Anyone associated with Fox News is just... ignominious.
I wouldn't go that far.
I personally enjoy the opinions of the both the right & the left, assuming they at least attempt to be fair and factual. Bill O'Reilly is pretty good. Sure, he might talk over his guests on occasion, but the interviews he has done with both the Clintons & with Obama have been the best I have seen with anyone. Similarly when he has had Romney on. He concedes fair points, and doesn't let people get away with BS. I don't mind Brett Baer, Sheppard Smith, or Megyn Kelly either. Karl Rove usually has excellent election analysis (though his personal opinions on politics, not so much). Britt Hume is fairly good as well. Their problem for me is they really do not have a political analysis team. It is usually just people like Hannity offering their extremely biased opinions. Hannity is known to bring in the likes of Sarah Palin and Herman Cain for their 'analysis'. Sure, Hume can be objective, and Rove has his moments. But other than that, there is not much to get out them.
CNN does not really have the commentary shows like Fox does. MSNBC does, with Maddow, Matthews, previously Olberman. Maddow is ok but clearly very liberal. Same for Matthews. I don't mind them but they are not quite as fair to the other side as I would consider Bill O'reilly to be. Olberman was another Hannity. Like Fox, their political analysts are the same as their commentators. We know which direction they are coming from. It is obvious.
CNN, with David Gergen, Gloria Borger, and John King, I think certainly offer the most fair coverage of the election. All of those people are pretty much more objective than anybody else on either network when it comes to the election.
James Carville & Paul Begala are both better than anybody on Fox and MSNBC as well, though they are also clearly Democrats. But those two, and guys like Gergen, who worked as an advisor to Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton, just have tremendous amounts of legitimate insight to offer. I usually what Gergen says as essential fact. He 110% nailed just about everything from the 2008 election, and in the 2012 GOP primaries.