note: the rating is not how good I thought the movie was, but how close the movie was to book...
Film: No Country for Old Men
Book: of the same name
Book - to - film rating: 5/5
This is a damn near perfect adaptation of the book. Nothing "new" is added to the film (cough, The Lost World, cough), and almost every detail is kept, regardless of its insignificance. There are of course a few scenes that are whittled down, but it doesnt take away from the story.
Film: Sphere
Book: of the same name
Book - to - film rating: 3/5
Visually, the movie does a good job of creating a world described by the book. The cast (IMO) is a perfect choice, even if they don't look like how the characters are described. The book has alittle more action (two additional events take place with the Squid then what is in the movie). The film changes the climax of the book somewhat, but that doesnt really bother me.
Film: Jurassic Park: The Lost World
Book: The Lost World
Book - to - film rating: 2/5
The film has little to do with the book. Main characters from the book are completely cut from the movie, or combined into one character. Dozens more characters were created for the movie, as well as action scenes and events (T.Rex let loose in San Diego, as cool as it was, was not in the book). The book is more of a diaoluge on conservation and the effect we have on nature, with a few action bits thrown in, so I guess Spielburg felt he needed to switch the formula around. The movie on it's own is only decent; its only saving grace is the Rex in San Diego, which again, was not in the book.