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The Earmarks Thread


Apr 11, 2004
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Here's the complete list of earmarks passed by our Congress and signed by President Obama.


[In thousands of dollars]
Payments under Hatch Act ..................................................... 205,602
Cooperative forestry research (McIntire-Stennis) ......................... 26,031
Payments to 1890 Institutions .................................................. 43,104

Special research grants:
Adv. genetic technologies, U. of Kentucky Research Foundation .......... 481
Advancing Biofuel Production, Baylor University, TX ............................149
Aegilops cylindrica/Biomass (jointed goatgrass), Wash. St. Univ............ 200
Agricultural diversity, University of Minnesota, Crookston .................... 200
Agricultural Entrepreneurial Alternatives, Penn State U........................ 248
Air quality, KSU; Texas AgriLife Research, College Station, TX ............. 300
Alliance for food protection, University of Nebraska ........................... 130
Animal disease research, University of Wyoming ................................ 258
Animal Health, Forages for Advancing Livestock Production Project, KY .. 291
Animal Science Food Safety Consortium, U. of Arkansas Div.of Agriculture, Iowa State University, KSU ............................ 1,000
Apple fire blight, Cornell University/New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, U. of Michigan .................................... 200
Aquaculture product & marketing development, WVU.......................... 521
Aquaculture, LSU Agricultural Center............................................... 200
Aquaculture, Miss. Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station .......... 385
Aquaculture, North Carolina State University...................................... 242
Armillaria root rot, Michigan State University ..................................... 111
Asparagus technology and production, Wash. State University ............. 184
Avian bioscience, University of Delaware .......................................... 100
Barley for Rural Development, Montana State University, U of Idaho ...... 547
Biodesign and Processing, Virginia Tech University .............................. 223
Biomass-based energy research, Ok. St. University, Miss. State Uni ...... 894
Cataloging Genes Associated with Drought and Disease Resistance, New Mexico State University ......................................... 187
Center for One Medicine ................................................................ 250
Center for Public Land and Rural Economies, Utah State University ........ 223
Center for rural studies, University of Vermont College of Agriculture and Life Sciences ..................................................... 261
Childhood obesity and nutrition, University of Vermont College of Agriculture and Life Sciences ........................................... 180
Citrus canker/Greening, University of Florida ..................................... 200
Competitiveness of agricultural products, Washington State University and the U of Washington............................................ 350
Cool season legume research, North Dakota State University, University of Idaho, Washington State University ....................... 250
Cotton insect management and Fiber Quality, U of Georgia .................. 368
Cranberry/Blueberry disease & breeding, Rutgers, .............................. 480
Cranberry/Blueberry, University of Massachusetts .............................. 118
Crop integration and production, South Dakota State University ........... 275
Dairy and meat goat research, Prairie View A&M University .................. 100
Dairy farm profitability, Pennsylvania State University ......................... 372
Delta revitalization project, Mississippi State University ....................... 187
Designing foods for health, Texas AgriLife Research, College Station, TX . 500
Detection and Food Safety, Auburn University, ................................ 1,862
Drought management, Utah State University ...................................... 670
Efficient irrigation, New Mexico State, Texas AgriLife Extension Service and Texas AgriLife Research, College Station, TX ..... 575
Environmentally safe products, U of Vermont College of Agriculture and Life Sciences ..................................................... 200
Floriculture, University of Hawaii ....................................................... 259
Food & Fuel Initiative, Iowa State University ...................................... 298
Food safety, Texas AgriLife Research, College Station, TX ...................... 74
Fresh Produce Food Safety, University of California ............................. 750
Functional Genomics, Utah State University ..................................... 1,192
Future foods, University of Illinois ..................................................... 450
Genomics for Southern Crop Stress and Disease, Miss. State University ... 849
Global change UV/B radiation, Colorado State University .................... 1,500
Grain sorghum, Kansas State University, Texas Tech ........................... 548
Grass seed cropping systems for sustainable agriculture, Oregon State, U of Idaho, Washington State University ...................... 150
Great Basin Environmental Program, University of Nevada—Reno ............ 225
High Performance Computing, Utah State .......................................... 559
Human nutrition, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, ... 526
Increasing Shelf Life of Agricultural commodities, U of Idaho ................. 642
Infectious disease research, Colorado State University ........................ 609
Institute of Agriculture—Phytosensors for Crop Security, U of Tenn........ 745
Integrated Economic, Environmental and Technical Analysis of Sustainable Biomass Energy Systems, Perdue University .............. 200
Joint U.S.-China Biotechnology Research and Extension, Utah State ....... 447
Leopold Center hypoxia project, Iowa State University ..........................112
Livestock & dairy policy, Cornell University, NY, Texas AgriLife Research, College Station, TX ................................................. 200
Livestock waste, Iowa State University ............................................ 196
Lowbush Wild Blueberry research, University of Maine .......................... 184
Managed Drainage System for Crop Production, U of Missouri—Columbia .. 250
Maple research, U of Vermont College of Agriculture and Life Sciences .... 165
Midwest Advanced Food Manufacturing Alliance, U of Nebraska ............. 365
Midwest Center for Bioenergy Grasses, Purdue University ..................... 200
Midwest poultry consortium, Iowa State University ............................. 250
Milk safety, Pennsylvania State University ......................................... 821
Montana Sheep Institute, Montana State University ............................ 270
National beef cattle genetic evaluation consortium, Colorado State, Cornell University, U of Georgia ........... 655
National Center for Soybean Technology, U of Missouri-Columbia ............ 735
Nematode resistance genetic engineering, New Mexico State ................. 223
Nevada arid rangelands initiative, University of Nevada—Reno ................ 400
New Century Farm, Iowa State University .......................................... 300
New crop opportunities, Lexington, KY ............................................... 559
New Satellite and Computer-Based Technology for Agriculture, Mississippi State University .......................................... 697
Oil resources from desert plants, New Mexico State ............................. 187
Organic cropping, Oregon State University ......................................... 149
Organic cropping, Washington State University ................................... 264
Organic waste utilization, New Mexico State University ......................... 74
Peach tree short life research, Clemson University .............................. 208
Pierce’s disease, University of California ......................................... 1,500
Policy Analyses for a National Secure & Sustainable Food, Fiber, Forestry and Energy Program, Tex. AgriLife Res., College Station, 149
Potato Cyst Nematode, University of Idaho ....................................... 372
Potato research, Oregon State, U of Idaho, Wash. State, U of Maine ..... 750
Precision agriculture, Auburn University, ........................................... 446
Precision agriculture, U of Kentucky Research Foundation .................... 502
Preharvest food safety, Kansas State University ................................ 151
Protein utilization, Iowa State University ........................................... 600
Renewable Energy and Products, North Dakota State ......................... 1,000
Ruminant nutrition consortium, U of Nebraska—Lincoln, S Dakota State ... 600
Russian wheat aphid, Colorado State University .................................. 228
Seed technology, South Dakota State University ................................ 300
Small fruit research, Oregon State, U of Idaho, Washington State ......... 300
Soil and Environmental Quality, University of Delaware .......................... 75
Soil-Borne Disease Prevention in Irrigated Agriculture, New Mexico State University .......................................................... 187
Southern Great Plains Dairy Consortium, New Mexico State ................... 250
Soybean research, National Soybean Research Laboratory at the U of Illinois .................................................................... 500
Specialty Crops, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture ............... 175
Sustainable agriculture & natural resources, Penn State University ......... 142
Sustainable beef supply, Montana State University ............................. 200
Sustainable Engineered Materials from Renewable Resources, Virginia Tech ...................................................................... 250
Sweet Sorghum for Energy Production, U of Nebraska—Lincoln ............. 149
Swine and other animal waste management, North Carolina State ......... 372
Tillage, silviculture, waste management, Louisiana State ..................... 200
Tri-state joint peanut research, Auburn University, ............................ 440
Tropical and subtropical research/T–STAR, U of Hawaii ....................... 800
Uniform farm management program, University of Minnesota ................ 250
Virtual plant database enhancement project, Missouri Botanical Garden .. 626
Viticulture consortium, Cornell University, U of California .................... 1,200
Water conservation, Kansas State University ...................................... 74
Water use efficiency and water quality enhancements, U of Georgia ...... 368
Wetland plants, Louisiana State University ........................................ 200
Wheat genetic research, Kansas State University ............................... 256
Wine Grape Foundation Block, Washington State University .................. 237
Wood utilization (AK, ID, LA, ME, MI, MN, MS, NC, OR, TN, WV) .......... 4,841
Total, special research grants ..................................................... 50,749

Improved pest control:
Expert IPM decision support system ................................................. 154
Integrated pest management ....................................................... 2,379
IR–4 minor crop pest management ............................................... 11,368
Pest management alternatives ..................................................... 1,412
Total, Improved pest control ...................................................... 15,313
1994 institutions research program ................................................ 1,610
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative ...................................... 200,000
Agriculture and Rural Policy Research ............................................. 2,602
Alaska Native-serving and Native Hawaiian-serving institutions education grants ............................................................. 3,196
Alternative crops .......................................................................... 819
Aquaculture centers (sec. 1475) ................................................... 3,928
Capacity building grants (1890 institutions) ................................... 13,592
Critical Agricultural Materials Act ................................................... 1,083
Graduate fellowships grants .......................................................... 3,859
Hispanic education partnership grants ............................................ 6,046
Institution challenge grants ......................................................... 5,654
Joe Skeen Institute for Rangeland Management .................................. 983
Multicultural scholars program ......................................................... 981
Payments to the 1994 institutions ................................................. 3,319
Secondary agriculture education ...................................................... 983
Sustainable agriculture research and education .............................. 14,399
Resident instruction grants for insular areas ...................................... 745
Veterinary Medical Services Act ................................................... 5,000

Federal administration:
Agriculture development in the American Pacific, U of Hawaii ................ 372
Agriculture waste utilization, West Virginia State ................................ 485
Agriculture-based industrial lubricants, U of Northern Iowa ................... 405
Applied Agriculture and Environment Research, Cal State University ....... 250
Aquaculture Research, R. Island Coastal Resources Mngm. Council ......... 298
Aquaculture, Cheyney University, PA ................................................ 164
Biotechnology Research, Alcorn State University, MS .......................... 511
Botanical research, Utah State University ......................................... 670
Center for North American studies, Texas AgriLife Research, College Station, TX ................................................................. 200
Centers for Dairy and Beef Excellence, Penn. Dep. of Agriculture .......... 340
Cotton research, Texas Tech University ........................................... 300
Council for Agriculture and Technology, Ames, IA ............................... 112
Electronic Grants Administration System ........................................ 2,136
Ethnobotanicals, Frostburg State University, MD ............................... 500
Farmland Preservation, The Ohio State University .............................. 112
Feed efficiency, West Virginia University .......................................... 112
Florida Biomass to Biofuels Conversion Program, U of Central Florida ...... 250
Medicinal and Bioactive Crops, Stephen F. Austin State University, TX ... 298
Midwest Agribusiness Trade and Info. Center MATRIC, Iowa State ........ 187
Mississippi Valley State University ................................................. 1,067
NE Center for Invasive Plants, U. of Connecticut, the U. of Vermont, and the U. of Maine .................................................... 150
Office of Extramural Programs ........................................................ 440
Pay Cost ................................................................................. 4,973
Peer Panels ................................................................................ 397
PM–10 air quality study, Washington State University ........................ 150
Polymer Research, Pittsburg State University, KS ............................ 1,367
Research, Education, and Economics Information System .................. 2,704
Rural systems, Jackson State University, MS .................................... 229
Shellfish, University of Rhode Island ................................................ 261
Shrimp aquaculture, University of Southern Mississippi ........................ 300
Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia, University of Toledo, OH ....................... 223
Water pollutants, Marshall University, WV ........................................ 410
Total, Federal administration ...................................................... 20,373
Total, CSREES Research and Education Activities ..........................629,871
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that was a lot of work. I had to edit out nearly 8,000 characters to make it fit under the 20,000 characters limit.
Pest control is so absurd. I mean, why should we protect our crops? It's not like they are a part of our economy or anything. :o
So, these earmarks all together add up to exactly what percentage of the bill?
But Obama said there were no Earmarks and he never lies.
Wasn't McCain the one who said that if he was elected president that there would be no earmarks? Obama certainly didn't say that
Wasn't McCain the one who said that if he was elected president that there would be no earmarks? Obama certainly didn't say that
Obama said that the stimulus bill contains and I quote "no earmarks."
Maybe I'm getting confused with all the stimulus plans going around but:

On his second day in Washington, President-elect Obama met with his budget team and promised no earmarks will be in the stimulus plan.

"We are going to ban all earmarks -- the process by which individual members insert pet projects without review," he explained. "We will create an economic recovery oversight board made up of key administration officials and independent advisors to identify problems early and make sure we are doing all we can to solve it."


Or maybe I'm misunderstanding everything about this.
Wasn't McCain the one who said that if he was elected president that there would be no earmarks? Obama certainly didn't say that
Dunno about McCain but Obama most definitely promised no earmarks prior to being president. Jon Stewart ran an entire segment on this. In fact he still denies there are any earmarks.

5 billion divided into 410 billion = 0.01219512195 ad infinium.

Less than 1%. ooooooooooooooooooooooo :dry:
What math are you doing? Add up all the pork and divide it by the total...I would do it but I am too lazy to add up all of those numbers.

Plus...last time I checked, any percentage above 0 doesn't mean none.
What math am I doing? It's called finding a percentage. I did a google search and found an article that said the earmarks totaled 5 billion, in fact I saw several. I just now found that said "7.7 billion" it's up to about 0.01878048780487 ad infinitum or about 2%.

McCain was the one who was said as a candidate "When I‘m president, I will go line-by-line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely" This is what Obama said as a candidate "Finally, if my administration evaluates an earmark and determines that it has no legitimate public purpose, then we will seek to eliminate it and will work with Congress to do so."

So I was wrong when I said "McCain said no earmarks". Neither candidate did.
Obama said that there were no earmarks in the stimulus bill before it was passed. He said that as president...he lied.
Pest control is so absurd. I mean, why should we protect our crops? It's not like they are a part of our economy or anything. :o
Yeah, I mean c'mon, oversight, scientific research, grants to colleges, what good could come from any of this:cmad:...it'd be much wiser to spend out money elsewhere, like, maybe, ummm...the middle east or sumtin'.
A politician lied? Whatever shall we do? I mean that's so unheard of
The stim bill was 787 billion yes? So 7.7 billion in earmarks divided by 787 is still less than 1%...
I didn't vote...both McCain and Obama suck.
This wasn't from the Stimulus Bill. This is from the Federal Budget for Fiscal Year 2009.
It is just sickening to hear people talk him up so much and hold him on such a high pedestal and well...where are they now?
This is a great thread Daniel!
I can't hold Obama to a ridiculously high standard on earmarks, because Congress will ultimately ensure that earmarks are in a spending bill. He could have vetoed the bill, sure; but Congress would have kept pushing this spending regardless of his opposition. In turn, it could have led to a government shutdown, and the last thing our economy needs right now is to have the entire federal government come to a screeching halt.

Moreover, there are other things which ought be downsized from our budget... such as the half trillion we appropriate for defense spending...
I can't hold Obama to a ridiculously high standard on earmarks, because Congress will ultimately ensure that earmarks are in a spending bill. He could have vetoed the bill, sure; but Congress would have kept pushing this spending regardless of his opposition. In turn, it could have led to a government shutdown, and the last thing our economy needs right now is to have the entire federal government come to a screeching halt.

Moreover, there are other things which ought be downsized from our budget... such as the half trillion we appropriate for defense spending...

You tree...hugging...hippie. :dry:


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