The part where she falls from the building, yes, I'd say that was when her cat transformation was ambiguous, the fall BM and Rachel had from the skyscraper in TDK was even moreso less likely to have broken their fall without injury. It's just one of those action movie conceits, they put soemthing there to explain how they survived such a large fall, and you bring your suspension of disbelief to that scene, which varies from person to person. But, y'know, fug it, I am fine with both scenes giving enough leeway for survival.
It's when she takes the bullets at the end of the movie that it moves more into a more overt declaration that something supernatural has went on in her transformation into Catwoman. She takes a lot of bullets at point blank range, manages to escape from the hideout with no trace of herself, and then shows up on a rooftop in silouette form, apparently fine, and with a new mask , she must've ran home for that I guess, or she licked it back together.