Yeah, the whole set. BBTS. Didn't want to hunt them. Had to have clayface. He's the best out of the line, but I don't know if you'll like his arms. They are bendy which is cool. But I'm afriad to bend them too much. I might post pics of him later this weekend. I only spend a few hours at home a week awake now. They're making me work 9 and a half hours now. So I'm gone from 7 to 4:30 in the morning. Plus I've got that stupid class.
Clayface is the biggest yet. Looks really good in the back of all my figures. I'm glad to finally have a descent clayface. he was the only one I considered buying back from the old BTAS series.
The rest you could probably pass on. Catwoman is cool I guess. Joker is just lame. I hate his legs. And you can't really pose his arms much. I hope that the DC Universe or whatever they're called get an up in articulation.
If you don't want Catwoman I'd gladly take her. As for Clayface's bendy arms I kinda figured that out from the proto/packaged pics and it doesn't bother me at all. He looks great, and thats what I was hoping for.
The thing is I think I'd like Halo but I've never had either of the XBOX consoles so I've never played it and the handful of friends I have that play games have only had PS consoles. I personally have a PS2.
i never had an xbox. and i really didnt kno why halo was sooo great. i still don tnow tbh. really the only reason im getting it is because it came with my console as part of the deal. but im looking forward to trying it out. im trying to do somthing on another game first lol
Well, I saw this show yesterday and I got pretty interested. But I dunno, I'm pretty much set on getting a PS3 hopefully by years end so I doubt I'll ever really give it a shot.
I like'em, but thats not really the thing that interests me. The sci-fi element with the aliens and all is what I'm liking. It seems very interesting and in-depth storywise. I could be wrong though.
very true. if the games director/main creator was worked closely with i think they could do a faithful adaptation. thats the key to a good game/comic film, working close with the source.
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