I've had so many. Two of them I had the night after I read a set report. There had been filming of cops shooting at something coming out of a window. I dreamt it was Venom, but I couldn't see him clearly. He was just a flash of black crawling on all fours at lightning speed, throwing cops everywhere. The second dream I had that night involved Thomas Hayden Church. I dreamt I saw him be put in a harness hundreds of feet above the ground. Then the shoot began. He was chasing Spider-Man (who wasn't there, he was going to be replaced digitally.) Set guys were throwing chunks of dirt and sand everywhere and there was a trail of sand under him. Another night I dreamt about MJ's Broadway musical. Then my dream flashed ahead to later in the movie, where Peter gets the Symbiote. Then it flashed ahead again. There was a muscal scene. MJ was walking down the street, crying and singing the same song from her Broadway musical, only the lyrics were a little different. Then it panned over to Peter, who was in a mental instatution being restrained and being forced to get an injection. He was struggling and singing all the while. New York looked very odd. It was bright colors. Reds, Blues, Purples. And the skyscrapers were bent so the tops were almost touching the ground. And lastly a dream I had about two nights ago was about Venom. He was spinning around circle, as if it was a CG test, but he was moving and growling and whipping his tounge around. He was very impressive looking.