-Good Lord, Odyssey is already one of the most dragged out story lines in recent memory, and now we get two more issues added? Hester seemed to finally be taking it to a real climax in the last issue (609), so hopefully he can keep that up, but this feels like more wheel spinning until Flashpoint's status quo shakeup.
-Milligan, Perez, and Shade boring? Does not compute.
-The RetroActive one-shots actually peak my interest, but the price is a little too high for me. I get their reasoning here: Have a new story set in the vain of the old school stories, along with a sample of the actual old school stories as a preview for the trade. Still...I think I'll just wait for the trades of the newer material to come out.
-Though I read the first trade of the new Flash series and enjoyed it, I honestly just cannot find the strength to muster any real interest for Flashpoint. The only minis I have interest in are Citizen Cold and The Secret Seven. Part of me wants to get The WW ones, since I'm a fan and like DnA's work, but Amazon's Attack was enough crazy warrior amazons for me for a lifetime, Elseworld or otherwise.
-That Batman, Inc. story seems random as all hell, though I'm sure Morrison will tie it in.
-Well, looks like Rocafort will actually take over Action Comics, at least for that issue. Interesting that they refer to Doomday's "master", and not Lex Luthor. Could be they just don't want to spoil that, but if the latest issue of AC was interpreted correctly with Lex's words, the cat's out of the bag. Could be looking into more than I should, but maybe there's more to this story than meets the eye.
-First issue of Xombi was awesome.