the elephant on the end table


eclectic threadkiller
Apr 24, 2006
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I created this thread to continue a discussion that has taken over another thread (as that's really annoying an I hope we can keep it civil here)

I work part time in security at a club and we have couple of security advisor's who do a seminar once a year and (I am trying to verify this which is why I haven't brought it up before) they say that American racist organizations are on the rise especially in colleges...(that's white racist organizations) in the mean time the Rick Ross foundation has long been known to keep track of notable hate group actions this is the site ...

on to the matters before us...
^ uh what? if u mean where the discussion spawned from it started here on page 33...
Hah. Shoulda known that mwmloadsofstupidnumbers was involved.
yeah I am keeping an eye on that thread now
Me too. Could be interesting to see the trainwreck unfolding.
usually happens when I get involved in a race discussion :p but he is seemingly coming from a genuinely confused and questioning place...

Kayalesyin said:
Hah. Shoulda known that mwmloadsofstupidnumbers was involved.
let's not even start that please with such sensitive subject matter this could go nova rather quickly...
honestly that thread was very civil till that guy came in there...and it just snowballed from there.

That pretty much sums up every thread he's been near. Started out as a simple mysodginist trolling some of the threads here... seems to have branched out a bit...

Don't take it personal. He gets off on pushing buttons.
yeah I see that possibility, but if you look at the structure of the arguments and the content of his posts (IMO) it more shows a less discerning but definitely seeking attitude, with a level of intelligence not usually found in your average flaming troll, again civility please gentlemen (and ladies)I want to actually discuss this so... no personal attacks or down talking si vous plait...
I found his comments highly...entertaining. :cool:

But as I said there: Skillful, effective debating is an art that needs to be mastered. There's a way to express yourself intelligently while still keeping your fellowman's trachea intact.
but enough processed thought exists for me to wish to continue the discussion
gotta run to werk...and play anon gentle persons and again I ask that we continue civility...
yeah I see that possibility, but if you look at the structure of the arguments and the content of his posts (IMO) it more shows a less discerning but definitely seeking attitude, with a level of intelligence not usually found in your average flaming troll, again civility please gentlemen (and ladies)I want to actually discuss this so... no personal attacks or down talking si vous plait...

I pretty much see it as him lacking empathy and looking to shock people with his comments.....He is clearly intelligent but some of his statments are and he lacks proof to back them up.

And I talk down to everyone....but it's only because i'm very tall. :oldrazz:
2. Prove it,... I've spent a few years constructing lectures on such in the military so you post a few links showing Blacks making the same level of gains within the same time period prior to civil rights as they did afterwards.

Tsk I'm surprised you even tried to slide that one by me.

No problem

As of 1940 87% percent lived below the official poverty level. By 1960 this rate had fallen to 47% (a nearly 50% reduction in 20 years) Between 1960 and 1970 the rate dropped to 30%

However between 1970 and 1980 the rate had only dropped to 29%

Source America in Black and white: One NAtion Indivisible By abigail and stephan Thernstrom. Published by simon and shuster in 1997 page 233.

Now since the civil rights act was passed in 1964 (not 1967 as I had mistakenly stated.) That means that between 1940 and and the passage opf the Civil Rights act the percentage of black families had dopped from 87% to around 35% (splitting the difference between 1960-70 ) However in the 16 years after had only dropped from around 35% to 29%

In other words while the nuumber of black families living below the poverty line had decreased by more than 60% prior to passage of the civil rights act, the rate of decrease dropped by only 20 percent in the 16 years following. Prior to passage the average decrease was around 3% per year, wheras it was less than 1% every two years after.

I don't try to "slide" things especially when it comes to economics. In point of fact if I mention an economic statistic, trend, or theory, you can take it to the bank. Thats my field.

Your opinion,.. esp without EXAMPLES. Simply saying it's so isn't going to work here.

In ref to "resources" One example would be Education. I realize based on reading the rest of your response that when you can't defend you go to one word responses simply sitting in denial

1. You really can't say ANYTHING about how people live in America if you don't know what Redlining is in ref to.

I know what redlining is. I said it didn't matter to me, since in terms of what we were discussing it is irrelevant.

Redlining has nothing to do with Blacks moving into white neighborhoods, since its the practise of refusing services or increasing thier costs in minority neighborhopods. In hat way does refusing to offer mortgatges in Black neighborhoods, have anything to do with blacks buying homes in white neighborhoods where mortgatges are offered?

Sigh,.. yes you did. Is this the part where I go back to your descriptions of being beat down in a minority neighborhood because you were white? No thanks.

I never implied whites wouldn't move there as a result of that. Obviously they would as we moved there. I simply pointed out that it was a racially motivated issue.

And if so,... why can't there be the concept of "Black enough" in reference to Black people by black people.

Your arrogance is showing.

Because unlike the other examples you gave, man/woman grown/child Smart/dumb, there is no actual difference between blacks and whites save perception. There is a biological difference between men and women, children and adults, the smart and the dumb. Ther eis no such biologica differemce between whites and blacks.

Nope. reference your own words on this,.. I shouldn't have to cut and paste as you dance around the subject.

These words?

You ask a Black what they mean by "not Black enough" and most of the answers come down to "culture".
He's not been where a lot of blacks are and those blacks don't feel he would have their best interests at heart because of it. The poster labels this as "racism".
I grew up in a black majority neighborhood as one of very few whites.
And? It's still not racism to say that someone can't relate with where you come from,... otherwise I could call you racist.

You said someone can't relate To where I come from, I said they could. I agree that beliving someone cant relate to your experiences becasue they aren't black is racist I said even though others had not gone through the same thing they could relate if their experineces were similar.
Hypocrite. I can pull up testimonials where Whites don't feel comfortable with black police because they are black,.. black doctors because they are black, black military because they are black,.. and in each case WHITES in charge to ease the concerns of those white people with issues took the blacks out of the equation,... now you are going to sneer at Blacks doing the same for blacks at a time when whites were coming into their neighborhoods and hurting folk?

"they do it too" is a argument children use. And it isn't valid then either.

Who's the racist who doesn't recognize that his own people have done such for DECADES yet can't allow blacks the same position?


And now we reach the heart of your argument. "Whites have been racist for so long, now its our turn
Ah,.. your lack of knowledge involving history comes up,.. and you call me stupid too.

Whatever,.. just consider "recruiting those in power" = "Throwing the disenfranchised a bone " To keep them quiet and under control.

Take a college course,... you'll do better.

So If I don't understand history tell em how many women were US legislators prior to womens suffrage? How many Blacks were legislators prior to the Civil rights act?

If whites in congres and the senate did not vote to pass this legislation who did?

Sources please,.. we'll compare,.. Mine is Marina Krakovsky. and yours is a viewpoint which appears is part of the problem.

The rest of your post kinda dissolved into namecalling and the kind of boasting I expect to read on Stormfront.

(with the exception of the concession on your part in regards to Black colleges admitting anyone who wants to go.)

When see stupidity I call it stupidity. To say that balcks were responsible for the civil rights act being passed or that women were responsible for womens suufrege being passed in illogical. Neither could have happened since neither group had the abillity to get laws passed prior to them being passed. How many Blacks were in congress or the senate in 1963? Yes blacks marched, and protested and made thier voices heard. But it was whites who wrote the bills, debated the bills, and voted on the bills that became those laws. It was becasue the majority of americans supported such legislation, despite the issues with desegregation in the south, that the legislators then passed said laws. Blacks couldn't have becasue they weren't legislators. Theyw eren't and still aren't a big enough percentage of the population to force recalcitrant legislators to do so, and couldn't vote for them in anycase. It was precisely becasue the vast majority of Americnas disagreed with segregation that it was changed.

To suggest anything else is to show an ignorance of history, and government so vast as to be incomprehensible.

I will have to provde the educational statistics tomorrow as I do not have them in front of me my field is economics not education. However I will point out that one of the reasons for the substansial increase in Balck incomes was the increase in black graduates at both the pre and post doctorate level.
The reason I have called you a racist varient is simple,
1) you belive the myth that there is an inherant difference between whites and blacks
2) You cast all whites during the eras in question and today as "racist" despite the fact that none of the reforms you belive to have been helpful could have been passed without the support of whites. If whites were, or are, as racist as you claim, none of these reforms would have taken place.
This is not in dispute nor can it be rationally disputed, as whites were the only ones who had the power to make these reforms. To claim that whites kept blacks opressed and powerless and then claim in the same breath that blacks had the power to make such reforms happen without white support is so illogical as to simply boggle the mind.
3) While you don't openly espouse it, you inply that because some whites have exhibited racist behavior, blacks are entitled to behave in the same way. Not only is this morally problematic, it is again illogical.
4) you then defend this racism as "just" based upon the principle that "they did it too"
Essentially you are creating a circular argument. We have to be racist because others were/are, and its ok becasue others were are. you seem to keep falling under the impression that the solution to racism is racism itself, which is inane.

Finally as to redlining, while I do not dispute that it has happened, it was far less prevalent than people believe.
Many attempt to point out the higher costs of goods in poor black neighborhoods as redlining, while forgetting than it is the very problems asscosiated with these neighborhoods that casues prices to increase. In poor neighborhoods, wehther black or white, labor, stock, spoilage, and loss costs are considerably higher, as are secutrity costs, all of which increase prices.
In amny ways it reminds me of a line in 52, when Raph and Green arrow were meeting.
A thief comes running out of the convience store with diapers, the shopkeeper yells "stop thief" GA then stops the shopkeeper and justifies it by saying "he said stop thief, I stopped the guy charging 8 bucks for diapers in a war zone"
Yet it never occurs to the writers that the very reason staples are so expensive in "war zone areas" is becasue its more costly to do business in a "war zone" It is a mistake I see made constatly, primarily due to the fact that we do not educate our childre, or adults for that matetr in basic economic principles.
again, I gotta say I love the dude's worldly airs, and frequent and baffling misspelling of key words.
Let's back up and restate the reason for this discussion lest we get off topic. mwm1331 stated this
mwm1331 said:
The fact is "white racism" barely exists. "Black racism" on the other hand is more prevalent that white racism was when blacks were still slaves.
in post # 826 of the parent thread a link can be found in the first post of this thread (it took place on page 34)
I don't believe (and by all means type up if I'm wrong) that any one denies the existence of racism vs. whites in the black community. but to say that
mwm1331 said:
"white racism" barely exists. "Black racism" on the other hand is more prevalent that white racism was when blacks were still slaves.
is easy to disprove I will start here: with
"Black racism" on the other hand is more prevalent that white racism was when blacks were still slaves.

in 1705 blacks were legislated into lifelong slavery in Virginia a practice that other colonies would soon follow as verified here as a result of this determination of blacks, for the next hundred sixty plus years Blacks were dehumanized in the eyes of whites to allow slavery to continue without them having to deal with the consequent guilt. There are actual "scientific" papers that were written during this time to "prove" blacks had no souls, were mentally incapable and generally unfit to be really considered truly human. ( I will cite examples at another time as it is 6:30 am I haven't slept yet and that requires research, any more cognizant posters willing to do that foot work at this time or able to cite any examples would be appreciated) to my knowledge none of the prevalent black racist are claiming whites are without souls and or mentally incapable and generally unfit to be really considered truly human. (again if anyone can site any prevalent claims to the contrary I should be very interested to read them... I will start there with an open ended claim, subject to more research on both sides of the issue. I ask that we focus on the claims in question and not focus on minutiae resultant of derivative arguments

we can get to those later :woot:
Finally as to redlining, while I do not dispute that it has happened, it was far less prevalent than people believe.
Many attempt to point out the higher costs of goods in poor black neighborhoods as redlining, while forgetting than it is the very problems asscosiated with these neighborhoods that casues prices to increase. In poor neighborhoods, wehther black or white, labor, stock, spoilage, and loss costs are considerably higher, as are secutrity costs, all of which increase prices.

I believe that Varient's take on redlining has more to do with the information that is provided in this link : then with anything else. I have never thought of the higher cost and quality of food in minority neighborhoods to be redlining. I think it is unfair but I do see it changing in New York where a lot of the bigger supermarkets are moving into black neighborhoods. To be honest though, they are moving into areas that are experiencing gentrification but still maintain a very high black population i.e., Fort Green, Bedford Stuyvesant. The thing about redllining and home ownership is messed up because some blacks have to use secondary lenders that charge a higher percentage rate or an unconventional mortgage which increases the chance that the home will be foreclosed upon. Anyway just wanted to make a note about the redlining issue. The other things that are being discussed, I do not want to get into because I believe the basic premise (i.e., the majority of blacks being racist) is a fallacy.
Debate threads (race/religon) = The best threads on the Hype. :up:

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