I only noticed there was another Smile release this morning, it was featured in a Christmas gifts feature, 5 discs for 12 quid?! Holy crap, about 15 yrs ago they did a BB box set(with a bunch of the official albums), that had 30min of Smile as a bonus disc, and that was in the region of 60-70 quid, I tried tracking that down, but couldn't find it.(edit: ok, i think the newspaper might've made a mistake there, as there is a 2 disc version as well, so i guess that is 12quid)
I ended up listening to those tracks on youtube quite recently, but I had heard most of the stuff already on bootlegs and a radio doc that played original tracks.
and of course, you had the original tracks that were spread out on other albums, cabinessence, surf's up, heroes and villans, good vibrations...
but man, it blew my mind when i heard the original Smile versions of Wind chimes and Wonderful on that radio doc, I mean, he put those re-recorded versions on 'Smiley smile' that sounded like demo versions by comparison.
Also, you probably already know this, but there is that live performance by Brian of 'Surf's Up, when a doc crew visited him in '66, during the making of Smile.
He said the version that was put out on the Surf's Up album was a 'piece of sh**', but, y'know, maybe in comparison to what he envisioned for the album back in 66, but I'd rather hear a vintage version than the Smile album that was made in the 90s with that backing band, with the vocals not as good.
I never bought that 90s album as i heard them doing it live on a tv doc, and much preffered the sound of the original recordings, even the ones that were tampered with.
I have had a few of the albums over the years, all from pet-sounds onwards, when Brian was still contributing good stuff, Pet sounds, Smiley Smile, Wild Honey, Friends, 20/20, Surf's Up, Sunflower...SU is a very underated album, Brian only has 3 songs on there, the rest of them very good compositions by the rest of the group. I need to re-buy 2 of those albums, as i lost em, was listening to em on yt the other day though.
I got into them back when i was just out of school, i sat in the library and read that Brian Wilson 'autobiography' 'Wouldn't it be Nice', which is a hoot, but he claimed years later not have written a word of it, i think it might have been ghost written by his shrink who was mind-controlling him for a few years, for his own personal gain, Eugene Landy. He was trying to get a music career out of him or something.
It is a really great read though, no matter who wrote it.
(edit: I guess it was ghostwritten by another writer, but his shrink had a lot of input into what went in there, as it paints him in a very flattering light of course, which is at odds to the info that came out on him later)
There was a very good doc made by the BBC on the making of Pet Sounds about 10yrs ago, worth tracking down. The BBC one on Smile focused mainly on the new version he did with that backing band he played gigs with though.