Green Arrow whould make a GRATE bacis for a TVseries, With GA they can bring up sosial issues that have become taboo on TV today.. like HIV/AIDS / child prostitution (Mia Deaden/SpeedyII), Drug addiction (Roy Harper/Speedy/Arsenal), Rape (Ollie was raped by Shado) or Torture (Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Canary)
and they chould have some real fun with the never ending on and off again relationship with Black Canary (someone REALLY! needs to do here justice after Birds of Pray)
An Green Arrow series whould have to be darker then Smallville, and Black Canary is a MUST, and she must work at "Sherwood Florist" :P
But i must say that it whould be cooler if she chould change her hair color, and not just put on a wig, she does after all have a power, so why not two? :P
a Green Arrow show whould be cool.. have it start with him coming home from Metropolis, and with flashbacks tell his origin story, his parants drowining, his drunken dive from the cruiceliner , his time alone on the island