Ignore the hate, if you enjoy sony gaming machines keep it, if you don't then sell it. A lot of ppl will tell you to hate the PS3 because of Sony itself, or bad launch titles, and forget that PS2 had a horrible launch and became the leader of the pack in sales. Heck when The Bouncer is your best launch title you have a bad launch, I'd like to think the PS3 launch had better titles than PS2 did at launch.
Personally I don't get all the rabid fanboy hate, if you enjoy a system play it, if you hate it don't buy it and don't spend nights sleepless because others bought it. Some of the X-Box fanboys that come on the Sony boards to bash PS3 put Jplaya to shame with his Spiderman and Batman worship, heck some of them put Dacman's obsession with Hulk to shame.
Like me, I bought the origional X-box, and Halo. I personally thought it was a horrible system, and Halo was honestly one of the worst FPS experiences I've ever had and ended up selling my X-Box and games to a friend, and kept playing my PS2. On the other hand I realize others enjoy it, and what I say is opinion. I can give that opinion to someone as why they may not want to buy it. Some ppl on the games boards tho give reasons like, "IT Sucks, Sony's the man, don't buy it it's a waste of money!!!!", without ever having owned a Sony machine.
This stuff happens every new generation of the 'console wars' anymore. I personally enjoyed the PS1 and PS2 and have played on my friends PS3 and plan on buying one myself when I can find one. My friend says he enjoys it and got more than his monies worth. Me, I stick with Sony because of the great titles it puts out. It seems to put out the more fun obscure games and great rpg's I like. Games like Final Fantasy, Suikoden, MGS, Tekken, Xenogears/saga, and so on are more my taste which is a big reason I prefer Sony consoles.