afternoon and they say goodbye. He goes back into his car and drives off. He turns on the radio and listens

Radio: We are reporting live on the reports of something truly phenomenal. Last night New Yorkers appeared to have spotted an enormous monster or creature wreak havoc in the streets of NY. We are here with some of the terrifying witnesses. Sir, tell us what you observed

Witness: I swear it was the scariest thing I had ever seen. It looked like a giant alligator or something. It jumped throw the window and smashed a couple of cars on its way down. I just grabbed my kid and ran the hell out of there.

Radio Host: A Giant Alligator?

Witness: Yeah something like that. God knows what it was. But if that thing resurfaces again, who knows what it will do.

Radio Host: Thank you sir. In a separate event, Doctor Curt Conners was delivered to the ER after a botched experiment involving himself and his regeneration serum. We have been given confirmation that not only is the Lizard, but Conners is missing from the hospital... no word if the two events are related. (Parker slams his breaks in the middle of the highway...

Parker: It can’t be....
Act 1 Scene 6

Wilson Fisk is on the phone having a conversation while receiving his massage.

Fisk: Lets just say if he gives us any more problems with the shipments he won’t be sticking around much longer (Listens to voice on other side)

Fisk: Well I will just have to deal with it myself then. Don’t call me back. I am enjoying a wonderful massage. Talk to me about it tomorrow

Fisk changes back into his suit and tie and heads out of the gym. As he heads to his car he is mobbed by reporters.

Reporter 1: Mr. Fisk... Mr. Fisk. Have you heard of the giant Lizard spotting in down town New York. Is Doctor Conners involved?

Fisk: A Giant Lizard? Surely this can’t be serious.

Reporter 1: Sir, there were multiple witnesses... Conners is missing. Is it possible that your company was responsible for his transformations...

Fisk: Whoa, whoa... there surely can’t be any truth to any of this. And even if there was... Fisk Inc was not responsible for any so called transformation. Just what are you people accusing me of.

Reporter 2: Sir, you did directly fund Conners project. Surely you must have been aware of any ramifications if something went wrong. You were responsible for Conners health and safety

Fisk: Now wait a minute... Conners and his scientists operated completely independently of Fisk Inc. I had no idea what their intentions were. I had confidence that Conners would develop a decent product and I invested in hopes of making a profit for my company. I was vaguely familiar with what the experiment actually entailed, let alone the involvement of a giant Lizard

Reporter: Well that’s irresponsibility on your part. What do you want to tell to the dozens of New Yorkers terrified that this thing is still lurking out there...

Fisk: ENOUGH!!! I will not be interrogated any longer... now back away.

He heads into his car and picks up the phone. FBI detective Mac Gargan answers on the other side.

Fisk: Be at my office in ten minutes... no questions asked...
Act 1 Scene 7

Back at the bugle there is pandemonium... Robbie and Brant and running back and forth answering telephone calls and listening to new reports surfacing by the minute.

Jameson: Robbie what the hell is going on. What the hell was this thing?

Robbie: I have no idea sir. A couple of witnesses were able to capture these snapshots. Its not much... the best we could dig up...

Jameson: (Looking at the photos and then back and Robbie) Then you better keep digging... Common PEOPLE what the hell are we paying you for? A giant Lizard roaming NYC and know one can find this thing... Hey Betty...

Brant: Yes sir.

Jameson: Get a hold of Parker will you... tell him to ditch the SPiderman photos. We have bigger fish to fry

(Back to Fisk Headquarters)
Mac Gargan and Maxwell Dillon reluctantly step into Fisk’s office...

Fisk: Gentleman... your late

Gargan: What’s this about, Wilson?

Fisk throws them a copy of the bugle. Gargan reads “Giant Lizard in NYC Dr. Curt Conners and Wilson Fisk believed to be involved”.

Gargan: Jesus... is this serious?

Fisk: What does it look like? The press is up my ass like hound dogs... They think I was responsible for this mess.

Gargan: I’ll see what I can do.

Fisk: Come here... want to talk to you?

Gargan walks up to Fisk. Fisk grabs him by the neck and slams him against the wall...

Gargan: Wilson Jesus Christ (he squeals)

Fisk: Why don’t you remind me what I am paying you guys for. To see what you can do? DO YOU REALIZE THIS CAN BURY ME? Now I don’t want you to see what you can do... you two are going to find this thing and take it down... do whatever it takes... I can’t have this Lizard stalking and killing New Yorkers when my name was all over the project. Now do I make myself clear or do I have to repeat

Gargan: Yes Sir. (The Kingpin lets go) We’ll find it... we’ll take it out.

Fisk: Good... that’s what I want to hear. Now... why are you two still in my office?

Gargan and Dillon leave and the Kingpin adjusts his tie

END OF ACT 1 So let me know what you guys think. If you like it a will do the next act... let me know what you think... throw your own ideas out... thanks for taking the time to read
Please continue posting the rest of your script. I really enjoy reading your ideas! It gives me something to do between class and my anticipation of Spidey 3!
Okay, I guess I’ll keep going... I know Act 1 will probably be bore to everyone... this next Act I can PROMISE you the story gets going

Act 2 scene 1

Gargan and Dillon make their trek into the grimy sewers beneath the city in search of the Lizard according to King Pin’s orders.

Dillon: You actually think this thing is down here

Gargan: Just shut up and keep looking

Dillon: Hell easy for you to say... my powers are useless now that we are walking on top of this puddle

Gargan: If you want to keep *****ing just leave. We know what Fisk does to employees that don’t comply. (Dillon hears a sharp screeching sound in the far corner.

Dillon: What the hell was that?

(Shift to Peter Parker, who is driving back to Conners lab. He dials up Gwen Stacy)

Parker: Gwen... its Pete. I need you to come down to the lab pronto. We have a serious problem. You hear the news?

Gwen: Unbelievable. I am heading down to the lab now.

Parker: Look there is something else. You need to convince your father and the police not to harm this thing. We can save him, just need more time

Gwen: I already did... George said he’d have the NYPD keep its distance as long as the Lizard is not a threat

Parker: Good... see you soon (they arrive at the lab shortly afterward. Gwen and some scientists are already there)

Parker: What is going on here?

Gwen: Bad news... all traces of the serum are gone. Fisk had them destroyed after they were deemed useless. Conners’ notes and documents have been discarded as well. We don’t have much to start with.

Parker: We’ll have to do our best. (They enter the lab and look at the remaining files they have left. They try to formulate a procedure that Conners used to generate his serum)

Parker: Well his synthesized arm was clearly grown using ribonucleic acids of the Lizards he was experimenting on.

Gwen: Well then how was the rest of his body affected?

Parker: The Lizard RNA must have reacted with his existing DNA to produce newly synthesized Lizard DNA strands... but it still does not explain how the rest of his DNA was changed.

Gwen: He must have used some sort of reagent that broke the existing human strands in his body, which rearranged into the Lizard genome.

Parker: What reagent could possibly do that?

Gwen: What about Anfinsen reagents?

Parker: That only breaks up proteins... not DNA strands

Gwen: Well regardless... we will need Conners RNA to re-synthesize his original DNA. But he does not have any blood samples in the lab. How are we going to obtain his blood?

Parker: I wonder...

Peter suits up and begins his hunt for the Lizard. He is carrying a small needle to extract the blood samples from the Lizard. Latest reports have spotted the Lizard in the sewer. He has his phone in hand in case Gwen comes up with something. It goes off. Its Jameson.

Jameson: Parker where the hell are you? Have you heard about this crazed 7-foot Lizard running around New York? We need photos of it dammit... you are my only man for this... Now get on with it before....

Peter Parker sees some flashing lights going off in an open sewage lid and hangs up on Jameson. He decides to investigate...
Act 2 scene 2

(Back inside the sewer)
Dillon: I swear I heard something.

Gargan: Get your ears checked... God knows what that procedure did to you.

Dillon: Shut up... quite... (The men really hear a growl now and become cautious... Gargan pulls out his weapon) Get your feet out of the water...

Gargan: What?

Dillon: NOW!!! (Gargan jumps out as Dillon shoots a bolt of electricity into the pool. Suddenly the gigantic lizard jumps out of the pool and approaches them. Gargan fires his pistol but he is knocked off his feet by a blow from the Lizard’s tail.

Gargan: Get that son of a b:tch! (Dillon chases him down as he fires his bolts at the animal. Gargan gets off his feet and picks up his radio) We spotted the Lizard heading up a series of sewage tunnels beneath fifth avenue. We have it in pursuit; requesting immediate backup...

Dillon chases the creature down the maze of tunnels but has a hard time keeping up. Finally one of the bolts hits the Lizard in the chest, bringing it to a halt. It is temporarily dazed. Dillon summons up a huge voltage of electricity for the final blow. Suddenly he feels a rope tug on him from behind. He is yanked back and thrown off his feet.

Spiderman: Dr. Conners... I know you are in there... get out of here! (The Lizard jumps opens one of the sewage containers and jumps back to the surface) Dammit... I didn’t mean run through downtown NY... (Electro gets up and rears another bolt as he and Spidey duke it out.)

Citizens are in panic as the Lizard wanders through the streets in downtown NYC. Gargan spots an unoccupied Harley and gets on it before the owner notices. He spots the Lizard and opens fire. More FBI units arrive on the scene. The Lizard leaps on top of one of the vehicles and sticks his hand through the bullet proof glass. The car veers to the side as the Lizard makes his getaway. The Lizard is eventually cornered in an abandoned construction site as more FBI and NYPD arrive.

(Shift to Electro vs Spidey)
Spiderman: Looks like someone had one too many light bulbs on the menu (He dodges the bolts until one of them hits a water pipe and damages it.) Maybe I can quench your thirst a bit. (He grabs the pole and aims the spurting water at Dillon. Dillon is quickly short circuited) Now... got to get back to Conners...
Act 2 Scene 3:

(Shift to the Bugle)
Hoffman: They got the Lizard heading up fifth avenue!

Jubilated with the news, Robbie and Jameson crawl on top of their desks and grab their coats.

Brant: Sir, your wife is on the phone. She has the in-laws over wants you to be home for dinner.

Jameson: The hell with them. This Lizard feels like more of a relative to me right now than those putrid in-laws of hers.

Captain George Stacy arrives on the scene. He speaks to Gargan. “Dammit man what the hell are your people doing?”

Gargan: That thing... tried to kill me... it nearly killed the officers in that unit that crashed into that shopping outlet back there. I am taking it out.

Cpt Stacy: I thought I gave specific orders not to harm that thing let alone shoot at it. Now back your people off and wait for backup... or Spiderman at least.

Gargan: Spiderman??? You want leave the security of New Yorker’s to that masked vigilante? I am sorry George, but last time I checked... the NYPD has no jurisdiction over the FBI. (Several FBI coats load their weapons and proceed inside. Gargan speaks to the unit) Shoot the damn thing on sight.

The men proceed in cautiously. The Lizard silently stalks them... Out of no where it jumps behind the unit and knocks several men off their feet. It grabs Gargan and carries him to the near top of the building... shots are fired and one pierces the Lizard’s arm. Gargan is dropped... from 15 stories high. The Lizard jumps off to another building. Before he lands on the roof, the web slinger lands behind his back and takes it down. Parker sticks the needle into the Lizards neck and extracts the blood. Lizard throws Spiderman off his back and pins him to the ground. The blood sample falls on the edge of the ledge. Lizard stares down Spiderman and tears off his mask. For a second, he seems to recognize Parker.

Parker: (As he is being choked) Dr. Conners. It’s Peter Parker. We need you to hold on. I can help you. Just don’t hurt anybody. (The Lizard breaths down Parker's body. It vanishes as quickly as it appears. He looks for the sample. He spots it on the ledge as it falls off the building. He quickly jumps over to the ledge and fires a web to catch the needle. Smiling, he notices a camera crew filming the action across from him.

Jameson: Did you see that??? Spiderman let that creep away. He is working with the Lizard. Just another psycho as that green skinned freak. Show yourself dammit. (Spiderman smiles and swings off)
Its more just for fun actually... mistitled thread... I just wanted people to post detailed plot ideas... not entire scripts like mine... I was just bored and needed something to do
First off, I'm in no way a writer of any kind. I just wrote a story that I thought sounded ok. I would like to hear your ideas and your comments. I would also like to add, that I don't know the original orgin of Electro or the Lizard, sorry. This is just an excerpt from my story.

Spider-man 4

Story by: K.B.

First Draft: 03/20/07

The beginnings of Electro

1/3 the way through the movie.

In a fight with the Lizard, the Lizard jumps out of a manhole cover and onto the street. From there Spidey has been tracking the lizard to his location. The Lizard sees Spider-man and starts grabbing things to throw at him. On a certain electrical pole a young man named Max Dillon is repairing a power box that was damaged. The Lizard starts shaking the pole trying to grab it and break it, so that he can hit Spidey with it.

The young man trying to balance himself touches a hot wire and is electrocuted as the Lizard snaps the electric pole in two. There’s a big explosion from the power box and wires being torn apart, it sends young Max to the ground. Once on the ground, Max is glowing bright yellow. Electricity is surging throughout his body. All of the lights in that district are out. Max Dillon took a lot of electricity into his body. The Lizard swings the broken pole at Spidey. Spidey somersaults onto the pole and is straddling the pole like a horse.

Meanwhile, Max starts to open his eyes. His eyes start to glow bright. He tries to stand up and falls back down. In a very weak state, he tries again. This time he is successful and walks off into darkness in a confused state of mind. The Lizard, now bored with the wallcrawler, throws the pole into a windshield of a parked SUV. Spidey jumps off the pole and onto the ground.

Ending version A:

Electro has Gwen down in the Daily Bugle boiler room. He threatens to kill her if Spidey don’t back off. Spidey attacks Electro and Electro sends Spidey to the ground with a shot of his electricity. Meanwhile, unknowingly behind Electro, the Lizard has arrived. While Electro verbally abuses Spider-man, the Lizard is turning a valve to release water onto the ground. Dr. Connors aka the Lizard is still much alive in the Lizard’s sub-conscious, and knows water and electricity don’t mix.

While the water slowly creeps up to Electro, Spidey regains consciousness, just in time to see the water creeping up behind Electro. Spidey shoots a web to a pipe above him and pulls himself up. At that exact moment he shoots a web to Gwen and pulls her up, just as the water makes contact with Electro. Electro short circuits himself and falls to the ground in explosive charge. The Lizard collapses in the background on top of some equipment that’s safe from the water.

Spidey then tells Gwen to “Stick around” as he shoots a web to the piping, then attaches the web to her. Spidey jumps down to inspect Electro, to see if he’s unconscious. Once he determines he’s out like a light. He retrieves Gwen from the piping above. (No need to be shown on screen) Spidey then calls for Dr. Connors and upon calling him he notices his once scaly foe and now his teacher. Spidey helps up Dr. Connors to his feet. His clothes are torn and singed from his fight with Spidey.
I am bored so I might as well continue the script... I know no one is probably reading this whole thing but skim through it and let me know what you like... I am also interested in hearing your ideas as well... maybe we can help each other out and Sony will make this thing official straight from the SHH fans :yay:

Act 2 scene 4

(Down in the sewers)
Cpt Stacy: What do we got Johnny?

Policeman: Nothing much... just some webbing... and some busted pipes. Looks like the bug was involved.

Cpt Stacy: Spiderman?

Policeman: Probably. Lord knows what happened down here. Oh we also found this badge... looks like it belonged to an FBI agent. (Hands it to Stacy)

Stacy: I’ll check it with the FBI... in the meantime... get your men on this thing and find this damn Lizard. (Looks at the badge and mutters to himself) must be Gargan’s. Why the heck was he down here in the first place?

(Fisk Headquarters)
Wilson Fisk is starring at his TV screen in disbelief as he watches the six O’ clock news. The ongoing drama continues:

“Earlier this evening there was massive shootout involving several FBI agents and the so called Lizard. Agents had the creature pinned down when the battle ensued. Several agents were injured but no one was killed. The horror started when a botched experiment led by Dr. Curt Conners went awry. The project was funded by multi millionaire Wilson Fisk....

Fisk: AHHHHHHH.... (picks up the TV and throws it away. He picks up a bottle of Vodka and walks into a larger room. His secretary walks in)

Laura: Sir, I have received word that the agent injured was Gargan. I... don’t know if he has spoken to the police yet...

Fisk: Oh believe me he won’t talk... any word on Dillon?

Laura: None...

Fisk: Then get my associates from the S.H.I.E.L.D online. The last thing I need is for that whack job to fry me publicly on top of this mess we got already.

Wilson Fisk enters a larger room and turns on his bigger 100 inch TV. He flips through channels and stumbles on something that peeks his attention. It is an ad promoting a documentary feature. The host speaks:

Ad Host: For years... we took you behind the scenes of a truly extraordinary man. For over twenty years, he has hunted the meanest, scariest, and most intimidating beasts on the planet. He has killed a male lions with his own hands in the blistering heat of the Savannas; wrestled with Polar Bears in the frozen caps of the far north; and has swam with giant salt water crocodiles in the depths of the Nile. Now, the National Geographic Channel takes an in-depth look with a groundbreaking documentary feature, “Inside the Mind of Kraven”...

Fisk: (Raises an eyebrow) Laura, I may have one more request...

(Back at Conner’s lab)
Parker returns to the lab in his normal clothes. He brings back the blood samples and he and Gwen try to formulate the serum

Parker: So we have human DNA strands mixed with the Lizard hybrid strands. How can we separate the two?

Gwen: I think I found the solution. I was able to find some of Conners notes. I worked out the mechanisms to some of these complex reactions. Apparently it amounts to some elaborate nonpolar solvent. I think this is the reagent he used.

Peter: Of course. Nonpolar strands could easily break the non covalent bonds between the four base pairs of the DNA. Your brilliant Gwen (Kisses her on the cheek).

Gwen: Well I couldn’t have figured it out without you. So how did SPiderman manage to get the blood samples?

Peter: Uhh... I forgot to ask.
Act 2 Scene 5

Several hours pass. Still no word of the Lizard as Parker continues his search. The police are also coming up empty. Jameson is already getting busy posting prints of the SPiderman aiding the Lizard. A battered Dillon, still recovering from the shower he received from SPiderman... stumbles into Fisk’s office.

Fisk: Well Max... I was expecting a call from you.

Dillon: Things are really messed up this time. We had that damn thing pinned... before Spiderman showed up.

Fisk: Spiderman? Helping this creature? Interesting...

Dillon: I would’ve had that thing otherwise

Fisk: Tell me Dillon, why would man with your capabilities not be able to handle that walled crawling freak...I expected better things when I invested in that little science project involving yourself and Mr. Hammers...

Dillon: I’ll kill them both if I have to... just need more time to find...

Fisk: That won’t be necessary anymore... (several agents from the S.H.I.E.L.D stroll in. Max recognizes them)

Dillon: Wait a minute... you can’t do this to me... I... can’t go back there... just give me a chance...

Fisk: Sorry Max. I have someone else for this job...

Dillon: Really? (He rears up a bolt takes out several S.H.I.E.L.D agents and the fires one at Fisk. Fisk stands up and watches the lightning bolt strike his chest... it is completely innocuous to Fisk . He laughs as he picks Dillon up by the throat. He removes his white suit and reveals his rubber armor underneath. Fisk throws Maxwell Dillon into his small indoor water fountain.)

Fisk: (To the S.H.I.E.L.D agents) Get him out of my sight. Laura get my car ready. My client’s flight should be arriving soon...

Wilson Fisk awaits the arrival of the private jet while sitting in his limo. The jet lands and the passengers exit. Out steps a man, about 6'9 and 275 pounds of pure muscle. He is wearing a white tux with a black vest and a white tie. His shoes are made of alligator skins. Fisk emerges from the limo and greets Kraven the Hunter.

Fisk: I hope you are prepared for an opportunity of a lifetime, Sergei.

Kraven (In his Russian accent) Yes, I could not pass on such an appealing offer. I have studied the reports on dis’ creature. A truly magnificent specimen. I will be happy to add its head on my collection.

Fisk: Please... step in the car. (The men enter the limo) If you do this for me and this city, the rewards will be endless I assure you... whatever you..

Kraven: (Interrupts) No, no. Money has no value to me. Only the thrill of the hunt.

Fisk: Good, I knew I could count on you.

Kraven: I wouldn’t be here otherwise, no?

Fisk: It’s something else... there may be some... extra baggage that may come along with this.

Kraven: Extra baggage?

Fisk: (Looks at Kraven and smiles)
It's very good so far FaT_TonIE, I especially like that the Kingpin's involved.

Spiderman 4 -
Peter Parker's already married to Mary Jane and she's pregnant with his child. However, Peter's concerned about the child inheriting his powers and Mary Jane being willing to throw her life away for the baby, and it also causes a stir with them because of Peter's life as Spider-Man when he might not be there for the baby often.

However, while this is going on, Peter's ex teacher, Doctor Conners is already working on a DNA Regeneration technique to attempt to repair his missing arm. At the same time, he discovers that Conners' partner, Professor Warren may have created the very first living human clone that would survive past an embryo stage and grow into an adult faster then an ordinary human could. However, it has been prone to degeneration not long into it's life. A few weeks afterwards, Peter has been noticing on the television a body of Spider-Man that looks degenerated and decomposing, and yet another one starts appearing calling itself the 'Scarlet Spider'. What does Spidey do when Gwen's body suddenly turns up on the television, and yet, when he goes home from the Bugle one time, she finds him, mysteriously alive.

At the same time, a lizard like creature is attacking innocent civilians, strangely, it's attire is a torn version of Doctor Connors'. To top this off, a strange Jackal like human is stalking Spider-Man, claiming him and his child to be 'One of us'. And who is this stranger that looks identical to Peter Parker that calls himself Ben Reilly? Who claims that Peter stole his life from him?

..Yeah. XD The Lizard and The Jackal.
Act 2 scene 6

Gwen is heading to her car heading back to her place. Spiderman notices her and swoops down to tap her on the shoulders.

Gwen: (Smiles) So... where have you been?

Spiderman: Busy looking for your reptilian friend. Do you have the serum to cure him?

Gwen: Yeah, take it. But it needs to be administered properly.

Spiderman: I know... one shot in each arm and another near the shoulder by the jugular artery.

Gwen: (Laughs) Now how the hell would you know that?

Spiderman: Oh... oops. I guess your friend Parker must have told me. But Gwen, there is no way I am going to be able to administer those shots while engaging the Lizard. You have to do it yourself. I need to subdue it first.

Gwen: Me? You could ask Parker.

Spiderman: Parker? Oh come on you know that wimp would never be up to the task

Gwen: I wouldn’t even want him to try. I would hate to see something happen to that sweet guy.

(At the Stacy’s home)
Gwen: Dad, we have the cure. We got to find this thing before he gets loose again or perhaps...

Cpt Stacy: Gets killed...

Gwen: There is a human being beneath him. We can’t lose sight of that.

Cpt Stacy: Our people are doing the best we can. We are going to send a swat team down the sewers.

Gwen: But that will only threaten him... it will be too obvious.

Cpt Stacy: Then what should we do. Let it continue to roam around New York... I have no other choice...

Gwen: That’s why I have to go myself. With SPiderman and myself. We can do it... just...

Cpt Stacy: Not a chance in hell.

Gwen: Then you have to come with me.

Cpt Stacy: Look I will do it with some of my own men... but not you. You don’t go anywhere near that sewer you understand? (Gwen reluctantly agrees)

(Shift to the sewer)
Kraven enters the pits of the Lizard’s layer and scans the area. He picks up a scent. He carries a bottle of Lizard pheromones and sprays it in different areas of the sewage passageways. He sits quietly and waits for his prey.

Spiderman enters the sewage shortly afterward. Cpt Stacy and several swat members are posted on the other side of the sewer opposite Spiderman.

Cpt Stacy: (To Gwen) We have tranquilizer guns. If anything goes wrong I will beep you... you call the department immediately. But STAY HERE! (Hugs Gwen and addresses his men) Alright here’s the deal. Spread out and be calm. Spiderman is gonna lure this thing in our direction. When it comes through just shoot it.

In the meantime, SPiderman looks for the Lizard but his spider sense gives him nothing. He continues the search. Meanwhile, Kraven is lurking making Lizard noises. He hopes he can fake the Lizard into thinking that he is a mate.

The Lizard picks up the pheromones and races toward the source. Spiderman Spider sense goes off, but he has no idea what direction the lizard is approaching... Suddenly a hole bursts through the wall next to him and the Lizard jumps through it, knocking him over. He begins his chasing the Lizard down the sewer.
Act 2 scene 7

Spiderman has trouble keeping up with Conners. His webbing is useless in the tightly packed corridors. Suddenly the roof of the sewer collapses after the Lizard sets off one of Kraven’s traps. Spiderman manages to get out of the way of the falling rubble. However he finds himself on one side of the rubble while the Lizard is on the other side. Peter Parker has no idea how to get around it.

Cpt. Stacy hear the noise and races toward the action. “Spiderman! Where are you!”... he hears Parker’s distant voice in the background but it is too faint. “Alright split up and find this thing. GO!”

The Lizard follows the path of the pheromones as Kraven slowly tracks it. Kraven hears several cops approaching and notices the guns in their hands. He hides in a murky puddle and waits for them. When the cops cross he springs out of the water and smashes their heads together. He picks up his spear and continues to follow the pheromones he planted.

Cpt Stacy and another policeman follow up a narrow corridor. They pick up a scent and hear a growl in the far corner.

Stacy: Keep you eyes opened sergeant. (The Lizard approaches behind them. He knocks Stacy’s partner off his feet and grabs Cpt. Stacy by the side, raising him toward his mouth. Cpt. Stacy cringes in fear. Kraven spots the Lizard and approaches covertly with his spear in hand.

Cpt Stacy: (To the Lizard) Listen to me... I don’t want to hurt you. I want to help you. (The Lizard breathes into his face and licks George with his tongue. George suddenly spots a man with a giant spear approaching from behind. Kraven rears his spear to his shoulders. George looks back at the Lizard) “Oh my God... Run... RUN YOU FOOL!!! GO!!!” (Kraven flings the spear. The Lizard dodges it and makes a break through another tunnel. Unfortunately Cpt Stacy gets the brunt of the spear before he can even react. Kraven walks up to the dying Cpt. George Stacy.

Kraven: It’s a shame your men had to interfere with my affairs. (The captain lays there gagging as Kraven pulls the spear from his chest) Just breath, it will be quicker.

Cpt Stacy: Go to hell... (He gives his last breath. Kraven hears Peter Parker’s voice and flees the scene)

Spiderman approaches the body of Cpt Stacy. He knows right away that the Captain is dead... he tries to fight back the emotions. He knew he was just a couple of minutes too late. He hears Gwen and additional police coming down the corridor. He tries to stop Gwen from coming closer.

Spiderman: Gwen wait... (Grabs her arms)

Gwen: Where’s my father? I heard a scream is he okay? (Spiderman stares at his own feet in remorse. He knows he failed miserably.)

Gwen: SPiderman... where is my father? (She tries to look past Spiderman but his shoulders move with her eyes to block her view) George! GEORGE!!!

Spiderman: Gwen please...

Gwen: What are you doing? What are you doing to me? WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FATHER!!!

Spiderman: I... I’m sorry

Gwen: Let go of me! (She starts slapping Spiderman’s chest and face) LET GO!!! (Parker finally lets her pass. He doesn’t look behind. All he hears is sharp cry of sorrow and anguish. Parker’s mask began to feel heavy around the eyes. He knew it was much more than his own sweat.)

End of Act 2

Alright that’s that... hey if you guys like it I will finish it up... hope you enjoyed the read if you bothered reading it... let me hear what you think... start posting your own plots... To be Continued I guess
Yeah, I really like so far. You are very creative with your choice of characters and such. I'm not complaining, but it feels pretty good not having MJ being the typical girl in distress.
Do to popular demand (just kidding) here’s the rest of Fat’s SPiderman 4 script... enjoy

Act 3 Scene 1

MacDonald Gargan lays in his hospital bed watching the TV set as he stuffs his mouth with a spoonful of mashed potatoes.

Reporter: Tragedy struck the city when one of New York’s finest, Captain George Stacy, was tragically murdered in the line of duty. Stacy was leading a small unit into the city’s sewage system on a mission to apprehend the crazed Lizard. In an attempt to subdue the Lizard, the captain was impaled by what appears to be a rod like object. The Lizard still remains at large. Captain Stacy was 63 and planning retirement following......

Gargan’s attention is diverted when the 350 pound plus Wilson Fisk steps into his room.

Fisk: You never returned my calls.

Gargan: Just been caught up with all the drama on the news lately.

Fisk: So... what did the Doctors say?

Gargan: I’ll be out tomorrow morning... after the nurses do some last minute patch work... (nervously) so what brings you here?

Fisk: You know your badge turned up in the sewage systems that night. I was just wondering what your explanation was.

Gargan: Didn’t have one... or need one. The Bureau has asked me to step down for leading an unlawful private investigation. I tried to make up some bullsh:t as always but that can only work so many times.

Fisk: How... disappointing.

Gargan: Well you can make quite a few enemies in the Bureau after sixteen years working there.

Fisk: You were my best inside man for so many years... and you screw it up like this.

Gargan: All good things come to an end Fisk... (both men pause) so who’s your new man on this job now?

Fisk: Some nut I should never have trusted; specializes in big game hunting and that sort of thing. I was hoping he could finish the job, but its too late now. You know it could have been him that actually killed the Captain for all I know. But none of that matters now anyway... it had to be the captain of the NYPD of all people. My luck I guess.

Gargan: Everybody runs out of luck at some point. Look at me. Besides, Stacy was a pain up your you know what for as long as I can remember.

Fisk: Unfortunately he still is... now that I am indirectly responsible for his death. (Both men stare at the TV set as the news report continues) So where do you go from here?

Gargan: I’ll need to find some work. That’s where I was hoping you’d come in.

Fisk: Sorry Gargan... but I don’t give my employees second chances. And you are no exception. (Gets up and leaves as Gargan gives him the finger on his way out)
Act 3 scene 2

Peter Parker’s ass is glued to his sofa back at his apartment. He flips through some graduation photos. There is a picture with both Gwen, her father, and himself with arms around each other. There is another picture of Spiderman shaking George’s hand at a Spiderman Day event. Suddenly the phone rings.

Parker: Hello? (There is a familiar voice on the other side)

MJ: Pete! It’s me. I heard the news... its terrible.

Parker: I’m having a hard time coming to grips with it myself.

MJ: Is she... going to be okay?

Parker: I don’t know... we’ll see.

MJ: What happened down there? I heard you were...

Parker: MJ... I really don’t want to talk about this right now.

MJ: That’s fine... so how are you holding up?

Parker: Same old. How’s the shoot going?

MJ: It’s great. I am having a blast to be honest. The people down here are so fun to work with. And oh yeah, guess who my co-star is?

Parker: (interrupted before he can even guess)

MJ: Juan Diaz!!! The popular male actor/model that’s on the cover of just about every magazine these days. He is just so talented and absolutely adorable.

Parker: Juan Diaz? Yippee...

MJ: Some jealousy I feel?

Parker: Jealousy? Maybe a little. Jealous of the fact that you are on a having a swell time with Juan Diaz while my former professor turned mutant Lizard is killing people up here.

MJ: Peter... that’s not fair.

Parker: Well you don’t see Spiderman hanging around female models when he is not chasing after bad guys.

MJ: Excuse me? Who was the one that kissed Gwen Stacy at SPiderman Day last year. And who was the one that decided to give the Mayor’s eighteen year old daughter a free tour of the city Spiderman style. Or how about...

Parker: Look, that all comes with being a hero. Giving back to the citizens and the community. I have to maintain a friendly public image to counter all the backlash and bad pub I receive from Jameson and the Bugle. Its my job.

MJ: Well being around attractive male models and actors is my job too. Anyway... I got to run. We are shooting early tomorrow morning.

Parker: ‘night... (hesitates) I love you... (He realizes she hanged up the phone before he said that. He picks up his remote and turns on the TV set, only to find Juan Diaz seducing another woman in a Nivea for Men body wash commercial. He shakes his head and falls flat on the cushion of his sofa.)

(The next morning)

(Bagpipes are heard in the background playing the Braveheart theme) The funeral services are held as Captain George Stacy’s body is put to rest. NYPD members fire honorary gun shots as a flag is folded and placed on Stacy’s chest. Gwen cries to herself but is not openly emotional. She clutches Peter Parker’s hand and he offers his shoulder for her to rest her head upon. Jonah Jameson is also present covering the story and offering his condolences to family members. The ceremonies conclude as family, NYPD, and friends say their last goodbyes to the great captain.
Act 3 Scene 3

(Shift to the hospital)
Later that afternoon, Gargan is discharged from the hospital. He spots a cab in the corner of the street and approaches it. Suddenly, a limo with tinted windows pulls up next to him on the curb. Another man approaches from behind and grabs collars him around the neck. He feels a nose of a silencer being pushed into his spleen.

Man with the Gun: Get in the car... no questions asked.

Gargan calmly steps in and takes a seat as the gunman follows. Staring at him is Oscorp’s new CEO Justin Hammers.

Hammers: Well, well... private detective Mac Gargan... or should I say ex-detective Mac Gargan.

Gargan: What’s this about?

Hammers: A proposal to your employer Mr. Fisk. He is obviously treading shallow waters these days. Not good for a man of that size.

Gargan: He’s not my employer anymore.

Hammers: Well if there is anyone out there who could talk some sense to him, its probably you. Oscorp is ready by buy out a hefty share of Fisk Inc. stock. Some of my executives have proposed we even go a step farther and proceed with a complete buy out of his little company now that he has lost most of his sponsors.

Gargan: And why would any of this be relevant to me?

Hammers: I just don’t want his company Mac. I want his head on a platter. I want to put him away... permanently. I thought you could lend me a hand in this matter.

Gargan: And how do you intend to accomplish this?

Hammer: Cut the crap Gargan. I am damn well aware that he has spearheaded a grand network of crime and corruption throughout the city. I also know you were his inside man in the FBI for quite some time. All I want is to put this thug behind bars... for good. But we need something convincing that will give him some serious time. At least long enough for my company to take over everything with a Fisk Inc. label on it. If you help me, I’ll make sure you can get your career back on the right track.

Gargan: Well... that’s the key isn’t it; the proof. Unfortunately for you, all the evidence connecting Fisk to any illegal activity is long gone before law enforcement agencies even know the crime has been committed. Fisk knows what he is doing whenever he gets involved in anything. He doesn’t make mistakes. Believe me, I know this better than anyone.

Hammers: Well we already know that Fisk as stolen illegal documents from Oscorp regarding the works of Norman Osborne and Otto Octavius. I caught the ordeal on tape Gargan. And it has you mentioning Fisk’s name all over it. I wonder how he’d feel about you once he finds out that you gave up the name of your source that carelessly.

Gargan: You actually think you can threaten Fisk with something like that? Even if convicted he’d do six months tops. It wouldn’t even be worth it.

Hammers: That’s why we need something more compelling.

Gargan: I can’t help you Justin... do whatever you want with that tape for all I care.

Hammers: Well I am afraid you don’t have much of a choice. A couple of my colleagues have compiled some very interesting details of your career in the FBI. Illegal supplier of arms to rival drug lords. Profiting on drug deals that you yourself supervised. Laundering illegal money for the importation of illegal immigrants from Colombia and Panama.

Gargan: (Laughing) That’s a funny list you compiled. Try proving one of those claims to a jury in court.

Hammers looks at one of his men, who pulls out a garden clipper. Another man grabs Gargan and subdues him. He sticks a metal object in Gargan's mouth which prevents him from closing his mouth. The man with the clipper inches closer.

Hammers: I wasn’t finished. Says here you murdered a witness to a murder trial a week before he was to testify. Turns out there was an additional witness to that job you pulled. A witness that I have convinced to come forward. And believe me, I have much more evidence than an eyewitness testimony. (Gargan gurgles his own saliva). Now if you remember the gentlemen whose tongue you dismembered several weeks ago. Turns out he was my brother-in-law. Now I swore to him that I would get even with the man responsible for that barbaric act in good will. But I am not looking to take vengeance Gargan. All I want you to do is do what’s right. So you are gonna dig something up on that ruthless thug Wilson Fisk, and boy it had better impress me. (Removes the metal piece in his mouth) Don’t let me down Gargan. (He motions to the driver to pull over. Hammer’s men thrown Gargan back on the streets as Gargan slowly gathers himself)

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