Here is my argument in a nutshell:
Anytime a movie or TV project has the "Batman" label on it, it instantly has potential because of the possibilities are endless. But far too often we get a visionary piece and directors trying to make statements. They want to change this, or add that, take away X or make Y bigger and better. They simply forget one thing: If you are directing a big budget movie about a comic book hero, chances are is that the character is alredy a success and has a fanbase. Don't go tweaking this or combining X & Y to get Z. If you want to share your vision, do it in an independant film.
Here is what I want:
Leave Bale alone. So far he is the best one to play the role. Possibly tweak the suit a lil here and there, but that's all.
If Batman is to have a love interest, let it be Selina Kyle or Talia. But if you must give Bruce Wayne a love interst, she must be a bimbo that adds to his cover as a billionaire party boy. If this love interest ever finds out that he's Batman, she's gotta die by the end of the film
The Joker is an icon, don't mess with what's worked for the past 60+ years. He also has a regalness to him, so lose the suit that we've seen so far in the spy pics taken in Chicago. The suit makes him look like a 2 bit bum. I'm not sayng that every suit should be purple and green, but they should be what the Joker considers "fashionable".
The Joker is not a raccoon so lose the black circles around his eyes. Yes, the Joker has been drawn with dark circles under his eyes before, but from what we've seen he looks like he's wearing a Lone Ranger mask.
The mouth has got to go. The cut smile is a good idea if it's done correctly, but it's not working. Lose it. The sloppiness of the red smile makes it look like he's had 5 glasses of Kool Aid. Remember, the Joker has a sense of regalness so I highly doubt is he would draw that on that sloppily.
And speaking of "drawing that on", the Joker is that way due to an accident. He does not get his look from Mary Kaye so we better not see him apply make up in the movie.
Harley Quinn is a character that has been incorporated into the Batman mythos after appearing in a cartoon series. WB owns DC and they decided to make her canon. Just because WB wants to bastardize the mythos does not mean that you have to. Please, no Harley Quinn, and I hope to God never see 2 hyenas named "Bud" and "Lou" in a live action Batman flick. We've had enough camp with the 60's TV show and the last Schumacher film. Please do not incorporate a bloody kids cartoon into your movie.
That's what I want. I know that it won't happen and I'll be flamed for even posting this, but hey it's SSH! Batman forum. I realized it before I posted it. Call me a troll all you want, I'm stating my opnion.