Alright, so my girlfriend works across the street from a Best Buy (in Holmdel, NJ) and said that she saw people starting to camp out 10AM Wednesday morning. Anyhow, I got home from college tonight so me and her took a ride up there to see how the line was looking. Now my friend works at Best Buy and knew months ago they were only getting 40 ps3's and there were like almost 200 people in line. The point is, Best Buy employees knew how many they were getting. So when I got there I was amazed to see like 30 tents holding multiple people.. So I'm guessing that these people have been waiting here for like, hours or even a day.. And then, we see 10 cop cars up in front of the store questioning people. From what I heard when I rolled down my window, Best Buy came out and told everyone that they didn't have enough from anyone and either someone tried to cut and a fist fight broke out or someone attacked the Best Buy employee. I couldn't get any details and was told to move along by the police.
I really couldn't believe my eyes.. I can't believe how dick Best Buy is to make people wait outside in the freezing rain for HOURS even though they knew they weren't going to have enough systems.. That's so ridiculous. Everyone there looked miserable, too. I know last year when I campled out for a 360 everyone was having SO much fun. I was like the 6th person in line and everyone in front of me was concerned about line cutting so I started a list and everyone in line followed it.. Best Buy helped me keep it in order and everything. Some mom in line gave me $20 for keeping the whole thing in order. And when no one had to worry about a line, all we did was make friends, socialize, and have a huge 22 man football game for hours in the parking lot. It was so much fun... It sucks that Best Buy screwed over those poor people.
I really couldn't believe my eyes.. I can't believe how dick Best Buy is to make people wait outside in the freezing rain for HOURS even though they knew they weren't going to have enough systems.. That's so ridiculous. Everyone there looked miserable, too. I know last year when I campled out for a 360 everyone was having SO much fun. I was like the 6th person in line and everyone in front of me was concerned about line cutting so I started a list and everyone in line followed it.. Best Buy helped me keep it in order and everything. Some mom in line gave me $20 for keeping the whole thing in order. And when no one had to worry about a line, all we did was make friends, socialize, and have a huge 22 man football game for hours in the parking lot. It was so much fun... It sucks that Best Buy screwed over those poor people.