Rules for the IOwa Republican Presidential Debate Drinking Game:
1. Drink every time someone says God. Drink twice if they say "God [insert verb] America."
2. Drink every time they say Obama in a negative sentence. Drink twice if they use his name to label something (examples: Obamacare, Obama Economy, Obama Recession, Obama Downgrade, etc.).
3. Drink every time a candidate says something homophobic or talks abut "marriage between one man and one woman."
4. Drink every time a candidate throws science under the bus and disavows believing in evolution.
5. Drink every time they say they will not raise taxes. Drink twice if they call the top one percent "job creators" and drink three times if they see that and raise the ante against reality by saying they'll actually cut taxes.
6. Drink once every time a candidate says they're strong on defense, unlike Obama. Drink twice if any of the ones who supported action in Libya before we went into Libya showcase their flip floppery.
7. Drink an entire beverage if anyone not named Ron Paul grows the stones to tell Mitt Romney that "Romneycare" and "Obamacare" are practically the same thing. Make that two beverages if it's Tim Pawlenty finding his spine.
8. Drink every time someone says the word "entitlements" with contempt.
9. Drink every time the word socialism is thrown out in reference to Democrats.
10. Drink every time Ron Paul says something crazy.
NOTE: Please play this game with water. If you use even light beer, you'll be passed out before the 30 minute mark of the debate.