No no reboots, they are fine as they are. You can upgrade the CG some places if you like and add some deleted scenes but the simple idea of reboot its just idiotic. I guess Disney would be tempted cause all of the negative fanboy ism behind them, but its the last work Lucas did on film and it should be respected.
They are good to great movies, just let them be, upgrade the cg if you want but nothing else. Tell other stories in the timeline but we don't need reboots in this universe, leave that to marvel, dc, star trek and all that stuff
Thank god this user is banned.... I hope they banned him for this awful post...
Prequels are not good to great movies... They are awful, bad writing, and just plain lazy films. Lucas wrote one draft for each film and just changed some scenes the night before.
1) Jake Lloyd
2) Jar Jar Binks
3) The entire first act of ROTS
4) NoooooooooooOOOOOO ! - ROTS
5) Hold me like you did on Naboo - ROTS
6) Darth Maul, the only good new character, dies in one film
7) Boba Fett is Storm Troopers (LOL)
8) Vader built 3P0 (LOL)
9) There is a bomb in your brain, so you cant leave Tatooine or you blow up (LOL)
10) Midi-Chlorians (LOL)
11) The CHOSEN ONE / Virgin Birth (LOL)
12) Hayden Christensen
13) There is a Sith Lord on Naboo and a thousand Jedi - lets just send two Jedi to take care of it (LOL)
14) Roger Roger
15) Nute Gunray as a villain
16) Anakin crying / whining / creepy stare at Padme / *****ing
17) Walking , talking, walking, talking, walking, talking, sitting, talking
18) Politics, politics, politics - This is perfect for a kids movie that Lucas claims
19) Boba Fett in Ep.2 (Awful...another stupid kid for no reason)
20) No main hero for Ep.1
21) Every Jedi is the same..just jumping around w/ lightsaber
22) The awful characters of Dooku and Grevious
23) Now You're sounding like a seperatist
24) Ep.3 Crawl - Heroes on both sides (WTF ?!?!?)
25) Qui Gon was pointless character and did nothing for story while Obi Wan was ordered to sit on a ship and wait
26) Still can't figure out if Watto was a good guy or bad guy
27) Yoda fights with lightsaber
28) Obi Wan & Yoda suddenly just give up and dont fight Palpatine
29) Ship crashes in Corusant killing thousands and Obi Wan cracks a joke w/ a smile
30) Ian McDiarmid lightsaber skills w/ obvious fake CGI stuntman
31) Anakin killing younglings
32) Padme is not likable and a stone hearted lame *****
33) 3P0 jokes in Ep.2
34) R2 can fly
35) Chewbacca thrown into Ep.3 for a fan service
36) Chewbacca and Yoda are BFFs....
These are awful movies..... The OT are the most perfect three movies you could possibly have. It was just spectacular. The Prequels were a bad homage to the OT using CGI to tell the story.