For example, the first episode "Four Months Later". What the f**k, they showed us alot of scenes that we should have probably not have seen.
Who is annoyed about that?
I am not, by the least
I didn't feel spoiled, it felt like a hyping of some of the stuff we will see this season, for example:
Sylar has blood in his mouth, somebody punched him or is he shown eating brains? either way it's a great image
Maya is a new character, so I have no idea what's happening, still, cool to see new faces
Hiro gets his ass handed to him in feudal japan, how is he getting out of that one? freezing time, maybe?
Noah is good at two things, selling paper and kicking ass, and it's more than clear that he's enjoying it here, and once we see that whole scene, I assure you, geekgasms all over
Nathan shaves his beard
not only that, he's apparently in the same future where he's dead, how did he get there?
I'm very curious about the mechanics of the whole Mohinder/Matt/Molly/Noah team up, specially since Mo has grown a spine and a very slithery attitude, Matt decided to stop feeling sorry for himself and Molly has potential to be a great character, and who better to lead them than HRfrickiG hisself?
They Got to the USA
isn't that the whole point of their story?
people need to stop whining for every little thing, sit back and enjoy themselves a little bit more