They also specialize in extreme amounts of disinformation (incorrect and untrue information that supports their cause but doesn't reflect reality), destruction of private property, attacks on individuals, and unnecessary subversiveness. And, as illustrated in the opening post of this thread, they frequently engage in hypocritical behavior as a form of publicity seeking. If they were truly animal lovers, they'd know that trying to put this baby polar bear into the wild would endanger it since it has no real survival skills (not to mention the environmental changes have been diminishing polar bear numbers in the wild). Instead they advocate just killing it since it can't be free. Ridiculous. What sort of an animal lover says something like that?
Look, I'm a very big animal lover and animal rights supporter. I'm also a proponent of conservation and environmental preservation. But these things need to be done with some finesse and diplomacy, legislative reform, and by helping people understand actual, truthful FACTS rather than distributing disinformation and just causing further confusion. If they had a legitimate agenda to work towards, they'd act accordingly. Their actions indicate to me that they're just a bunch of anti-social jackasses who get more glee out of pulling the stunts they're known for than actually progressing their cause and really protecting animals and nature. No one takes them seriously, and it's their own damn fault. They had a chance to be a very powerful lobbyist group with some influence, but they pissed it away with their antics. That's why I support serious groups that make a real difference like the National Wildlife Fund, The World Wildlife Fund, and The Audubon Society. Unlike thse PETA a-holes, they're actually making a difference and they're doing it in an effective fashion that doesn't alienate people. PETA has become a haven for people who just want to engage in anti-social behavior and they are a joke.