that's right u can't hear me. I should use sign language then. Wait... Something tells me that that would'nt work.
Anyway, to business. Ross is the main antagonist, well one thing people should know is that he's not a villain, a villain is defined as someone who is evil who opposes the "good" protagonist. An antagonist could be the same thing but not necessarily evil. Ross has always seen Hulk as a threat and always will. In his mind he is protecting his country. And I have faith that Zak Penn and L.L. will be able to put their creative action movie minds together to create some unique action scenes between the Hulk and Ross' arsenal. Who knows maybe we'll see the hulkbusters? Don't worry Sava u'll get ur scene with Ross asking Bruce for help because eventually the way I see the story going is that they capture the Hulk but the Abomination is on the loose and eventually Ross is going to have to let the threat of the Hulk continue by setting him free to fight the Abomination. Which thematically speaking makes sense because one of the themes of The Incredible Hulk in all media depictions is the theme of all the characters: Coming so close to success and experiencing success with their primary goal and eventually having to give it all up in order to do the right thing. Man am I smart! unless u want to debate with me on this Sava? huh? u wanna piece of this? because if u don't I totally understand. well bother ya later?